March 01, 2015

Texe Marrs Podcast 2/20/2015 - The TranceFormation of Humanity (Part 1, Sex, Politicians, and War)

The Illuminati, made up mostly of Jews, has worked for decades to pollute and destroy American culture and to undermine Christianity. Texe Marrs, in this series, examines six revolutionary areas in which the elite have succeeded in creating a mass trance, or hypnotic state: Sex, Politicians, War, Machines, God, and the Exaltation of the Jews. On Part 1, we see how sexual lust, crooked and lying politicians, the thirst for war and conquest, and the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence are TranceForming America and the world.

*The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionism
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War


  1. God has planned the entire history of the world and mankind but you have free will

  2. Christian Branquhino, you appear to have unlocked the secrets of time and space - indeed the secrets of the universe itself. I, for one am impressed.

  3. I was debating a point made by Texe Marrs in the audio archive


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