February 11, 2022

Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object - Putting The Hammer Down On Ottawa - Blackbird9 - Coral Castle



Audio Link -  mp3 - Archive
The second hour pertains to the Trucker Convoy
Brave Canadian Trucker In Ottawa Gives Swift Powerful Speech!
The Mysterious Stranger
Coral Castle is an oolite limestone structure created by the Latvian-American eccentric Edward Leedskalnin (1887–1951). The structure comprises numerous megalithic stones, mostly limestone formed from coral, each weighing several tons.[2] It is currently a privately operated tourist attraction. Coral Castle is noted for legends surrounding its creation that claim it was built single-handedly by Leedskalnin using reverse magnetism or supernatural abilities to move and carve numerous stones, each weighing many tons. 

What Happens When An Unstoppable Force Meets An Immovable Object?


Shortened & Abridged by Voltman
In the “Greater Israel” strategy papers of Jewish Supremacists Oded Yinon, Richard Perle, Robert J. Aumann, Leo Strauss, and Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as those of the Zionist Think-Tank “The Project For The New American Century” (PNAC), there is a common meme of the necessity of establishing a “Special Relationship” between the United Sates and Israel in order for their plans to be the sole Super Power in the Middle East to be achieved.

To me, in my “9-11 Changed Everything” worldview, I see this “Special Relationship” meme as contradictory as “absolutely penetrative spears” and “impenetrable shields”.

World Zionism is based upon Judaism . . . especially Talmudic Judaism.

Judaism is by axiomatic definition a “MASTER/slave” system.
Always has been, and always will be.

In other words, World Zionism, Israel, and Judaism are the “immovable object.” They are not going to change their “Identity Politics” for as long as they define themselves as a “Jewish System” that system will be a “MASTER/slave” system.

The problem with “MASTER/slave” systems is that someone has to be “the slaves”. In the Jewish world view, this role has been delegated to the “non Jews” or “Goyim” (cattle).

Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” ~ Jewish Supremacist Chabad-Lubavitch Chief Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (October 2010)

So, here we have an intransigent population of about 14 Million Jews worldwide telling the remaining 7 Billion “non-Jews” that they are to be the “slave” component in the World Zionist “Greater Israel” PAX Judaica of the “Chosen MASTER race”.

In other words, WE THE PEOPLE . . . OF THE WORLD . . . are the “unstoppable force” that refuses to be “slaves” and to accept any “Centralized MASTER/slave” system . . .

. . . especially one based on the Jewish Talmud and Noahide Laws.


Q. “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?”

A. You find out the truth of which was named correctly. The beginning of wisdom is knowing things by their correct name.


An immovable object by its essence has no vulnerability, and is static. It is defensive. An unstoppable force however, is dynamic – always moving. It is offensive. Once critical inertia is established (voices awakened), further momentum is gained; thus turning into truly an unstoppable force. All of those in control of the false narrative today are not immovable objects. They are vulnerable and will fail.


Reply to  deal

Greetings all,

Thank you all for the very good comments, especially this one by “deal”.

Very good analysis on the statics and dynamics of the “immovable object/unstoppable force” paradox.

In my work, “The Pepper Plan”, I go through this in more detail.

Another aspect on the “vulnerability” of the immovable object (i.e. MASTER/slave Judaism) is that a “MASTER/slave” system must be held together by force as its two components are 180 degrees “out of phase” with each other. (The slave will always hate the MASTER and the MASTER will always fear the slave). Thus the majority of the total energy of the system is spent on holding the static system in place.

With dynamic Distributed Peer-To-Peer Systems, not only can the needs of “The System(s)” be brought into “phase” or “harmony/balance” with the needs of “The Individual” in a much more efficient use of the total energy of the system(s) . . .

. . . but the “Unstoppable Force” gains the added momentum from the hidden powers of
“Synergy” and “Synchronicity”.
– bb9
(“Synergy” and “Synchronicity” AND, I would add Resonance. - Voltman)


Blackbird, you raise the bar (not the London one) of intelligent discourse. This article is short, concise, yet contains some of the most important info for us to understand if we want to be the unstoppable force against the alleged immovable system. Thanks, and also to Renegade for posting. Comments are great too!



Coral Castle remains a popular tourist attraction. Books, magazines, and television programs speculate about how Leedskalnin was able to construct the structure and move stones that weigh many tons. Claims that nobody had ever seen Leedskalnin at work and that he levitated his stones have been repudiated.[citation needed] Orval Irwin reportedly witnessed him quarry his stones and erect parts of his wall, and illustrated the methods in his book Mr. Can't Is Dead.
Here is an acute Astrological Configuration symbolizing and indicating an Unstoppable Force meeting an Immovable Object:

Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius are squaring the constellation of planets in Taurus i.e. the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn + Mars at 0 degrees Gemini...

The whole establishment is under pressure to transform. They are trying to hijack these revolutionary and transformative energies to suit their purposes but Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the transcendent planets, will not allow it. There is much more that could be added but people, in general, are not interested.

Canada - He just nailed it
Philosophers-stone.info pureblood

The Nemith Film Collection produced a short film documentary in 1944 of him at work[contradictory]. Coral Castle's website states that, "If anyone ever questioned Ed about how he moved the blocks of coral, Ed would only reply that he understood the laws of weight and leverage well." He also stated that he had "discovered the secrets of the pyramids", referring to the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Amanda Kelley wrote:

Wow- truckers- it is delightful to see real men again!!! Women and weak men have does a disgusting job of leading in business, government, education, churches, farming, family care. God calls men of valor to lead- protect women and children- and risk it all for their nation's freedom from tyrants and peace with safety from wolves in sheep clothing. Continue men to take your place- God is with you and blesses your every step...and every mile.

Brave Canadian Trucker In Ottawa Gives Swift Powerful Speech!
The Mysterious Stranger



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