February 08, 2020

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2020.02.08

Powers & Principalities Episode 137

The Jesuits

Timothy's Podcasts



  1. "Hitler was a Freemason plant to depopulate Europe"
    Why do people who supposedly are informed keep repeating this shit? Dean Henderson is another one. Is it aged hippie talk? Read Hitler's War and get your fucking learn on.

  2. People keep repeating it because it's true (personally i would say he was a Synagogue of Satan plant considering freemasonry is only Kabbalistic Judaism anyway), and no amount of reading Hitler will contradict that easily provable fact.

  3. I misread your comment first time around. Most stubborn Hitlerites tell people to read Mein Kampf (as if this somehow proves his legitimacy). David Irving is a limited hangout stooge who uses a powerful microscope but completely obscures the bigger picture, as you would expect from a limited hangout. He's not the only "Jewish" plant to promote "Jewish" plant Hitler. Gerard Menuhin is one of the most obvious. My work on the subject:




    1. I heard enough from you during the New Year's show 2019.
      David Irving personally sourced the material from archives other authors and academics avoided or were too intellectually lazy or corrupt to utilize. I know of a no more authoritative book on the subject and Irving suffered mightedly for his honestly and integtity. If a limited hangout shill is what you're looking for I suggest holding up a mirror.

  4. Or they are disinfo agents like Alan. Why would the Jews invent Hitler to build a Germany they had destroyed with reperations just to destroy it again?

    1. On par with Nazis built the death camps with hospitals and theatres for people they wanted dead. Imagine the character defamation lawsuits Hitler could file were he alive today and the courts were legitimate.

  5. The real nonsense of this show is the usual "Catholics did nothing wrong ever"


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