October 02, 2020

Ted & Austin Radio Show October 2 2020

Show Highlights

The deconstruction, destruction and reverse discrimination of White America. Insanity!
This is probably the most politically incorrect segment I have ever done.
But it needed to be said!
Trump denounces the Proud Boys.
Is Melania Trump a foul mouth? Who cares?
Millions of Americans risk losing power.
Who are America’s top Zionists?
Does the number one Zionist promote porn?
FSU stupidly cancels Spring Break to penalize students.
Is Trump really Covid positive?


  1. More trumptards, just what we need at this point.

  2. Ted and Austin? My gosh what show you listening to? Not even close . Is Hasbara Paying Double time shekels these days ?

  3. They think everything you have been told is a lie EXCEPT Hitler is still a very bad boy. Sorry, but if you flip everything you have been told, that makes Hitler awesome.


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