January 31, 2022

​πŸ”΄ 18 Wheels to Flatten The Turd - Truck Yeah! - Wednesday February 3 - VIDSTORM, Laura Lynn, SonOfEnos, etc...

"Welcome to The World's Largest Truck Stop"
Jim Crenshaw
I've Never Been More Proud To Be CANADIAN πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ’ͺ 
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Photos from Ottawa


I've Never Been More Proud To Be CANADIAN πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ’ͺ 
There's Some Serious Patriot Shit Happening Here
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The Babylon Bee

 OTTAWA—A "freedom convoy" of Canadian truckers is on its way to Ottawa in protest of vaccine mandates. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing back at accusations of tyrannical government overreach by claiming the truckers just hate him because he's black.

"As a proud black man, this is the kind of discrimination I have faced my whole life," said Trudeau in a nationwide address over Zoom. "These truckers are a bunch of racist white men. They're probably not even gay."

"They only hate me because I'm black!"

Trudeau, who is currently quarantining in spite of a negative COVID-19 test, also sent off dozens of angry letters to "whoever hires truckers" because of all the racism. While literally shaking, he wrote, "If you oppose vaccines you are racist, sexist, and think a Snow White remake is a good idea."

His intern passed the letters on to Canadian Mounties who rode to the four corners of Canada to take the message to the people.

Trudeau, who is suspiciously not black looking, was offended when members attempted to spin his statement, suggesting he was merely close to the black community.

"I am not speaking metaphorically," said Trudeau. "Look at my skin. It's as black as night. It's midnight black!"

"If you weren't so naively color blind you'd understand," he added.

At publishing time, President Biden lent his support to Trudeau, calling him a 'surprisingly articulate black fella'.







  1. So wonderful to be a proud Canuck at this time. Been living with Ottawalk in that city for the past few days. Ottawa is a pretty little town actually.

    Anyhow. Just feels good to see the people waken. Everyone I mention it to here in Victoria seems to think truckers are below them, that this is just a silly movement and a waste of time and resources. IMHO they are not true Canadians. But I don't tell them that.

  2. This did NOT Age Well for Justin Trudeau


  3. Thrustin Turdhole and the Dancing Anal Schwabs. Of course, now they'll try to blame the truckers for the economic shut down that has been ongoing for the last two years.


  4. Meditations - The Finite Contemplating the Infinite

  5. Now That's What I Call A Karen


  6. Jordan Peterson: 12 More Rules | Aamon Animations


  7. Royal souvenirs have 'Platinum Jubbly' misprint


    Reminds me of The fembots from Austin Powers. Does the queen have platinum machine gun jubblies? LOL

  8. Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' | Millions Protest Against Vaccine Mandates In Ottawa


  9. https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1643820540854m.jpg

  10. Hey Panz, for twenty years you have been stuck in 911. This is happening now and your dissing Canadians that are making the effort to come together and force some change and make a stand.

    I will concede however that it is very possible that all these freedom convoys are designed to be used as a catalyst to throw regional and ultimately federal governments under the bus. There is no question we are only just beginning the financial chapter of this plan. A plan that is horny to bring in UBI new ID and digital currency that will keep all in check.The massive money-printing of 2008–2019, combined with the even greater money printing of 2020–2022, is now producing the inevitable hyperinflation. The total collapse is now just around the corner. A massive transfer of wealth has already happened in case you have not been paying attention.

    It should be painfully obvious to most people here that the UN has been active at the city level through sustainable development programs for decades. Not to mention Chances are we are being played, I agree. Maybe when its all over you can come to mamis for another twenty years and share your findings. Should keep you busy and out of trouble LOL.

    Anyway it's all we can do. In fact I think most people involved in this freedom convoy know something is very wrong. They do not maybe have an intimate understanding of the many cogs in this criminal wheel but it's a start. Coming to mamis and screaming Jew, does fuck all IMHO.

  11. I see Panz deleted his comment.... Why?

    Panzerfaust has left a new comment on the post "​πŸ”΄ 18 Wheels to Flatten The Turd - Truck Yeah! - Wednesday February 2 - VIDSTORM - Son Of Enos, Jim Crenshaw":

    Yaaa the Jewish homo diamond artist has duped the goys into thinking they can honk the ZOG out of tyranny just like MAGAs got the ZOG out of DC by waving flags and signs. At least he raised $10 million dollars I'm sure it'll all go to the truckers lmao


  12. Masses of people are almost always easily managed. Watch this Panz, then ask yourself if humanity is not now being trained like the black and white culture of the 60's until present.

    The Audacity of Help (Black Rednecks & White Liberals)


    The banker lizards whether Talmudics or an actual race of shape-shifting lizards know a thing or two about human psychology.

    Let's hope we can take back control for a bit.


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