January 05, 2020

Military Drafts, Albert Pike, & WW3 Examined


  1. We shall see what we shall see. Personally I think it is written and all we can do is stand our ground as best we can at this point.

    The steam roller is chugging along and gathering speed. The coming decade is crucial; things were set in motion many thousands of years ago; now they come to a head; this is not the first time these same entities have brought us to this point.

    The draft could come back. More brother on brother violence over what. Nations being burned down and totally destroyed before our eyes. Dumbed-down populaces and vile politicians capable of the lowest forms of betrayal. Nothing new folks. Remember feudalism?

    Hand me a bottle and a bowl of popcorn. All we can do is watch at this point. And prepare however it behooves us.

  2. The Albert Pike letter was thoroughly debunked years ago.


  3. Arson is a weapon of war! It has been for centuries, millenniums! Check out some Old Testament references to burning a city before overtaking it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Proponents of the purported Albert Pike-Freemasonry conspiracy have erroneously claimed that Pike's correspondence with Giuseppi Mazzini was kept on public exhibit by the British Museum. The actual exhibit was a series of Times conspiratorial works that were misinformed by the deceptions of the popular serial 18th century hoaxster Leo Taxil. The Pike-Mazzini correspondence was a deception invented by Taxil, who later admitted the hoax. Even after that, however, Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, William Guy Carr, Myron Fagan, and others still fell for it.


    Terry Melanson, "Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars?" =Conspiracy Archive, Jan. 10, 2015


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