November 08, 2021

Prepare...It's Now Or Never - Stefan Verstappen, Eyes Is Watchin, JP Sears, Rush, etc...

Prepare...It's Now Or Never
Stefan Verstappen
 When the World is at Peace...
 Stefan Verstappen
Winter Die-Off, The Long List, Spars
EyesIsWatchin Podcast
Chris Scott Forced To Read NWO Propaganda Before He Speaks
Why Florida is Ruining Everything
JP Sears
V for Vendetta "Behind The Mask"
Ewige Studentin
Cold Fire

Jeff Interviews Stefan on Nonviolence
15.4K subscribers
Download Hour 1 - Stefan Verstappen  - Prepare...It's Now Or Never  
EyesIsWatchin Podcast #17

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Draconian Canadian Government Forces Chris Scott To Read NWO Propaganda Before He Speaks


Car and PocketSurvival Kits

Jeff Rense Interviews Stefan Verstappen

The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation.

We are also watching in horror as this accelerating collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers.

Meanwhile, 70+ container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.

The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the choke points of infrastructure that keep human beings alive.

Why Florida is Ruining Everything

 "Best scene?"
 "Every scene is the best scene....!"
 Are you motivated?
Got to get off the couch and out of the house...


 I'm Heading for Venus!


Me too!!

Venus, Voluptuous Lady of The Lake of Cold Fire & Desire

Rush in Studio

Rush  Live in Toronto


  1. I love these serendipitous posts of yours Voltman. Your excellent taste shows! laughs.

  2. Maria Zack is a lifetime actor; just another BS undocumented and fabricated controlled opposition full of "behind the scenes" revelations in the endless vain of "Q".

    WAKE THE HELL UP. She provides NO DETAILS OR DOCUMENTATION. EVER! She says she was offered a 5 million dollar bribe. OK Maria, FROM WHOM? Surely disclosing THE FACTS about such would help not hurt your "cause" and provide the people with a rallying point.

    Instead you provide more FICTIONS and FALSE CLAIMS and insidious fabrications WITH NO GD PROOF AT ALL!

    When will people smell the stench of controlled opposition ACTORS and start to truly simply take back their authentic living being through NON COMPLIANCE and Self-defense?????

  3. Children are about to be MURDERED by the needle. WHERE THE HELL ARE these behind the scenes saviors who are going to hold the Creep State accountable???? WHERE ARE THE WHAT HATS WHO HAVE THE "DATA BANKS". Where are the politicians who gave the malefactors until the end of October to fess up??? WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP THIS IS. People are dying and they are being told to wait for the white hats to save them. Trust the plan man while they kill your kids. F off.

  4. Hey scott, What are you talking about?!
    Who are you talking to? And who are you accusing?!

    So there's nothing good to say about anything else here?
    Verstappen? Rush? Eyes is watchin?
    Just another bunch of paid actors? Shills? Controlled opposition?

    You have no class whatsoever. You're just another stain on the wall.
    Find yourself another site if you don't like it here.

    That goes for the other bitching shitheads too.

  5. I'm a stain? Kids are dying and you are posting this drivel about the promised "behind the scenes" restoration of...of what? Again, if Maria was offered 5 MILLION Euros and her "source" that bought "The Data Banks" (good lord just that phrase should have you flipping the channel it is from some cartoon of a Bond Film) was offered BILLIONS Of Euros then name the GD names of the malefactors. She doesn't, just a Q never did. She is the WORST sort of controlled opposition and incredibly one of the MOST OBVIOUS. Yet you defend posting this crap?

    PEOPLE ARE DYING and she fabricates savior narratives to lead them down a dark alley where they can be bludgeoned. Good fing god.

    As for Verstappen, name one time he has put his own body on the line in ANY action with The People. Another completely useless fake prepper to bestow the ILLUSION of a solution.

    Again I ask, When will people smell the stench of these controlled opposition ACTORS and start to truly and simply take back their authentic living being through NON COMPLIANCE and Self-defense????? It is time to act and these frauds are doing EVERYTHING in their power to keep you from actually doing so.

    And as for Christopher, he seems to know something but getting a default judgement through common law will NOT protect anyone from the government gun. Ludicrous. BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. Had friends who won against the beast, hell, I beat the beast, for years. We all eventually had a naked gun put to our heads. Some of my friends went to prison for several years. I negotiated, paid big dollars and opted to take care of my family.

    There is a reality here that your posts of these frauds ignores. That reality is going to get dark quick and I assure you Maria is not connected to a network of white hats anymore than Trump was!

    Sorry voltman. Time is too short for this shit.

    We organized a group in Mammoth Lakes where I live and it is being mislead by very similar wrong headedness. We packed the community center Sunday evening with parents who are facing a vax deadline for their kids. The guy (a friend) leading the charge is all wrapped up in Estoppels, FOIA's and Averments when these people need an ongoing non-compliance action support group and a fast tracked Community Home School Co-op. They need a way to pull their kids out of the system NOW and he is not open to offering that but wants everything to be about declaring proper status to the BEAST. I have tried to argue with him that the BEAST will honor your emancipation paperwork just long enough to gather up the fish in the barrel. This is serious shit buddy and not an academic exercise.

    Here is our Mammoth Lakes group that I am trying to get back on the tracks of preparation and self defense. The site speaks for itself as to the impotent focus:

    PS- in the protest "No Jab No Job is Evil", that's me on the bullhorn.

    Sorry to shake your tree. The fight needs to get real or kids are going to start dropping like flies by Christmas.

  6. Scott- If you are serious, you could come on my show for an hour and talk about what is going down there....
    I fully support what you are fighting up there
    Let me know -- cheers

  7. Who said I endorse Maria Zach you nincompoop?!

    In case you haven’t noticed, EyesIsWatchin is the INTERESTING guy who, among other things, spent about 5 minutes, out of a one hour podcast, showing Christopher James talking to a woman I've never heard before and who spouted something you don’t like... and I am the one you go after? Are you nuts tabarnak?!

    I will continue to post videos made by Christopher James and If he happens to interview somebody who spouts something you don’t like, stay the hell away from me! Capiche? Kids are dying!!! LOL. Go give shit to their ignorant parents who put up with a year and a half of letting the schools force the kids to wear masks, not me.

  8. This is what sucks about the internut - I can guarantee that if you two were talking face to face there would be a much different conversation. Let's take it down a notch, although I do see the frustration in people complaining about things posted on this blog - I've been there too - take what you like and leave the rest behind - nobody has this entire thing pieced together. The system cannot be reformed in anyway - that ship sailed a long time ago. I like that guy from A Warrior Speaks, but I think he is way too optimistic - the courts have become nothing more than a judeo-masonic cesspool, imho.


  9. Scorpio wrote:
    I like that guy from A Warrior Speaks, but I think he is way too optimistic - the courts have become nothing more than a judeo-masonic cesspool, imho.

    Christopher James KNOWS that the courts have become nothing more than a judeo-masonic cesspool! He loathes these hypocrites who know nothing of justice. His goal is to have a group of people large enough to take the law into their own hands and occupy chosen courthouse(s) to hold public hearings. They need armed and determined people who will not put up with their bullshit.

    "but I think he (Christopher James) is way too optimistic"

    If I posted only pessimistic stuff (something I could easily do), people would say: you're so negative, why don't you post some positive stuff?!

    You can't win...( Remember Patrick the independent candidate who once flew a zeppelin with an "antisemitic" banner nearby a jewish center of some kind. His slogan was: ""With jews you lose!" )

    scott wrote: "Stefan Verstappen is another completely useless fake prepper to bestow the ILLUSION of a solution."

    Wow...I am nearly speechless before such ignorance. Stefan Verstappen is no unrealistic dreamer.

    What are YOU going to do scott, apart from hurling accusations of backing shills and fakes? Hunt down the :vaccine natseez" with your bullhorn and call them liars??

    To each his way.

  10. You are witnessing the building of a new actor/ player character “Scott” will be elevated to relieve the stress and mistrust of mami’s dissenters, to give the illusion that everyone here has a voice on mami’s as they shut it all down, and actual critics are blocked.

  11. Go to Hell Sean, you disgusting little troll from Hel Aviv.
    "Your stench precedes you."

    Once again you had to remind us how much of a fucking God damn sickening pile of putrid shit you truly are. So now you can go to bed knowing that you made another outstanding contribution to this site!

    P.S.: For those who don't know, Shitty Sean was hatched out of the same asshole as Mike Smith, Michael, Herman the vermin, John Miller and last but not least, the well known Unknown. These are "Mami's dissenters": one giant asshole!

  12. Stop blocking my comments, “volt”, you fucking coward.

  13. Funny- most mami’s critics are not typically offered an hour slot on Scorpio’s show!

  14. Shitty Sean,

    I didn't block your alleged "comment" so you're a hypocrite and a lying asshole. What else is new?!

    But the next shitstains you post WILL be deleted, not out of cowardice but out of pure disgust and disdain for you and your nasty pettiness. I assure you: nobody will complain if they never come across one of your alleged "comments" again.

    Now go get quaxxinated and die you pathetic waste of time and space.


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