February 08, 2020

Coronavirus: "To Really Destroy the USA, Just Stop Sending..."


  1. What the hell

    are people, are family men with children, are even older women going to sit there and starve? Are farmers going to allow themselves, their families to starve?

    Or are they going to start planting, outdoors, indoors or anywhere?

    THere's no choice but to go back to the lifestyle of "The Little House on the Prairie."

    And to form Local Councils that will take care of the Local Communities. Using LOCAL Currencies.

  2. Within the first 2 minutes of the above video, one gets to find out that:

    "the corona virus is now being acknowledged by the media as a big deal..."

    "it could spin out of China and slow down the economic system..."

    Yeah but it would allow the US government clowns to go on TV and blame China for all the problems caused by israHell, the US and the Citi of London.

    "the US depends on China for 80% of its pharmaceutical needs...and 97% of its
    antibiotics needs..."

    Gee I wonder what geniuses set up this great world trade organization?

    "the leading economic advisor to the United States told President Trump himself that "if you are the Chinese and you want to really destroy the United States, just stop sending us antibiotics..."..."

    That's GREAT news for China!!! That's got to be the cheapest way to overthrow a moronic evil empire you could ever imagine! Who needs aircraft carriers, cruise missiles and nuclear bombs when all you have to do is cut off the US's supply of drugs to make them go bananas in their banana republic without the bananas!?

    "all these catastrophic problems in our health care system are happening because we can't get enough drugs into this country (the US)..."

    The Beaver:
    Wally, I would have thought the drug companies would have built their drug manufacturing plants close to where their customers live.

    Well Beaver, I think the experts in drug importation like the CIA, the MOSSAD and the Bush Clinton Mena Arkansas express are going to have to hire more staff to bring in more drugs to make sure Americans get at least our daily dose of opioids and cheap heroin.

    The Beaver:
    Gee Wally...

    So now, in addition to blaming Russia, in addition to blaming Iran, in addition to blaming North Korea and Assad who must go but who decided to stay put and kick out the the USraeli terrorists disguised as ISIS, with a little help from his friends and the Party of God, the teletubbies can look forward to the ad nauseum demonization of China in Shitstream Media.

  3. Yukon Jack February 7, 2020:

    "Bernie is the clear front runner and there is an effort behind the scenes to make Buttegg look like he won Iowa, he didn’t. Buttegg is a global homo and probable warmonger tool and is the choice of the MIC.

    The virus has achieved what diplomacy could never achieve, American jobs will no longer be going to China. In the SOTU address Tuesday, the BLOTUS Trumpenstein said China was stealing jobs. That statement was patently false. China can not steal even one job. It was Nixon that opened the China trade. Previous administrations encouraged businesses to go to China.

    It was Amerikan government that went off the gold standard and allowed the private central bank to create massive amounts of inflation and the loss of jobs to China as manufacturers rushed to low wage areas to stay competitive during the stagflation years.

    If you all remember Nixon placed the blame of inflation on the Saudis and price of oil. How can the Saudis cause inflation in the USA, they do not control the money supply? Sleazebag politicians blame the other guy for mismanagement of the US economy, Nixon blamed Shoddy Arabia and the BLOTUS (Biggest Liar in The US), blames China; these people don’t vote in our elections.

    Bernie Can Beat Grump In 2020

    By Brother Nathanael Kapner on February 7, 2020

  4. China are part of the international evil empire doofus. Their pharmaceutical "reliance" is just another proof of that. All industry in the West has been voluntarily exported to China and others by our lovely (((rulers))). The (((cabal))) surrounded Mao; Communist China was an invention of those same old Talmudic communists. If there were suddenly no pharmaceuticals in the US they might go mad for a while but eventually they would be a lot more sane and healthy. Guess why?... because those manufacturing the drugs want to wipe us out and replace us with third-worlders. Visavi Bernie - Oh yeah the US really needs a "Jewish" open-communist in charge (as opposed to the crypto-"Jewish" crypto-communist they currently have). Worked well everywhere else didn't it!?

  5. Hey Alan, you should specify, without ambiguity, who it is you're addressing
    when you label someone a doofus!

    It looks like it's me; unfortunately for you, you picked a fight with the wrong guy.

    Is it China who did 9/11?

    Is it China who destroyed Iraq, Lybia and half of Syria?

    Is it China who has over 1,000 terrorist bases all over the world?

    Is it China militarily surrounding Russia and Iran?

    Is it China threatening to bomb Russia, Iran and North Korea?

    Is it China messing up Venezuela?

    Is it China that runs the US government?

    Is it China that runs the UK?

    Is it China that runs israhel?

    Is it China that runs Hollywood?

    Is it China that runs the Royal Institute for International Affairs?
    The Council on Foreign Relations? The Trilateral Commission?
    The Tavistock Institute? The CIA, the FBI?
    MI6, NATO, AIPAC, Chatham House, the Bilderberg Group, the Carlysle Group, the Clinton Foundation? the Rothschild Terrorist Organization, the IMF, the World Bank, the European Union, to name but a few...?!

    Is it China who is sanctioning countries for no good reason while being 6 gorillion dollars in debt?

    Is it China spreading chemtrails over our heads?

    Is it China mandating the use of poisoned vaccines?

    Is it China that's supporting israhel in their terrorism against Palestinians and others?

    Is it China that makes the whole world want to throw up with their incessant

    Is it China instigating "color revolutions" in Hong Kong and elsewhere?

    Is it China that murdered General Qassem Soleimani?

    Is it China forcing BIG Tech to censor everybody who's not buying the establishment bullshit?

    Is it China imposing the 5G weapons system on our streets here in the west?

    Is it China who's responsible for the Death of the Pacific Ocean?

    Is it China who murdered the citizens of Paradise California, something Doufusses like Alan haven't even acknowledged, recognized, let alone discussed...

    Would you be talking about what happened in Paradise California if you could blame the Chinese for it...or the Russians....or Iran, that biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, according to the BLOTUS.

    I could go on and on but in the interest of brevity, I'll stop here..unless you want to take another swipe at me. If so, I suggest you come better prepaired...unless you enjoy getting your sorry ass kicked around.

    Voltman Plutonymus Rex


    A former Air Force drone operator-turned-whistleblower is once again speaking out against the atrocities he committed while serving in a military he describes as “worse than the Nazis.”

    Former Air Force Drone Operator Speaks Out Against US Atrocities
    Brett Wilkins – Anti-War.com Feb 8, 2020

    US Announces Three New Bases in Iraq After Iraqis Demand Full Withdrawal
    Alan Macleod – Activist Post Jan 29, 2020

    Is it China that announced three New Bases in Iraq?

    Top secret locations of 150 US nukes hidden in Europe accidentally leaked in
    Nato report
    Tariq Tahir – The Sun July 17, 2019

    Is it China that has 150 nukes hidden in Europe?

    PG&Egate: Nearly 2.5 Million Californians Without Power—Why & Who did it?

    "2.5 Million Californians Without Power—Why & Who did it?"

    Do you think China is to blame?

  6. No, I think picked a fight with the right guy, and that was a very braindead comment, the length of which couldn't come close to compensating for the lack of any insight or judgement. I could list 100 awful "Chinese" organisations that the "US" supposedly has nothing to do with, but what would that prove? You seem to have fallen for every mainstream deception in the book. There are no nations any more. They're all under centralised control. Rhetoric like "the US did all this terrible stuff, not China!" is for schoolchildren. The implied separation of power is a myth. There have been no real wars between opposing powers for CENTURIES. The only thing real about the wars of recent centuries are the victims.

    You are obviously implying by your verbose comment that China is the good guy and that the US is the bad guy. Well guess what - that's exactly what the Synagogue of Satan wants you to think. They want you to believe in their false dialectic. They want you to believe that they represent different powers. They don't. China has been built up by the globalists in recent decades to be the financial powerhouse of the world for centuries to come, and to replace the West which they are clearly working to collapse. Look up the Belt and Road. Did the US set up the Belt and Road, the largest infrastructure project of all time? "Jews" set up communist China, just as "Jews" set up communist USSR.

    Is it really the "United States of America" that did all those things? No, it isn't. It's the international (or supernational, anti-national) "Judeo"-masonic establishment that is running all countries on this planet, and members of this establishment masquerade as nationals of every country on the planet, China and the US included when in reality they have no nation other than their tribe. Pretending that China is sweet and innocent and somehow not part of exactly the same global establishment is deceptive and wrong.

    Have you been to China? Have you seen what a dystopian technological nightmare it is? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-schools-scan-brains-concentration-headbands-children-brainco-focus-a8728951.html . Also look up their Sesame Social Credit system. They roll out all the most Orwellian products on a beaten down, dumbed down and terrified Chinese population who have suffered under 75 years of brutal communism. The Chinese model is the prototype for the whole world. So while you're singing China's praises you are supporting the most oppressive and controlling regime the world has ever known, and now with the technology to make their enslavement automatic.

  7. If you are interested in the phenomenon of "Jewish" involvement in Mao's "revolution" then have a listen to one of my earlier podcasts, or even do your own research. https://www.podcasts.com/alan-buttle-radio-show-3ffaa8b26/episode/Episode-5-My-Trip-to-the-Jewish-Republic-of-China-b7ac

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just one more thing... As for the Chinese peaceful communist hippy state (or whatever your delusional mind envisages), do you know that they execute more people than the rest of the world combined? Including for tax avoidance? Oh yes those lovely lovely Chinese!! I would just love everywhere to be like China!! (Seems necessary to state that I'm being sarcastic.

  10. Oh and why not - just for good measure - illuminate the increasingly close ties between those two distinctly separate countries (joke), "Israel" and China...


  11. "Corona" in latin is crown or wreath, yes?
    so we have a Crown virus, bought to you from a crown corporation?
    or wreath virus, for..... what and where are wreaths used for and used?

  12. Alan wrote:
    "You are obviously implying by your verbose comment that China is the good guy and that the US is the bad guy."

    Obviously I'm not implying that China is anything at all.
    I'm clearly stating what China has NOT DONE and what the US HAS DONE.

    Americans did those things like the good order followers that they are.

    Alan wrote:
    "I could list 100 awful "Chinese" organisations that the "US" supposedly has nothing to do with, but what would that prove?"

    Not only would it not prove anything but it would easily pass for a braindead comment.

    "You seem to have fallen for every mainstream deception in the book." Not at all, where did you ever get that impression? Name one or two deceptions I seem to have fallen for.

    "China is part of the international evil empire doofus."

    I know that roofus, nearly every country is part of the international evil empire. So what?! In what way does that negate the fact that the US is a moronic evil empire?

    They're evil, they're part of an empire and they're moronic. Except for those who aren't of course. It's like with the jews: they're not ALL bad...(hopefully) {{{smiles}}}

    "The only thing real about the wars of recent centuries are the victims."

    Another braindead comment. There are many more things about wars that are real. You're just butt sore.

    Even the video above is moronic in so many aspects. I took it more as a joke than anything else. I found it moronic to think that China could "DESTROY" the US by withholding those drugs!

    I thought it was quite moronic that people would even want those pharmaceuticals in the first place, when there are more natural and healthier ways to avoid the plague.

    When I wrote:
    "That's GREAT news for China!!! That's got to be the cheapest way to overthrow a moronic evil empire you could ever imagine!"
    That was a joke, within the context of the US-China rivalry, even if the rivalry is contrived to a great extent. You have no right to assume anything regarding what I know or don't know based on what I wrote. Period.

    It could have been another country besides China and I would have written the same thing about the evil moronic empire because that's what it is, an evil, moronic empire of greed, vanity and conceit. The Chinese people are oppressed no doubt, and they have been heavily exploited but they are not yet as spoiled and lazy (especially intellectually) as the average American (and westerner in general).

    Here's more stuff I know:

    It wasn't Chinese soldiers who bombed the hell out of Viet-nam and ruined their forests with napalm and agent orange.

    It wasn't Chinese soldiers who bombed the hell out of North Korea in the Korean war.

    It wasn't Chinese soldiers who fire-bombed Dresden and other cities in Germany.

    It wasn't Chinese soldiers who fire-bombed Tokyo and other cities in Japan.

    It wasn't Chinese soldiers who dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    However, it was the Chinese soldiers who came in to Korea and fought the Americans back towards what is now the demilitarized zone between the North and the South.

    And you, Alan, know that too...

    So take your baseless assumptions and doofus insults and gently shove 'em up your trash bin. {{{smiles}}} !

  13. George Carlin on the American people and war
    The Best Of George Carlin: We Like War

    George Carlin is a smart American and there are many.

    It's just really too bad that the good and decent Americans who care for things like justice, honor and the truth, are victims of mob rule and the mob ain't that smart, especially when the masters of Chaos keep dumbing down more and more, the upcoming generations. It seems as close to hopeless as you can get.

    Brainwashing in Action: Pence Hails Virtue of ‘Certain War’
    By the way, war is what made Moronica GREAT!

    You could easily refer to Canada as North Moronica...{{{smiles}}}
    Maybe not quite as evil...yet...{{{BIG smiles}}}

  14. Keep pretending that China and the US represent different powers then. Keep pretending that there is a "US empire" - despite all the evidence to the contrary. Have you not even worked out that the US is under "Jewish" control yet? How can the "US" have an empire if they are just a part of another empire? What you write is just childish, self-congratulatory, verbose, shallow, 2-dimensional, White-hating, incoherent drivel. Enough adjectives for you? I'm sick of this ignorant, or likely deliberately deceptive, garbage. Good day!

  15. It is really boring to read all this.

    Thank you!!!

  16. Verboten Verbose Prose

    There are distinct groups of people, such as the Americans who have been thinking, believing and acting as if they DO belong to sovereign countries.

    About the power of the UN:

    The UN said that the Iraq war in 2003 waged by the US was a crime of aggression, the worst of war crimes. Did NATO, as the future enforcer of the UN, step up to the plate and bomb Washington or Tel Aviv or the Citi of London, or at least arrest all those who planned and carried out this crime against humanity?

    The UN passed over 65 resolutions condemning israhel for all sorts of inhumanities and transgressions over the last 6 or 7 decades. Was there an enforcer around to put these assholes back in their shithole?

    Nope! Where was the power of the UN?

    The Americans and, to a lesser extent, "Western" "nations", got their superpower heads swollen by all the *self-congratulatory* memes like "manifest destiny", superior technology, American know-how, American ingenuity, American leadership in the world, American this, American that, a beacon of light, the last bastion of freedom, God bless America, America the beautiful, Hollywood celebrities, movies, propaganda, endless dumbass commercials and on and on and on and on..ad nauseum.

    The North Moronicans were told that they weren't as bad as the loud-mouth American barbarians: Canadians were "peacekeepers"... Sure...

    The Canadian doofusses didn't protest much when all 3 parties in the House of Morons voted to bomb Libya to Hell. Maybe because the UN said it was OK to bomb Libya; all the liars on TV had to do, to appease potential criticism, was call it: "imposing a "no-fly" zone", and the teletubbies never even bothered to ask how Libya was doing after they were liberated from their "brutal dictator who kills his own people"...

    At least on the surface, the UN was powerless...

    My point is this: US Inc. AND the vast majority of Americans, saw themselves as a superpower with the right to attack anybody it wants whenever it wants. It always had enough "money" (cashisch) to continuously increase "defense" spending, in large part, thanks to their dearest "friends" the zewz...

    The Americans benefited immensely from their military power and ability to plunder a large part of the world. They benefited from having the U$ dollar as the international reserve currency. Etc...

    They were easily lulled by the manipulating zewz into a Disneyland cartoon fake reality by appealing to their pride. When you combine that with the religious belief that Christianity is the greatest of all religions, you get a bunch of morally debased, arrogant, selfish and unfair supremacists. They may not be quite as bad as the zewz, yet, but the "judeo-christians" are working on it...

  17. I have come across definitions of evil that include the word "ignorance".

    The fact that the Chinese were present in North, Central and South America before the arrival of Christophe Colomb...should come as no surprise. (Christ De Colon)

    The Chinese had figured out that it was more profitable, not to mention saner and more civilized, to make commerce with the locals, rather than shoot 90% of the natives while they raped and plundered their way to "Manifest Destiny".

    I don`t think the UN was around back then...Do I need to insert an LOL?

    The remaining 10 % were put on reservations, concentration camps, death camps, work camps, "residential schools", swimming pools, movie stars... Eventually, the remaining ones got TV's with The Beverly Hill Billies.

    Some slaves were "re-educated" by nice jewsuit "priests", judas priests, and assorted bringers of the "Word of God", so everyone would come to know that God is a semite...Do I need to insert an LOL here too?

    Some natives, I heard it said, were shipped to the King of Fuckingham Falace so he and the Queen of Farts, along with the Royal Pompedos and their zewish financiers in the House of Rot Child in The Citi. (within the city of London), could fiddle and diddle about the moments that make up a dull day. You know they fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.

    Meanwhile, back in Montana, the settlers were hustling and bustling and blowing them there savages to Kingdom Come while most of these pious pioneers went to Church on Sunday and got some cheap forgiveness and salvation to boot. It was also very good for business to show up in church and virtue signal the good ole fashion way.

    The murder of these Palest-Indians could only have been done by faithful believers in the Word of God since their God is the dreaded and feared genocidal maniac in sheep's clothing called YahWho...

    Like his modern day counterfart, Bibitte Sathan YahWho, The faithful believers in religious and political fairy tales declared themselves holier than them there savages, and hence gave themselves permission to eradicate them in the name of freedom, the Son and The Holy Ghost, and to sing the praises of America the Home of The Brave and The Land of The Free.

    And The Faithful Believers in Americanism, went to war, after war, after war...ever since and now that they're a debtor *NATION* of astronomical proportions, they believe it is quite acceptable to threaten Iran, Russia, China, etc... and the whole world with Full Spectrum Dominance, Ignorance and Stupidity... fill in the rest of the paragraph yourself.

    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town,
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

    And then one day you find ten years have got behind you,
    No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

    So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking.
    Racing around to come up behind you again.
    The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older.
    Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

    Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
    Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.
    Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
    The time is gone, the song is over,
    Thought I'd something more to say...

    - Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour and Voltman

  18. The UN is supposed to look powerless, you deceiver and liar. Just like the Royal Family. You think the Royal Family is powerless too? Perhaps because they didn't have the power to stop the Prince Andrew expose!? You are just trying to play us with exactly the same kind of deception that we get in the mainstream media. The UN condemns "Israel" because the "Jews" clearly plan to take down "Israel" in order to bring about the next stage in their New World Order, which i have been talking about for years. This is why all (((socialist))) organisations throughout the world perport to support Palestine. You can waffle all you like about Chinese traders in the 16th century or any number of other relatively irrelevant garbage (while completely ignoring the very close connection between Israel and China and hoping people don't notice). The people reading this thread are no fools and they can recognise misdirection and deception when they see it. So why don't you go hang out with your Judeo-communists from Pink Floyd, marry an ugly tranny and take your lies and deception elsewhere.


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