October 23, 2019

Diversity is our greatest strength


  1. About a year ago the Catholic fuckwit and shameless plastic paddy, E. Michael Jones, had the nerve to put to me that Ireland had a tradition of welcoming niggers into the genepool using the myth of the 'black Irish' as his proof.

  2. Has anyone checked to make sure the 'Ryans' got home safely from Lidl?

  3. Looks like methnic black on methnic black using an expensive car.
    In only 1976 I recall locals in West Cork seeing the first black dude and genuinely asking if he had fallen in the bog whilst turf cutting.
    You might be experiencing payback from certain people for repeatedly not accepting the Lisbon Treaty.
    Taking of the Emerald.2

  4. The Irish have always had a strong devotion to Blessed Martin de Porres. He was black.

  5. Our enemy tells us that it is diversity that makes up strong. (((They))) are liars and deceivers. (((They))) push everything that is against the family, i.e. pornography, homosexuality, feminism, same-sex marriage, etc. Women are pushed into the workplace. Men are demonized, jobs are outsourced, invaders brought in which lower wages. Who takes care of children anymore?
    Jews control the media, banks, publishing, academia, politicians, etc.
    Americans seem to be the most brainwashed people on planet earth. Time to reverse the programming. A secure family is a nation's strength. - https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.-KMMijqltRkig9PoC82GKwHaE8&pid=Api&rs=1

  6. RE: "smoked Irish" (evil done to the Irish) - Irish people exiled by Cromwell and African slaves arrived on Montserrat at about the same time. (becoming mixed, hence the slur "smoked") - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfip96k1cE0


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