January 31, 2022

Canadian Truckers Inspire the WORLD!

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46 = 13
Good Rap!
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
 * Suggested by Ca-Nada *
"What a time to be alive! Me & the mister talk all things convoy & show lots of videos, etc from around the country. Get a tissue, you're going to tear up. ♥"
My website is here: https://amazingpolly.net/

God bless the truckers & their families and God bless each and every one of us.

Truckers Demand Letter: https://canada-unity.com/mou/

Freedom Convoy - Canadian Truckers Inspire the WORLD!

Zapoper in Speedo Looking for Trudope?
Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show
Toujours aucun incident malheureux rapporté à Ottawa.
Wow! Bravo à tous les camionneurs et à tous les manifestants!

Votre civisme et votre sens de la fête mettent une énorme pression sur les gouvernements confineurs.



46 = 13
96.2K subscribers
 Excellent Rap Video!
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *


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