November 16, 2014

Woman Sues Owners of Dog Killed by Her Pit Bulls

A Texas woman whose four pit bulls entered her neighbors’ yard through a hole in the fence and killed their 10-year-old beagle is suing them for $1 million.

Emerald White says in her lawsuit filed this week in Galveston County district court that she was “seriously injured” on Oct. 27 trying to stop the attack and retrieve her dogs. She says she suffered “multiple serious bite and scratch-type injuries” and accuses her neighbors of failing to securely confine and restrict their dog, Bailey
White also contends she’s feeling “conscious pain and suffering and now suffers also from fear, anxiety and trepidation.” 

Read more here

I bet Emerald White learned this move from the Israelis, they love to beat people over the head with a club and then (they) scream ouch and want the victim to compensate them for the wear and tear on their club.


  1. What ticks me off is that this also results in more bad press for the greatly maligned pit bull.

    This idiot had unrestrained beasts that she did not have properly socialized and they did what any such dogs will do. (I have seen poodles do similarly destructive things on a rampage).

    Hopefully this case will go absolutely nowhere. This is a case where a person is truly unfit to own dogs ~ her dogs doing such a thing cause her emotional problems? She was unsettled to begin with if that is the case.

    I feel sorry for the victims here ~ Bailey, his owner, and the pit bulls. All are being victimized by this creature.

  2. The things about pit-bulls are true to a certain extent. My second cousin in Massachusetts had a well trained and well kept pit-bull. One day her aunt was baby sitting it and she accidentally stepped on its paw it tackled her to the ground and severely disfigured her face so not all the stories to demonize pit-bulls aren't just propaganda.


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