July 17, 2020

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #2 2020.07.17

Guest: Scorpio and part one of a prerecorded interview with Mike King. Part two will be broadcasted on the Scorpio show tomorrow. Part two Here


  1. OK. First off, your translation from Italian to English sucks. LOL

    Como va? The answer is: Va bene.

    In French now.

    Comment ça va? The answer is: Ça va bien.

    In English now.

    How are you? The answer is: I'm good.

    I fail to see the word "Life" in there. Do not argue with me, I learned Latin in High school. LOL

    Now that this has been cleared up, are we letting shit slide because of the "great Mike"? I mean WTF is all this shit about Qanon being real and that Trump is not being led by rabid Zionists?

    1. Mikes belief in Dump is sensational

  2. You are Doing GREAT Work Guys !!! :-)

    Listening to Your Shows: I FEEL Happier, More Confident and Hopeful,

    and I Think that we Can ALL Now SEE that we CAN:
    "Meme" the World WE WANT: INTO-Existence AGAIN !!!

    (Like an-Iceberg: The "Spiritual"-Connections Between-US and "Reality" are VERY-POWERFUL!
    --- Hence (((their)))-fiendishly-persistent-generational-Attempts: at Our "De-Moralisation"!!! --- As it really IS: US or (((them)))!)

    --> Yes! -- It certainly isn't a "Done Deal" ... YET !!!

    But, in a Sense: LIKE This Temporal-World is a PARTIAL-Manifestation:
    Of the "Platonic-Solids": UN-ERASABLE-"Etherial"-Realm ...

    Maybe, AFTER this Titanic-Struggle Between:

    Having-a-SOUL ... Based "FREEDOM"-to-GROW ...
    Being MADE to BE: "Soulless"-Automatons ... "Living" in Perpetual-FEAR ...
    "Ruled" by INSANE self-contradictory "Laws" handed-Down by: "Motivated"-by-Weak-EVIL-(((parasites)))...

    There are TWO Separate-Realms ...

    -- The HAPPY Growing One ... that WE Joyfully-SEEK ...

    -- and the Un-Happy Sad Realm (long since departed)... which has-become a "Living"-Hell !!!


  3. I mentioned somewhere on the show that I don't believe the Q stuff - it's given lots of false hope to people who are on our side but there's little to no evidence to support it. I was mainly interested in King's books and revisionist history.

    Zap - you are correct about the translation. in Spanish it's como le va (how's it going) or como estas (how are you?) - but 'how is life' is correct in its general meaning but not precisely translated. It's amazing how similar Spanish and Italian are - almost the same language just pronunciation and spelling that are the major differences.

  4. Yeah but some words are completely different between Spanish and Italian.

  5. Here is the complete two-hour interview with MS King by Scorpio & Giuseppe in one file. Mike King really got rolling in the second hour. The last 30 minutes never made it to broadcast. https://archive.org/details/msking-giuseppe-scorpio-17-july-20


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