January 13, 2015

David Duke Show 2015.01.13

Chapter one: Dr. David Duke comes on today immediately after appearing on the black Christian Conservative, Jesse Peterson Show.
He tells about what happened on the show and includes some of the direct quotes from the Gospels that totally refute the Zio-influenced Christian-Zionist lies.
He quotes from Hebrews in the New Testament where God says specifically, "They (the Jews) continued not in my covenant and I considered them not, saith the Lord."
He talks about the most common three word applicable phrase in the New Testament, "Fear of the Jews." Such as for fear of the Jews no one spake of him (Jesus).
And it is in this "fear of Jews" The powerful, anti-Christian, Jewish racist masters of media and government, that far too many Christians grovel.
He talks about the fact that Christians are told that Judaism is a pro-Christian religion when in fact the Jewish Talmud claims that Jewish priests have conjured Jesus from the grave and are boiling him in human excrement for eternity! Shocking, strange but absolutely true!
Then He shows the incredible damage done by these Jewish masters of media to both European Americans and African Americans and hundreds of millions of others in America and around the world.
A busy show, Dr. Duke then goes in depth into why Europe and America have increasing terrorist attacks -- all because of the Zionist influence over Western immigration policies and the promotion of Israel's murder, ethnic cleansing, and the result of Jewish media and government support for the radical al Nursra (Qaeda) in Syria as well as ISIS, by direct support in addition to attempting to destroy Assad's Christian and moderate Sunnite leadership.
Dr. Slattery adds incredibly powerful commentary as well.
This one you don't want to miss! Share it and support Dr. Duke's vital work with your gifts!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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  1. Ah, Jesse Lee Peterson.

    First, some gossip, then some substance.

    I remember when he was suddenly heavily promoted on GCN back when George Whitehurst-Berry had his show on there in the morning. After Derry Brownfield died, they suddenly pumped up Peterson and he got so much attention but I knew it would be a flash in the pan because his big claim to fame was being a black guy blasting Obama for being a sellout to blacks and all Americans. And sure enough, his show suddenly vanished one day.

    For the substantive matters, he had the "Bible Guy" on there, and come to think of it, for WHOOLI, especially, that's another Christian who makes all sorts of unorthodox claims in addition to what John Anderson would make, and Peterson bought into them as well, and so do I.

    Great to hear that Peterson doesn't worship Jews, as I hadn't heard anything specific on that before. I never remembered him praising him like most black preachers do.


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