January 05, 2020

Have You Been Hornswoggled? Which Flag is Which?

The people of the United States actually have two national flags: one for our military government and another for the civil. Each one has fifty stars in its canton, and thirteen red and white stripes, but there are several important differences.

1 comment:

  1. Further "In 2003 the uniform regulation for the Army was updated. Army Regulation 670-1, “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia,” addresses explicitly the proper and lawful placement of the U.S. flag patch on the Army uniform.

    The regulation states that the stars are to face forward. When authorized for application to the proper uniform the American flag patch is to be worn, right or left shoulder. One of the flags will, therefore, be reversed (right shoulder) in order to adhere to the regulation and custom of having the stars facing forward. The term, “Assaulting Forward” has been adopted by combat troops (instead of "facing forward").

    The appropriate flag (color or subdued) for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the reverse side flag."

    A questions for US patriots.

    1. Why is the flag not put on the right sleeve so the flag flies in its proper orientation?

    It has been suggested that Homeland Security was set up as the most recent dummy corporation since after the last 70 year deadline for the bankruptcy. Any thoughts?


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