February 11, 2022

πŸ”΄ Live From Ottawa - February 14 + Warning to Truckers & Convoy Supporters - Amazing Polly


Warning to Truckers and Convoy Supporters

Viva Frei - Feb. 11
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  1. I hope Zap comes back soon - where are you zap???

  2. https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/beyond-the-official-narrative-with-richard-kary-february-11-2022/



    The First-one was pretty good ... I am Proceeding to the Next: two .... Paul, and Mike-Sledge in ALL 3 ;-)

  3. Doltmann- thanks for the steaming pile of non-namer “truth!” It is proven, the best way to defeat your enemy is to never acknowledge who that enemy is.. ignorance is bliss, ya? Thank you for making me a little bit dumber every time I stop by. And thanks to Ali spambert and noori al haliqiqi fer keepin it “real”, yo! Y’all the fucking best! Don’t worry about cracking a window, dolt, I’ll take my stank with me, good day all!

  4. The next time I buy a hamster. I’m going to name it noori hamqiqi.

  5. If you think your doctor misled you/pressured you into getting any medical treatment, complain to your State Medical Board/College of Physicians for your province. They have to investigate these claims. Just another angle foe the armchair activist (pussies) who will not go and stand in sub zero temperatures in solidarity LOL. All kidding aside, it might be a very powerful angle/action to pursue.

  6. So who here believes the erf is flat?

  7. Anything is possible fucknut. You are one of the biggest dumb asses on this board. You are a normie 2.0. You left the farm and think you are so enlightened, but you are a free range chicken. Comments like who believes ________ prove you are a complete dumbass. You need consensus, while a real seeker does not give a fuck what the herd believes and has no need to take a poll because they learned a long time ago, only certain people strong people are really interested in the truth. You area coward and I bet your double vaxxed. Now run along sunshine.

  8. I have several questions on the dome over the firmament theory such as where do rockets and space exploration vehicles go? Do they pass through the dome into a void or bounce off?

  9. Maybe the Hebrew God YHWH sits up there in His throne and swats them away with His holy flyswatter.


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