February 01, 2022

Operation Scorpio 2022.01.29

 Scorpio Show # 97 on Revolution.radio

                       Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome Paul English and Russ Winter
                                           Topics include:

                                                          1) Non Functional Disfunction
                                                    2) Size 18 Clown Shoes
                                                    3) The Sacred Mythology Of Victimhood
                                                    4) Magic Shekels Shoveled Into The Furnace 
                                                        Makes The Runaway Train Keep Going

                                                             Revolution.Radio Studio A

                                             Twitch.TV Link

                                             Download Show


  1. Russ Winter going to get jabbed to go along, get along? Very inspiring.

    I used to like listening to Paul English until this interview. What a lot of nothing!

  2. The Event today had virus is fake as a topic, at least that's what I gathered in 20 min before bailing.
    I think protons are fake. Show me a picture of a proton. If you show me a picture of a proton that will be fake too. I win. See how that works?

  3. Also Ashli Babbitt shooting was fake. Wisconsin SUV massacre was fake. Nine Saturn V launches for missions to the Moon were fake and the USSR blew up three of their rockets but went along with Apollo because they were part of a conspiracy.

  4. I see Panzerfaust is still climbing up the chimney looking for Santa Claus and when anyone tries to tell him that Santa does not exist he bails that chimney and climbs up another one trying to find that elusive Santa,hoping that someone else tells him that yes Santa does indeed exist but is hiding in the chimney by blackening his face with "gain of function" soot and that's why you can't see him.

    Btw, were the gas chambers fake too? And I don't think Santa came down the "chimney" at Auschwitz either. If so, show me a picture! See how that works?? LOL

    1. "Because A isn't true then B isn't either without any tangible connection."
      Holy logical fallacies batman.

  5. You mean Santa Claus isn't real??? Whaaaaat???!!!!
    The scope of the deception is hard to grasp for many
    Good to hear from you Brizer -- cheers

  6. We return you to your regularly scheduled disinfo turd dropping glowniggering.

  7. Panzer - weren't you the one who claimed Jackie O killed JFK??....and you are going to ridicule 'outlandish' conspiracy theories?

    1. Well I replied with Jackie and JFK in the limo but someone deleted it. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  8. @ Panzerfaust. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!

    1. Do you also believe the British the real Hebrews of the bible? Yes or no.

  9. @ Panz. I'm going to check out my chimney and try find a British Hebrew. Somehow I doubt I'll find one but if I do I'll let you know.

  10. So not only did the US send nine empty Apollo rockets around the Moon in an elaborate hoax but the USSR played along by building and blowing up FOUR of these to fake a race to the Moon.

  11. Has anyone ever seen Paul English and Mallificus Scott at the same time?

  12. I just Listened to the Event:


    And I am: ABSOLUTELY-OUTRAGED !!! :-o

    --> MY: Teddy-Bear HAS: Stealth-Delta-Omicron-Covid-Sars-Cov2-AIDS-Measles-Rubella-"Virus" !!! :-o
    and he has felt a little-under-the-weather .........

    So I VERY-STRONGLY-OBJECT the the MISLEADING: "RETARDED" unfounded-"IGNORANT-Assertion: That Con-vid doesn't-Even-EXIST !!! (As it HAS: Never even Been: Isolated what-to-speak-of: PURIFIED, and thus to: In any-way "Cause" ...... ANYTHING !!!)

    You ALL "just" MADE: Absolute-FOOLS of Yourselves with Such: "IGNORANT" "Stupid" Misleading, "DIVISIVE" .... utterly-ridiculous ... and "DANGEROUS"-Crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    I HOPE: That "Special"-Government-Thugs ... BREAK-DOWN: ALL of Your Doors .... SHOOT your-Dogs ... maybe even shoot you too ... and "in-a-'Good'-'Freedom-Loving'-'Constitutional'-Way ..... "SILENCE" and Terrorize You-ALL ... forever !!!!!!!!!! :-o

    Con-vid is REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    --> I KNOW !!! -- Not-ONLY: Because I 'SAW' con-vid ... on-(((TV))) ........
    -- But, indeed, MY: Teddy-Bear "CAUGHT"-it !!! -- Showing Mild-"Symptoms"-of-SOMETHING !!! :-o

    And, as for PAUL'S "RETARDED" Fake-QUESTION: "WHERE are "viruses" ... MOST of the TIME: When WE are ALL: Perfectly-Well?!

    --> Well, that's just a "STUPID"-Question to even ASK !!! -- Huhh !!! :-o

    --> We ALL "KNOW": That all of the THOUSANDS of POISONS: Now in Our World-Wide: Envirnments .... HAVE absolutely-"NOTHING" to Do with Dis-Ease !!!

    --> EVERYTHING is "Viruses" etc. !!!
    -- And: "BURN CUT POISON" ........ ESPECIALLY: INJECTING POISONS .... I mean: "Vaccines" .....

    ...... Hundreds and Hundreds of "Life-Saving"-INJECTIONS ... into even / especially: Tiny-Little just-BORN Children ... Preferably ALL at-ONCE !!!

    Is the: "Gold-Standard": ONLY TRUE-"Science" ......... on the Subject of SICKNESS and "Cures" therein !!! :-o

    Next thing these "Retarded" F&^%$£$s will be "DANGEROUSLY"-"Illegally"-saying is: That: AFTER 8-days or so ...... Most melodies are HEALED by Folks' Bodies: Natural regular-Immune-Defences !!! :-o

    Balderdash, Hogwash !!!!!!!!! -- You: "Ignorant"-"DANGEROUS"-F*&^%$-wits" !!!


  13. I "agree" with "W" !!!

    .... we should NEVER "Tolerate" OUTRAGEOUS: "Conspiracy-Theories" ........ of jews ..... poor-"innocent"-"HARMLESS"-"Friendly"-jews ....

    EVER EVER EVEN Doing ANYTHING even slightly-BAD !!! :-o


  14. I have to "AGREE" with: Brainiac-Panzer .........

    --> The "Moon-Landings" were-'Definitely'-"REAL"---"TRUE" !!! :-o

    --> I 'SAW' it on (((TV))) when-I-was-5 .... !!! ------- The "FIRST"-ONE ......

    ...... the other-ones were way too-"Boring" .... so we Watched Other-Channels ... on those Days !!! ;-)

    --> DON'T Watch "Senile" ol-Buzz: SAY: "You 'SAW' animations !!!" ;-)


    it's just 30-seconds .... but DON'T ever WATCH it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    -- ESPECIALLY YOU: "Panzer" !!! ;-)

  15. N1-L3, The Moon Rocket That Never Was, Soviet Space Program:


  16. Wow !!!

    -- I never-"KNEW" ... until-NOW:

    --> That: The RUSSIANS ... ALSO: "Went-to-the-Moon!" :-o

    GREAT-Link !!! ;-)

    Pretty-GOOD-Music too, by the way !!! ;-)

  17. Come to THINK about it ...

    Brezhnev SAID: "WE will BURY You .......... on-the-Moon !!!" :-o

    "... Yankee - Cracker !!!" (Is the 'EXACT'-Quote ... I Think!)

  18. OK .... so THAT one .... HAD-some-"Problems" ......

    .... but the OTHER one .... Worked ... FIRST-Time ..... just-FINE !!! :-)


  19. Good-Ol Yankee "ingenuity" !!! :-) ;-)

    NOW DIE (Already!): WHITEY !!! :-o

  20. @ Scorpio...yeah man I went through that painful truth at the tender age of nine that Santa did not exist but somehow I still got a pair of socks and if I was good...a Lego set under the Christmas tree without the chimney being disturbed and not a reindeer in sight. How crazy in that?

    Unlike these damn viruses that blow in from the North Pole and attack us from every angle. But all I got for the sniffles was Big Pharma poison and if I was good maybe some chicken broth but no feckin' presents! It's the elves man....I tell ya!


  21. If viruses don't exist as communicable pathogens then explain Chicken Pox parties.

  22. It's notable that such notions as flat erf, humans can't go into space, viruses are fake, etc are more often than not held by folks that also believe in a big Jew god in the sky that will listen to your thoughts and influence events in your life if you give up your critical thinking and JUST BELIEVE

  23. I never hear the viruses are fake crowd being challenged on-air. Echo chambers are so boring, I invite Brizer or anyone to call RBN between 4pm - 5pm CST and engage Rivero with your fake viruses or fake Moon landing material. Paul In Cal appears with Richard Kary on RBN but again isn't challenged, idk if Kary is on board or just needs time fillers.

  24. Hey Panz, here's a better idea. Why don't you call in and present your evidence that viruses do exist. It's not up to me to prove that viruses do not exist because one cannot prove a negative. All I'm saying is that that there is no proof that viruses exist. Now if there is evidence that viruses do indeed exist well then please show us. I mean you are Mr. Know-it-all so surely you must have all the answers. So go on...back up your claim with scientific proof via clinical trials that Santa..oops..the virus exists. Off you go!


    still waiting....


  25. The only thing anyone can be 100% certain of is that HE exists ("Cogito ergo sum") All else are but varying degrees of certainty.

  26. Yes - everyone tune into Mike Rivero, the self admitted Jew with ties to Hollyweird and who advocates the benefits of the jewjab - he'll set y'all straight!! - lolol

    Panz - nobody deleted your comment - it's not in the spam box - post it again if you want. obviously nobody is deleting your comments given the volume of your recent posts. Basically, you just admitted that you did in fact believe Jackie shot JFK, which is exactly what I wanted because it shows the hypocrisy you display in dismissing other theories that may appear outlandish at first glance. Given the depth of the deception we live under, nothing is off the table and everything should be examined and questioned.

  27. This "Belongs" on THIS Thread more-than-other-Threads! :-o

    Paul-from-California is RIGHT:

    Nanoman is indeed a SUPER SUPER SUPER MUST WATCH !!! :-o :-o :-o


    --> There "simply" IS NO Con-vid-"virus" !!!

    -----> But There ARE indeed DEADLY and "Mind-Controlling" --> Bio-WEAPON-INJECTIONS !!!!!!!!! :-o

  28. Albert wrote:
    February 3, 2022 at 1:36 AM

    "Next thing these "Retarded" F&^%$£$s will be "DANGEROUSLY"-"Illegally"-saying is: That: AFTER 8-days or so ...... Most melodies are HEALED by Folks' Bodies: Natural regular-Immune-Defences !!! :-o

    Balderdash, Hogwash !!!!!!!!! -- You: "Ignorant"-"DANGEROUS"-F*&^%$-wits" !!!

    I "agree" with "W" !!!

    .... we should NEVER "Tolerate" OUTRAGEOUS: "Conspiracy-Theories" ........ of jews ..... poor-"innocent"-"HARMLESS"-"Friendly"-jews ....

    EVER EVER EVEN Doing ANYTHING even slightly-BAD !!! :-o"

    You tell em' Albert! I'm so glad you came over to the light of Lucy Fairace.

    "W" is my hero. He went after them terrorristsss you know! And they said 90% of Americans were with George! We sure know how to pick a winner. {{{smiles}}}

    "Most melodies are HEALED by Folks' Bodies: Natural regular-Immune-Defences !!! :-o"

    Do you have anything to suggest for healing harmonies?

    Thanks for infos...


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