November 08, 2021

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2021.11.08

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

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  1. Hey! What happened to Scardycat ? Maybe she figured out some were on to her? dont know..
    After just listening to a Post on the Joo Peters show with Ed Szall . I always liked you but im starting to think your firing from TruNews was justified. Yad think after getting caught lying . Its always 90% truth and the most important 10% left out.
    To the Olsen's , Fetzers out there, your getting duped AGAIN ! Joo Peters inst your newly minted beacon of truth and this piece with Szall only proves it.
    Paraphrasing Ed. "Theres a 70% chance America can be at war , with China , after Christmas " Why? who has China attacked while Israel bombs Syria and messes with Iran with Impunity ?
    Ed is also being the good shabba goy in sowing the seeds for a draft. Well like i said waaay back .. What a perfect plan to get rid of so many white Christian soldiers especially if with Russia. Its a conflict meant to loose. Send the fighting males over seas and the rest of the country is low hanging fruit. I can just hear the Weinsteins of the world with that ghoulish , laugh, "your shiskas, 'now they are ours" he he ho ho. with the Vincent Price laugh. ONWARD Christian Soldier to a war you arent designed to win ! I could just hear the SU-35 pilot trailing the rookie F-35 Pilot like Lord Vader "Ive got you now" be easy pickins, designed that way.
    Then Eddie gets to sell another Vaccine and deadly disease. Whats worse he tries to play the good Christian again reading Psalm 91 . F*ck you Szall. I was on your side but not after that. (((They )) intentionally depleting the military, but then again what use have they proven so far ? Not like its been a big loss. There too busy on JT thumping their chests yellin "Semper Fi" this is such an utter load of shit . Lt Col Theresa Long appears the only one with honor here.

    If any of you all didnt see the Rittenhouse trial today , this was EPIC! and hilarious. Watch the Prosecutor with the huge face plant. That trial should be over tomorrow. BUT, never rule out ((they)) telling you , your legal system is worthless. !

    @Albert, i think you had it all along. Im not trying to take sides cause there are 2 to every story but if any of you all can check out that dumpster fire on Brutal Honesty sat. You called her out long time ago. I dont blame Chris. When you cant resolve reasonably between 2 sometimes the only choice is to take it public. Im assuming Holly is his wife ? SHe did not do one thing to help herself in the court of public opinion IMHO . Shes so checked out id wouldnt get within 100 yards of her shed be likely to brush her arm against him , go in the kitchen and put a cleaver there and call the cops. Game over Chris. Id have to hear her angle first in fairness but bargin in on his show. Bad move Sugar Britches. Most American Women, they are like Lamborghinis , Boats, Lear Jets, you rent them . Dont own one.

    Sounded almost like Dave is having some "jet lag" Totally get it. Took guts to do what you did but i ran across the Max Igan , Jeff Berwick talk a thon. Look at that view ! It just reminded me of last scene in Shawshank. I hear Berwick does take some in and has a service. I dont know or want to learn of anyone's personal bizz but maybe getting a Mexican detour before going back to Commie Fornia in retrospect might have been something to ponder. No matter what this is it is great to see ! Jeff at least take max to the local TJ MAX and get him more than that same old denim shirt . :)

    The Political Refugee and The Anarchist Uncensored and Unplugged

  2. Between you and Albert this place has become an English slaughterhouse.


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