February 27, 2022

MASSIVE ESCALATION: US & EU sanction Russia's Central Bank - The Duran, Patrick Boyle, Hammer Head Garage, Remarque88, Laura-Lynn, SonOfEnos


Marko Marjanovic – Anti-Empire


Simeon Boikov

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Yukon Jack Comment


Russian Navy Bear Deployment
"Putin wasn’t kidding when he said he was launching a “special military operation”. Relative to what the Russian military brought to the border this is not yet all-out war.

I would say about 30,000 Russian troops have crossed over into Ukraine so far. A small portion of the force assembled.

Moreover, the Russians are (so far) waging the war in a way that keeps civilian losses to a minimum and even trying to minimally disrupt civilian life.

The Russian operation could have opened with strikes against power plants and the electric grid (both bombed by US in Yugoslavia) that left civilians in shock and without power, and with ballistic and cruise missile strikes on Ukrainian army barracks.

Instead, the Russian enterprise is so far conducted in a way that limits not just Ukrainian civilian, but even Ukrainian military losses. The Russians have barely used their artillery.

It’s as if so far Putin is trying to conduct less a war, and more a 1968-style policing action.

Kiev’s approach has been just the opposite, to distribute weapons to civilians. To ask them to “make Molotov cocktails” and to film and publish Russian troop movements.

It’s a competition. Kiev is trying to induct the populace into a people’s war and give Moscow the kind of war it does not want. And Moscow is doing everything it can from its side to not have that happen but to instead wage a minimally disruptive regime-change."

For the rest of the article and comments:


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Yukon Jack on February 26, 2022:

I wonder how China sees this, and are they willing to make their move on Taiwan when they can see the impotence of Biden and the faggot infested US Military. The fall of the Ukraine in 72 hours could be very tempting for China to take advantage of this unique moment in history. The Taliban saw weak dick Biden correctly and made their move, and now the USA is out of their nation.

Politifact – “More than 15,000 transgender Americans” are “serving in the military today.”

Listening to the news blame Trump for the fall of Ukraine is very laughable, but Trump makes me nervous because once again he is bragging it wouldn’t have happened under his watch. I now understand why Trump made so many threats in his first term, he has a huge ego and doesn’t want to be seen in history as weak, he did not want to be the president when these nations fall. Trump doesn’t want war, and he sure doesn’t want to be forced into a corner and have to go to war to protect his legacy and ego.

Trump Spokesperson: Why Have Nuclear Weapons ‘If You’re Afraid To Use’ Them?

So it is logical that China may take Taiwan as a chess piece while the US and NATO are spinning their wheels in the mud outside of Ukraine. Once Taiwan falls, Guam is next on China’s shopping list. There is no way Guam can stand as US naval and air base if China is going to expand as a major military power. Guam is a major pivot point to project power in the Pacific. From Guam, bombers can reach Australia, Philippines, SE Asia, and North Korea – and all those nations are about to be swallowed by China and it’s sphere of influence. So how much longer under Biden will North and South Korea stay separated?

The point I am making is that the world geopolitical map is being rapidly redrawn, and the first two dominoes to fall were Afghanistan and Ukraine. Which nation will be withdrawn from the US hegemon next? Opportunity awaits the bold actor. Russia took Ukraine and there wasn’t a damn thing NATO could do about it. Jews are now crying big crocodile tears – just turn on any western news and hear them whine about Russia and Putin. I have zero sympathy for this loss and see Putin’s actions as righteous in face of a constantly meddling evil Jewish (Rothschild -Zionist) empire.

Jews are really pissed about the fall of Ukraine, on many sites (including this one) I am reading very delusional comments by saddened Jews at such a great loss (for them). But there is no sympathy for the Jew on the internet because the world has awakened to the Jew problem. For instance over at Goolag (Google) Jewtube (Youtube) wants to censor free speech – they actually want laws passed to end our first amendment! So this cry of freedom from the Jewish news sources lands on deaf ears, Jews do not want freedom in Amerika, so how can the Jews running the Ukraine want freedom over there?

Jewish YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Asks U.S. Gov’t To Criminalize Free Speech

One more thing that I have been talking about for decades has come true (and no one noticed). It became obvious with the advent of GPS and cruise missiles that accuracy is so good, and missiles so fast, all of the invincible WW2 hardware is obsolete. Basically a million dollar missile can sink a billion dollar air craft carrier – and there ain’t anything you can do about it. With satellites and drones and airborne radar the enemy knows exactly where your big ship or tank is, and can direct a missile at it from many different platforms. Start a war, push the button, watch the ships sink. There is no more hunting ships with U-boats.

So I said many times when war comes the ships will be sunk in 30 minutes and that did come to pass with the Ukrainian navy – sunk to the bottom, glug, glug, glug, and there was nothing the Jew could do about it. The all powerful Jew and his machinations have failed in the Ukraine, the crybabies can now go to the wailing wall and complain to their god how they have been betrayed (by science over religion).

lewis jones on February 26, 2022:
It’s a strange time, where the Jews’ Commie empires are more nationalist, and Yid-man is not sure how much to encourage them now. Fully Communist China would have been offered Taiwan like a fruit dessert, after feasting on the rest of China, like Russia being given most of the rest of Eurasia. (The Scum are not sure who to give India to either). It must be a strange life Jew bankers have, deciding what to do with 100 000 000 square kilometres of human habitation that’s really nothing to do with them.
China Might “Be There Tomorrow” – Warns Chinese State Pundit In Dire Taiwan, Ukraine Comparison
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263K subscribers
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
Simeon Boikov Interview: Is Ukraine Invasion Putin’s Deep State Clean-Up?
Special Forces Duck à l'Orange


  1. Ukraine Conflict Centered Around Gas Pipeline – Of Course!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had to delete my last post as I pasted a part number for an op-amp instead of the link LOL

    Start at the 29:39 minute mark

    Debunking Ukraine War Lies & Propaganda! SNL’s Hypocritical Ukraine Tribute! W/ Aaron Maté


  4. Latest Scott Roberts:


    WHAT About: "NO MORE Brother-((('Wars')))!" ...............

    -- "Don't" you Understand ??????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

  5. Volodymyr Zelensky is dancing in heels.


  6. Wow, CA-Nada, that's quite a clip of Zelensky.

    Once you see him in that light, it becomes obvious the happy, privileged jew is living a dream.

  7. Here is another one just as fucked up

    Volodymyr Zelensky playing piano with dick for five minutes


  8. LMAO. Wow again, CA-Nada. But, but that was when he was a comedian.

    Now he's playing a serious role of hero president of a democracy under seige.

  9. Indeed and the real joke is that the people put him in power, or so we are to believe. This world is becoming one big huge joke/psy-op. Mental illness should spin out of control any day now.


    Is there any place that has Rense Radio shows archived for (us) to access?

    Thanks. Appreciate it.

    Please share link.

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WMhBbEk66hEp/

  11. Nice @Erik Paul, though it appears they only share 1 of 3 hours per 3 hour show.

    that's unfortunate.

    Anything that has all 3 hours?

  12. Hey Volt, thanks for turning me on to "The Duran" good channel!

  13. Hey Adolf, give us your analysis of whats going on in Ukraine!

  14. I see your post in my email notifications Adolf.

    So I'm not in anyones "camp" here. As usual the plebs/slaves lose no matter what. However Putin may well be correct in saying the factions within Ukraine make it difficult to draft a meaningful Minsk agreement. NAFTA has been setting up all around Russia over the years.Russia is not part of NAFTA and frankly NAFTA is more banker bullshit.

    This whole affair is more mind control much like the pandemic. People are stupid and we are always going to be dragged along with the moronic concensus fed to our misguided brothers and sisters. Below are a few links concerning the Talmudists. the last one,DOJO->(SOURCE CODE) was posted yesterday. Most of the others are old. Your mileage may vary.:)
    Interesting times. The Duran video Volt posted got me on to watching others by them. Of couse there is lots of speculation but at least they are thinking and going beyond blind jew bashing. Jew bashing will never get the people together. The talmud is chalk full of hate against "the gentile" It's much better to try and be specific when you are going to say "it's the jews!". The talmudists have framed it so people who do that imeadiatly lose their cred. Even here at Mamis people constantly call each other jews LOL. It's pretty moronic and says a lot for many people here. Guys like BB9 on the otherhand do document on afaifly regular basis the creep of the Khzarian corporate takeover using NGOs etc. That kind fact based info that is often going on in his own back yard is the kind of light we need more of.

    The Khazarian Conspiracy Full Movie The Synangogue of Satan The Fake Jews

    Shlomo Sand - The invention of the jewish people

    Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire - Lecture by Jack Otto

    The Invention of the Jewish People

    Esau Edom

    Who is Esau-Edom? by Charles A. Weisman

    DOJO->(SOURCE CODE) (clif High)

  15. Putin Signs Law To Arrest Fake News – CNN Flees Russia (salty cracker)


  16. This claim is enough to cut the head of the Jewkraine snake.; https://www.bitchute.com/video/0aDfwLhmRcLU/

  17. There could well be truth to the creation of these labs, but IMHO these kinds of stories along with the benefits of horse paste etc, are all designed to strengthen the covid narrative. Covid is a fraud. Covid the vaccine and lockdowns etc are all about shelving the west. They want the sun to set on us and control us with a new communist control system. We still have the economic collapse to play out and the new 2030 agenda yet to be completely unveiled.

    On the otherhand, ona positive side maybe there could be enough of us to push for a new compact that sees North and south america come under one self sufficient nation that turns it's back on the "BIS", "The City of London", "The Federal Reserve" etc. Wouldn't that be nice? Yeah I know, dreams...

  18. Europe under what is currently playing out seems to be the biggest loser. No?



  20. Atlas Shrugged vs. the Lockdowns
    by Jon Rappoport

    March 4, 2022


  21. The people are far stronger than the globalists
    The tyrants are terrified of the mass awakening taking place now.


  22. Dr. Jane Ruby - WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC - Stop Getting Vaccinated IMMEDIATELY - SHOCK Images


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


    It showshow there is a indeed lizard class entities.



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