October 02, 2020

Trump Contracts CV, 33 Days Before Election...SNAKE EYES, the Copper Top 5 Gee Whiz President

I've not watched this video yet but am posting based on the title alone. Is anyone surprised that this is the case at this point? :)


  1. Also be aware of 13s in the news and events, it's just as significant in the occult and amazingly coded into the alphabet:

    *13-moon cycle/year*

    Mike Alfa Sierra Oscar November *(MASON) = 1313* (english extended)
    Masons = *1313* (squares)
    Masons = *1313* (reverse squares)

    *M* aso *n*
    *M* oo *n*
    M = *13* (english ordinal)
    n = *13* (reverse ordinal)

    ooaso = *130* (franc baconis)

    M = *169* (squares)
    N = *169* (reverse squares)
    169 = *13x13*

    M = *41* (primes)
    N = *41* (reverse primes)
    41 = *13th* prime

    M = *91* (trigonal)
    N = *91* (reverse trigonal)
    91 = *13th* triangular

    m = *13* (francis bacon)
    n = *13* (reverse francis bacon)

    MN = = *27* (english ordinal)
    MN = = *27* (reverse ordinal)
    27th prime = *103*

    M = *233* (fibonacci)
    N = *233* (fibonacci)
    Thirteen *(13) = 233* (reverse franc baconis)

    Mooason = *311* (jewish)
    The Beast = *311* (jewish)
    Rev. thirteen eighteen = *1311* (jewish)
    Rev. 13:18 - Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

  2. Forgot to add an obvious state connection, which may have more arbitrary 13s in the news for obvious reasons:

    Minnesota is abbreviated MN:
    365 days/year
    Minnesota = 365 (jewish)
    MN = 365 (squares)
    MN = 365 (reverse squares)

    Minnesota capital: Saint Paul
    Saint Paul = 130 (reverse ordinal)


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