October 23, 2019

E. Michael Jones: The Deception Facing the Church by Christian Zionism


  1. As if the church hasn't been deceiving us for centuries LOL


  2. THe church I S the same as the askhenazi jews.
    This has been the case since St. Paul, nee Saul, to today, when there's a Reading from the jewish prophets...Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc.

  3. E. Michael Jones is like a stuck record. It's the same crap over and over. I used to import his books which were sold at cost to interested parties through an independent book shop, but stopped after the publication of Barren Metal. His books contain many errors, and sometimes claims that are unsupported and false. In fact I believe some of what he publishes in his own name is not entirely his own work and believe it is put together by a 'committee' of (catholic?) researchers/writers, perhaps with Jewish input, just as Winston Churchill's works often were; especially in his later years.

    A Case in Point:

    Last November Jones appeared on Jean-Francois Gariépy's 'Public Space' and via the SuperChat was asked a question specifically about the "Tanakh" (Hebrew Bible). The 'TaNaKh' is an acronym that describes the Hebrew Bible as divided into its three subdivisions. When Jones replied that he did not know what the Tanakh is and (IIRC) said he had never heard of it, I almost fell off my chair!

    In all seriousness: I do not believe it is possible for a learned Phd to research, write, and self-publish a 1200pp book called The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History without knowing of The Tanakh....It's simply not plausible.

  4. Henry - I think you have the books mixed up.
    Baren Metal is 1200+ pages, Jewish Revolutionary spirt is 600+ pages.
    I have a copy of both in my library.

    I was impressed by Barren Metal, an enormous book to read much less write.
    What about it displeased you?
    Do you have any evidence supporting the idea of authorship by committee?
    But I must admit, that's strange about the Tanakh.

    There are many points upon which I disagree with EMJ but I believe he's sincere in his beliefs.

  5. Scorpio, I also have them and have imported others. You should go back to your library and check again. Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is (as I said) 1200pp and Barren Metal is 1456pp. My 'evidence' is empirical and I gave an example in the post above. Your own sense that "Barren Metal, [is] an enormous book to read much less write." is noted. Do you really think that Jones can tour the world as he does giving endless speeches and interviews and often visiting closed countries like Iran and primitive villages in 3rd world African nations meanwhile finding the time necessary to research, write and publish his 1000+ page books, his seemingly constant stream of pamphlets and ebooks, and his Culture Wars periodical?

    I've engaged with Jones and challenged him directly on related issues but have stopped now as my comments and questions became invariably removed without explanation while Jones denies that he does such a thing. Maybe that fact in itself constitutes evidence of the involvement of (at least) 'one other' in the activities of Dr.Jones, if not a 'committee'


  6. Disregard the mythtardation.

    Highlight the very sound
    freedom of speech aspects.

  7. I agree with Steve, especially the Vatican.
    @ Henry. I am not surprised to see what you state. I no longer listen to him. I was done with him when he supported non-European invasion and him pointing at the jew does not make him allied to me. Thank you Henry.

  8. You people know that LITERAL alien over-lords are in-control of this entire fucking planet, right, and I am 100% serious?

    As-a-matter-of-fact, Genius Tucker Carlson KNOWS this, too, and THAT is why he does so many segments dealing with The UFO Cover-up.

    He, like me, knows that this is THE ONLY explanation that answers-all-of-the-questions, from how technology, LITERALLY, exponentially-increased within-a-span-of-20-years, or so, from steam-powered vehicles to fucking hydrogen-bombs.

    You people can believe whatever you want, but facts are facts, and the reality is that we have NO POWER against them, but WE SURE-AS-FUCK CAN AFFECT WHAT HAPPENS, REGARDING OTHER HUMAN-BEINGS, AND THINGS LIKE THAT...

  9. Henry - I stand corrected after checking the books.
    You could be right with your hypothesis.

    WWS - excellent point.

  10. Scorpio, Jones will not take on the Jewish orthodoxy nor will he expose their often repugnant practices. I have sent him chapter and verse evidence sourced directly from Jewish law books in my possession but he refuses to use them in any published works or cite them when engaged in debate. Jones often boasts that he has "converted many Jews" and some of them certainly contribute to his activities. One in particular is the Russian Jew with many aliases, Israel Shamir. In 2009 Shamir was allowed by Jones to launch a vicious attack on the work of Michael Hoffman. Whether Shamir was using Jones or Jones was using Shamir or this was a collaborative attack against Hoffman is not clear, but what is clear is that Jones would not publish Hoffman's rebuttal. You can read all about the clash here: http://www.ascertainthetruth.com/att/index.php/comparative-religion/where-religions-differ/622-michael-hoffman-refutes-israel-shamir

    NB: The rest of this post exceeds the number of characters permitted and so It will need to be posted into sections....

  11. Continued...

    Earlier in August 2007 Michael Hoffman also complained that E. Michael Jones had refused the details of his own research and his evidence against Jewish orthodoxy when he sent the following to Mark Dankof:

    From Michael Hoffman, 24/08/07

    Dear Mr. Dankof

    You may not be aware that E. Michael Jones blacks out all mention of my book "Judaism's Strange Gods," published in the year 2000, which generated a firestorm of controversy at Amazon.com with 49 customer reviews (surpassing many NY Times' bestsellers). Yet Jones denies his readers knowledge of it. This has gone on for years.

    Dr. Jones also boycotts all publicity for my forthcoming book, "Judaism Discovered." I have written hundreds of articles and essays on aspects of Judaism (see: http://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/ and http://www.revisionisthistory.org/archives.html), Jones has no interest in publishing any of them in his journal.

    Several months ago he issued a private call, via e-mail, for information he did not possess, on the Talmud and abortion. When his question was forwarded to this writer through a third party, I offered to assist him, if he would simply acknowledge my assistance in print. I never heard from him.

    The boycott has been very destructive to the circulation and success of our work.

    Judaism's authority and prestige is never going to be curtailed without addressing the religion of Orthodox Judaism itself, using its own texts, to indict it at a level that cannot be evaded or overturned. I laid the groundwork for such an effort in "Judaism's Strange Gods", and with "Judaism Discovered," a 700-page book heavy with citations in Hebrew and Aramaic using the most recondite rabbinic texts and sources, I believe the goal has been achieved.

    However, with little or no pre-publication publicity for this forthcoming work outside my own website and mailing list, the Judaics need not be troubled by it. This is a diabolic situation, not at all mitigated by the fact that Dr. Jones otherwise "does a lot of good work." I don't doubt it, but whatever that work might be, it deals in symptoms. Without a definitive scholarly refutation of rabbinic Judaism, we will continue to dwell in a rut, forever on the defensive, forever losing to a resurgent rabbinism, even as we nitpick this or that outer manifestation of its iniquitous root.

    I don't know the rhyme or reason for the boycott, and Dr. Jones is not the only one so engaged. I am not certain if it is due to envy, a sense of rivalry, or skepticism about my credentials and abilities in handling the material. However it is motivated, the boycott is a boon to Judaism and a severe hindrance of the truth which God wants told. People should be aware of how late is the hour and how grave are the repercussions issuing from this blackout.

    If I am not the man for the job, and I fully acknowledge my human frailties and foibles, who is, and where is that scholar's encyclopedic exposé?....cont

    1. Hoffman's got some cheek. He can barely utter the word 'Jew' for fear of reprisals, whereas Jones couldn't give a rats what Jews and other useful idiots think.

      Most people who follow Jones hardly knew he existed in 2007, so what is this 'Jew' word denier and this poster actually on about?

      Jones has done more for spreading the reality and truth of the JQ then these two clowns combined.

      This site has also corrrectly stated that Jews lead the 'White Nationslist' cause and Jones, correctly IMO, claims WN is a losing strategy because what does it actually mean to be white, when whites have slaughtered and massacred each other, speak different languages and have profound cultural differences, and have aided and abetted the Jew at every turn.

      Give me Jones over Hoffman every day of the week. Logos is rising, and that is almost entirely due to one man.

      Who fears not the Jew nor of naming him.

  12. Continued:

    ...There is a fairly substantial and growing anti-Zionist, paleo-conservative industry devoted to sniping at rabbinic Judaism in little digs here, columns and magazine articles there, and blogs and webpages all over the Internet. Individually it stimulates a momentary response of resistance or inspiration, and then gets filed and forgotten. A massive hardcover book, however, has presence and gravitas and sticks in the mind, to say nothing of offering the priceless utility of a comprehensive index that affords the reader extensive opportunity for reference and insight into almost every dark corner of the Judaic creed.

    It is ironic, if not outright perverse, that almost no one engaged publicly in this busy industry, with some honorable exceptions (Jeff Rense, Bruce Leichty, Victor Thorn), has offered to do any pre-publicity for "Judaism Discovered" or breathe a word about the existence of "Judaism's Strange Gods" or Eisenmenger's classic "Traditions of the Jews," which we reprinted last year and which contains a 90 page introduction to the subject by yours truly.

    My work is not only down the memory hole of the New York Times, it has been flushed by many of the spokesmen and house organs who are paid by the anti-Zionist reading public to inform them about developments in this field. But concerning our work they have been left totally in the dark.

    This scandal has transpired for years. For that reason I do not believe that much of the opposition to Judaism is really serious. It's more a hobby and a sub-cult, in which the operators are loath to include anyone who is not their buddy, lest that person's new revelations up-end the comfortable seating arrangement of their vessel. So they continue to rake in the shekels for performing the task of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    If this complacent status quo is maintained, we will continue to lose. But we can't afford to lose for much longer, without being more or less completely routed and extirpated.

    That's not good enough for me. I want the victory of God's will which Jesus Christ told us to work for: "...fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra." With emphasis on "terra."

    Michael A. Hoffman II

    SHORTLIST OF THOSE ENGAGED IN THE BOYCOTT: Taki/Paul Gotfried, Israel Shamir, Alexander Cockburn, Alex Jones, E. Michael Jones, Justin Raimondo, American Conservative magazine, Chronicles magazine, Lewllyn Rockwell, Ted Pike, Joe Sobran.

    Source: https://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=68384

  13. Henry - Thanks for the information. I was unaware of the clash between
    Hoffman and EMJ. I truly appreciate the time you took to post this.
    I have both of Hoffman's books on Judaism. He is an excellent scholar.
    Perhaps EMJ unwavering faith in the RCC has tainted his judgement.

    The comment section is at its best when we are able to learn from each other.

  14. Scorpio, Hoffman is also a devout Roman Catholic with unwavering faith but they seem to have no or very little common ground. I can go much further in demonstrating Jones as a bold faced liar and grave danger to our cause, but as this thread is about to disappear down the internet memory hole I'll hold back for now. About 18 months ago I told Jones that I considered him the greatest online threat to our cause and he laughed at that, but recently I've been told that Kyle Hunt has said the same or similar. That's encouraging.

  15. He still doesn't know who the jews are. Christ wasn't jew and the word jew didn't exist till 16 century. Ancient Hebrew language didn't have "J" only Y or I !!! 95 % of jews today are Turko-Mongol garbage only 5 percent are Sephardic -Canaanites-Hitites MIX race garbage !!! Adultery in Bible means RACE MIXING and it's forbidden by Bible !!! We white Europeans are TRUE descendants of Adam and Eve a God chosen Race and that's why jews want to destroy us with race-mixing CRAP !!! Everything what my Father didn't planted will be rooted OUT!!! FOR GOOD, no survivors this time !!!!

  16. @Max Smart said: "Jones has done more for spreading the reality and truth of the JQ then these two clowns combined"

    Name "these two clowns combined" so we know exactly who and what you're talking about...

  17. Awaiting Agent 99 revelation!


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