June 20, 2022

The Monkey Business of Monkeypox Money Junkies 🐵🐵🐵 + The Story of a Man Who Didn't Beat His Wife - A Fairy Tale By Albert + Back Door Murder - Harry Vox + The Open Scroll, X-Files, Red Pills & Chris Sky's Coquitlam Speech - Bonobo3B

 These Docs Prescribe Red Pills
Doctors on Tour - Vancouver, April 10, 2022
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The Open Scroll
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *

The Story of a Man Who Didn't Beat His Wife
Czechoslovak Folktale
🌞  🌝 A Fairy Tale By Albert 😮  🌚

Harry Vox - December 07, 2020


Hoummm... I Wonder About Those Doctors...
According to anonymous sources, the toddler told Cristya Freeland
"Drop those illegal mandates you criminally insane hypocrite!!!

Truck You Trudeau - Sixxxtre
channel image
Jun 9·edited Jun 9

"These psychopathic reptile self appointed rulers of the earth are serving one purpose and one purpose only, Themselves. It is interesting that at the DAVOS meeting badges are issued to readily identify your standing in the rarefied world of the so called elites. These idiots have no clue what a living hell the world would become if these people have their way. It would be like being an heir living under the thumb of a ultra controlling patriarch or matriarch. You either comply with all the wishes of your masters no matter how big or small or you're out, or in the case of the lizard cabal you're dead. 


These people have no soul or empathy. It is time, it is past time for the world to rid itself from these self appointed organizations like the WHO, WEF, EU, CDC NIH, HIAID who have long ago stopped serving humanity to only serve themselves. They have become nothing more than malignant tumors that are embedded in humanity and must be removed and destroyed at all costs. The grotesque fraud that is all things Covid is and was a money making power grab envisioned by Klaus Schwab and his Global leaders graduates that include Gates and most of the current leaders of the western world. 


The world also must excise the fraudulent philanthropic organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation. These have also proven to be covers for so many unmentionable crimes and a tax haven for these elite psychopaths. The world will breath so much easier when these malignant cancers are removed."  

Yes indeed. The silver lining in the 2020 cloud, was that it revealed the size and scope of the psychopathic reptile invasion and corruption. It also revealed the identity of many of the psychopaths and their accomplices. It was a truly enlightening year for those who could handle the really uncomfortable truths.


For me personally, it confirmed everything I had suspected for decades, but the number and scope of uncomfortable truths are much worse than even I had suspected. I can understand why some people still avoid these uncomfortable truths, since they are so uncomfortable.


It's almost like waking up from a dream to find yourself in a real nightmare.

 For the rest of the comments:

Coincidence, Warning or Psychological Programming?
Good Citizen

More like Sadistic Fibrosis!


These Docs Prescribe Red Pills
Doctors on Tour - Vancouver, April 10, 2022
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Dr. Kevin Sclater, Dr. Sophia Bayfield, and Dr. Stephen Malthouse Speak at Rally Outside TED Talks
The Open Scroll

* Suggested by Ca-Nada *

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Our legacy YouTube channel isn't listed there. It's The Open Scroll on YouTube. Since we got two strikes and an expected third would cause the channel to be dropped, we made all the videos private except one so we could preserve that subscriber base.

A comprehensive library of our audio mp3 offerings that are relative to the unique content featured on The Open Scroll may be found on our Site Content Guide. Just click on one of the many mp3 icons. Additional audio content may be found at the very bottom of this page."

A Fairy Tale
By Albert
The World is full of Gullible people ... 
A Farmer wandered, and everywhere he saw Gullible People wearing-masks because of an imaginary Fake-"virus" ... 
All of the People were Losing-their-Homes to jew-bankers who Now "owned" them All, even though (((they))) had never worked a day in (((their))) lives! ... And the Police and Other "Authority"-Bullies Tormented everyone Terribly ... but No-One could do ANYTHING about it ... because to Defend-Themselves, or Stand-Up-to or Fight-Back, in Any-way ... would be: Bad, and being "violent" ...... and No-One should Ever be Advocating for "violence"! .......
Thus a relative-handful of brazen-(((liars))) ... came to "Own" everything in the World, including All-People as (((their))) Slaves ... my my, indeed, by "watching"-(((TV))) ... they had All become soooo terribly-GULLIBLE !!! 😉 -- The END !!! 😮

A Gullible World:
The Story of a Man Who Didn't Beat His Wife
Czechoslovak Folktale

There was once a poor farm laborer, so poor that all he owned in the world was a hen. He told his wife to take this hen to market and sell it.

"How much shall I ask for it?" the woman wanted to know.
"Ask as much as they'll pay, of course," the laborer said.
So the woman took the hen by the feet and set out. Near the village she met a farmer.
"Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"
"I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."
So the woman took the hen by the feet and set out. Near the village she met a farmer.

"Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"
"I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."
The farmer weighed the hen in his hand, pursed his lips, thought a moment, and said:
"You better sell it to me. I'll pay you three pennies for it."
"Three pennies? Are you sure that's as much as you'll pay?"
"Yes," the farmer said, "three pennies is as much as I'll pay."

So the laborer's wife sold the hen for three pennies. She went on to the village and there she bought a pretty little paper bag with one of the pennies and a piece of ribbon with another penny. She put the third penny into the bag, tied the bag with the ribbon, slipped the ribbon on a stick, put the stick over her shoulder, and then, feeling that she had done a very good day's work, she tramped home to her husband.

When the laborer heard how stupidly his wife had acted, he flew into a great rage and at first threatened to give her a sound beating. "Was there ever such a foolish woman in the world?" he shouted angrily.

The poor woman, who by this time was snuffling and weeping, whimpered out: "I don't see why you find so much fault with me! I'm sure I'm not the only gullible person in the world."

"Well," the laborer said, "I don't know. Perhaps there are people in the world as gullible as you. I tell you what I'll do: I'll go out and see if I can find them. If I do, I won't beat you."

So the laborer went out into the world to see if he could find any one as gullible as his wife. He traveled several days until he reached a countryside where he was unknown. Here he came to a fine castle at the window of which stood the lady of the castle looking out. 

🌞 For the rest of the story... 🌞

Hey Kossoff, Sean, Unknown, and Mike Smith, are you lying unscrupulous sacks of shit seeking work? You are? Well you’re in luck because a glittering career as an Approved Fact Checker awaits you.

The happy and productive life of an Approved Fact Checker
From March 26, 2021:

Quaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - Vernon Coleman
Top Quaccine Insider Says The Quaccine Will Cause a Worldwide Genocide
Sherri Tenpenny Exposes Mass Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Quaccine'
The Geert Vanden Bossche Interview
Quaccines a Software Operating System Controllable by Outside Sources
Hey Hey We're The Monkeys!
The Monkey Business of Quaccines
 Featuring comments from persecuted martyr Mike Smith!
Bourla's Rabbi & Mentor
Chris Sky's Coquitlam Speech
channel image

Welcome To Statist Kanada! Where They’ll Politely Kill You If You’re Too Poor To Live!

U.S.—Americans are facing yet another basic necessity shortage under the Biden Administration. This time a tampon shortage has struck the nation and caused many women to wonder what they will do when they run out of their essential feminine product.

"Hey, I have an idea to address the shortage," said one state official. "Why don't we just empty all those tampons from the men's room that no one's using?"

The idea helped alleviate the crisis, but the state official was soon fired for discrimination against trans people.

In their desperation to find tampons, some women have resorted to entering the men's restroom and taking tampons designated for trans men.

"As a lady, I would normally never enter a dirty, disgusting men's restroom for any reason," explained Ann Elizabeth, "but I'm completely out of tampons while the men's restrooms are stocked with an abundance of tampons that haven't even been touched!"

According to sources, this simple trick of women getting their tampons from the dispensers in the men's room has swept the nation and completely brought the tampon shortage to an end.

At publishing time, the nation's shortage of air freshener was solved by men entering the women's restroom.

2M subscribers

"Some music has the dumbest lyrics and the comedians of Dry Bar Comedy have definitely taken notice. In this Dry Bar Comedy compilation all about stupid song lyrics the Dry Bar Comedy comedians discuss some the dumbest song lyrics they have ever heard, or maybe misheard. Whether you're someone who never listens to lyrics, or you're someone who loves the lyrics to song this Dry Bar Comedy compilation is sure to keep you laughing from start to finish."

Poppa's Got A Brand New Gun

"Everybody's stupid except me!"
"All those gay jews keep deleting my precious comments!"
"Nobody ever answers my questions!"
May Your Demon, or Demons, Go With You!

🌞  🌝   -- The END !!!  😮   🌚


  1. What would you think of someone who keeps going back to the same library over and over again to borrow books that he brings home and returns within half an hour, without having read them, saying the books are stupid and a waste of time. Then he borrows another bunch of books and repeats the same thing.

    You might think the guy is stupid and a complete waste of time.

    You might call him Kossoff.

    I've heard a lot of people say " You can't fix stupid".
    Looks like they were right...

  2. "JOKE":

    The GREAT-German-People: Were the LAST Folks to Truly Emphatically Say:

    "SCREW* all of the (((homo)))-Shit !!!" :-o

    --> Unfortunately the "Anglo-Sphere" and the Russian-People were Already Too-Much under-the-Full-(MIND-Warping)-"Power" of the (((homos))) ...

    The ((("FREE")))-World Said Back:

    (((we))) are glad that You are Now-"On-Board" with (((our)))-(((homo)))-Program .... BUT, (((we))) INTEND for You to Be: The "Bottom"** .... and (((ourselves))) to be: The "Top" !!! :-o

    This "Joke" utilizes multiple-"puns" ...

    * "Screw" means: "To have-'sex'-with", "to put one's penis into something" ...
    For Example: "SCREW all of the (((homo)))-Shit !!!"
    Would Actually Mean: "Put OUR-Penis into: all of the (((homo)))-Shit !!!"

    ** In (((homo)))-Speak / Parlance:
    "Bottom" is the One-Being-'Screwed' ... and
    "Top" is the One-DOING-the-'Screwing' !!! :-o

  3. A Gullible World: The Story of a Man Who Didn't Beat His Wife

    Czechoslovak Folktale

    There was once a poor farm laborer, so poor that all he owned in the world was a hen. He told his wife to take this hen to market and sell it.

    "How much shall I ask for it?" the woman wanted to know.

    "Ask as much as they'll pay, of course," the laborer said.

    So the woman took the hen by the feet and set out. Near the village she met a farmer.

    "Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"

    "I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."

    The farmer weighed the hen in his hand, pursed his lips, thought a moment, and said:

    "You better sell it to me. I'll pay you three pennies for it."

    "Three pennies? Are you sure that's as much as you'll pay?"

    "Yes," the farmer said, "three pennies is as much as I'll pay."

    So the laborer's wife sold the hen for three pennies. She went on to the village and there she bought a pretty little paper bag with one of the pennies and a piece of ribbon with another penny. She put the third penny into the bag, tied the bag with the ribbon, slipped the ribbon on a stick, put the stick over her shoulder, and then, feeling that she had done a very good day's work, she tramped home to her husband.

    When the laborer heard how stupidly his wife had acted, he flew into a great rage and at first threatened to give her a sound beating.

    "Was there ever such a foolish woman in the world?" he shouted angrily.

    The poor woman, who by this time was snuffling and weeping, whimpered out:

    "I don't see why you find so much fault with me! I'm sure I'm not the only gullible person in the world."

    "Well," the laborer said, "I don't know. Perhaps there are people in the world as gullible as you. I tell you what I'll do: I'll go out and see if I can find them. If I do, I won't beat you."

    So the laborer went out into the world to see if he could find any one as gullible as his wife. He traveled several days until he reached a countryside where he was unknown. Here he came to a fine castle at the window of which stood the lady of the castle looking out.

  4. Part-2:
    "Now then, my lady," the laborer said to himself, "we'll see how gullible you are."

    He stood in the middle of the road, looked intently up at the sky, and then reaching out his arms as if he were trying to catch hold of something he began jumping up and down.

    The lady of the castle watched him for a few moments and then dispatched one of her servants to ask him what he was doing. The servant hurried out and questioned him and this is the story the clever rascal made up:

    "I'm trying to jump back into heaven. You see I live up there. I was wrestling up there with one of my comrades and he pitched me out and now I can't find the hole I fell through."

    With his eyes popping out of his head, the servant hurried back to his mistress and repeated the laborer's story word for word.

    The lady of the castle instantly sent for the laborer.

    "You say you were in heaven?" she asked him.

    "Yes, my lady, that's where I live and I'm going back at once."

    "I have a dear son in heaven," the lady said. "Do you know him?"

    "Of course I know him. The last time I saw him he was sitting far back in the chimney corner looking very sad and lonely."

    "What! My son sitting far back in the chimney corner! Poor boy, he must be in need of money! My good man, will you take him something from me? I'd like to send him three hundred golden ducats and material for six fine shirts. And tell him not to be lonely as I'll come to him soon."

    The laborer was delighted at the success of his yarn and he told the lady of the castle he'd gladly take with him the ducats and the fine shirting and he asked her to give them to him at once as he had to get back to heaven without delay.

    The foolish woman wrapped up the shirting and counted out the money and the laborer hurried off.

    Once out of sight of the castle he sat down by the roadside, stuffed the fine shirting into the legs of his trousers, and hid the ducats in his pockets. Then he stretched himself out to rest.

    Meantime the lord of the castle got home and his wife at once told him the whole story and asked him if he didn't think she was fortunate to find a man who had consented to deliver to their son in heaven three hundred golden ducats and material for six fine shirts.

    "What!" cried the husband. "Oh, what a gullible creature you are! Who ever heard of a man falling out of heaven! And if he were to fall, how could he climb back? The rogue has swindled you! Which way did he go?"

    And without waiting to hear the poor lady's lamentations, the nobleman mounted his horse and galloped off in the direction the laborer had taken.

    The laborer, who was still resting by the wayside, saw him coming and guessed who he was.

    "Now, my lord, we'll try you," he said to himself.

    He took off his broad-trimmed hat and put it on the ground beside him over a clod of earth.

    "My good fellow," said the nobleman, "I am looking for a man with a bundle over his shoulder. Have you seen him pass this way?"

    The laborer scratched his head and pretended to think.

    "Yes, master," he said, "seems to me I did see a man with a bundle. He was running over there towards the woods and looking back all the time. He was a stranger to these parts. I remember now thinking to myself that he looked like one of those rogues that come from big cities to swindle honest country folk. Yes, master, that's the way he went, over there."

    The laborer seemed such an honest simple fellow that at once the nobleman told him how the stranger had swindled his wife.

    "Oh, the rogue!" the laborer cried. "To think of his swindling such a fine lady, too! Master, I wish I could help you. I'd take that horse of yours and go after him myself if I could. But I can't. I'm carrying a bird of great value to a gentleman who lives in the next town. I have the bird here under my hat and I daren't leave it."

  5. Part-3:
    The nobleman thought that as the laborer had seen the swindler he might be able to catch him. So he said:

    "My good man, if I sat here and guarded your hat, would you be willing to mount my horse and follow that rascal?"

    "Indeed I would, my lord, in a minute, for I can't bear to think of that rogue swindling such a fine lady as your wife. But I must beg you to be very careful of this bird. Don't put your hand under my hat or it might escape and then I should have to bear the loss of it."

    The nobleman promised to be most careful of the bird and, dismounting, he handed his bridle to the laborer. That one mounted the nobleman's horse and galloped off.

    It is needless to say the nobleman never saw either man or horse again. He waited and waited. At last when he could wait no longer he decided that he would have to take the bird home with him and let the laborer follow. So he lifted the edge of the hat very carefully, slipped in his hand, and clutched—the dry clod of earth!

    Deeply chagrined he went home and had to bear the smiles of his people as they whispered among themselves that my lord as well as my lady had been swindled.

    The laborer as he neared his cottage called out to his wife:

    "It's all right, wife! You won't get that beating! I find that the world is full of people even more gullible than you!"

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  6. MY "Brain" / "Thinking-Processes" work Differently to Most Folks! ;-)

    Remember the courtroom-Drama (((TV)))-shows Perry-Mason / Ironside etc...

    Where a Witness would Swear to Tell: The TRUTH, the WHOLE-Truth, and Nothing-BUT-the-Truth ...?

    Well, I could always SEE: That to Tell a Greatly-Abbreviated / or "Rounded-Up": Summary ... would at-minimum: IMPLY un-truths! :-o

    I read more-slowly, thought more-slowly, and Wrote more-slowly too .... Making even TRYING to FINISH Exam-Papers a harrowing, and almost-impossible Terrifying-Ordeal for ME at School !!! ......
    -- Yet, I somehow came Second in Our Entire School !!! :-o ;-)

    I went-on to Go to University for-"FREE" ..... but, I "Dropped-Out" ... after just 6-Months ... and Became a "Hare Krishna" Cult-Member! :-o

    Most ALL Groups etc, ARE indeed Very Very "Cult"-Like .......

    But, Bizarrely: Hare-Krishnas Have FOUR MAIN / Fundamental-RULES: Which are indeed very very GOOD for Anyone to FOLLOW / Practice! :-o ;-) :-) :-) :-)

    NO: Meat-Eating (I Home-Cook/Prepare: From Fresh: Whole: Fruits, Vegetables, Milk, Butter/Ghee, cheese, Yoghurt etc. ALL of My Meals!)

    NO: Drugs, Alcohol, smoking etc...

    NO: Sex Outside-of-Marriage.

    No: Gambling, Envy, Atheism...

    A LOT: Of the "Cult"-Like: MIND-Control of being a Hare-Krishna ... was Centered-around: HOW Most Hare-Krishnas Found:

    AVOIDING: The Above-FOUR NOs ... almost-"Impossible" ... and Found some "Desirable"-vices: Drugs, Sex, almost-Irresistible! :-o

    -- Thus, ONCE I DISCOVERED that Our "Special-talks-Directly-with-God-[jew!]-"Guru" ......
    --> Was ACTUALLY: A Homo-sexual-child-molester ... I Instantly-KNEW: That (((he))) was NOT to be "Followed" .... and, After I: "Blabber-Mouth"-TOLD My Friends, ... and the TRUTH was Spread-Around-like-Wild-Fire ..... ALL but the Dumbest-of-the-Dumb "Followers" did the Same! ;-)

    One can begin to Imagine: the bizarre "Adventures" ... that someone as "eccentric" / "Different" / "Autistic" ... as Myself has Had in-My 60+ lifetime! ;-)

    Thus, When I "JOKE": That I have Literally-FORGOTTEN: MORE: Than My very-very-"Gullible"-30-Years-Younger-Nephew has ever "Learnt" ......
    --> It is indeed ALSO: A multiple-"PUN" ..... As I HAVE indeed: NOT-Only Experienced, and even "Accomplished"/Successfully-CREATED: Many many: Unique and Astounding "PROJECTS" / Accomplishments ... in MY Strange-and-Interesting-Lifetime ....

    But, indeed, I have ALSO: LOST most-ALL of the FRUITS: Of those Wonderful-Projects ...... and Even FORGOTTEN: Soooo much of it TOO !!! ;-)

    Yet, ONE-"Thing" that MY: very very "Gullible" "nerdy"-Nephew is indeed 108%-"CERTAIN-of":
    Is that HE is far FAR "Smarter" and "Accomplished" than I .......

    After-all HE "Went-Through-and-Completed-Successfully"-(At his Parent's-Expense!)-His-Fire-Safety-DEGREE" ....
    Where: I 'kid' you NOT !!!
    --> His University-Professor: CON-vinced HIM: That indeed "Office-Furniture-FIRES" "Brought-Down": Building-7 !!!!!!!! :-o ;-)

    And thus HE: Not-only "Lined-Up-for" Con-vid-"jabs" .... but even Managed to "Jump-Ahead" in the "Priorities"-System !!! :-o ;-)

  7. The World is full of Gullible people ...

    A Farmer wandered, and everywhere he saw Gullible People wearing-masks because of an imaginary Fake-"virus" ...

    All of the People were Losing-their-Homes to jew-bankers who Now "owned" them All, even though (((they))) had never worked a day in (((their))) lives! ... And the Police and Other "Authority"-Bullies Tormented everyone Terribly ... but No-One could do ANYTHING about it ... because to Defend-Themselves, or Stand-Up-to or Fight-Back, in Any-way ... would be: Bad, and being "violent" ...... and No-One should Ever be Advocating for "violence"! .......

    Thus a relative-handful of brazen-(((liars))) ... came to "Own" everything in the World, including All-People as (((their))) Slaves ... my my, indeed, by "watching"-(((TV))) ... they had All become soooo terribly-GULLIBLE !!! 😉 -- The END !!! 😮

    I had FORGOTTEN: My Short DAMNING: "Fairytale" too !!!!!!!! :-o

    I Wrote THAT on in just a Few-Minutes "Inspiration" ... one-morning-Before-Eating! ;-)

    --> But, it is now RAPIDLY-Becoming-More-and-MORE TRUE: Each and Every Day NOW ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    And Yet BECAUSE sooooo MANY "Gullible"-Folks .... STILL so-"PROUDLY": Con-tinue to "WATCH"-and-beLIEve-(((TV))) ......

    --> We are ALL now so: "Dumb-Struck" ....... at even HOW ANYONE could now "STAND-UP": Before this (((juggernaut)))-of-Step-by-Step-"clever"-"Legal"-(((DESTRUCTION))) !!! :-o

  8. HOW can the "clever" BRAZEN Ridiculous-(((LIES))) ...

    And Their TERRIBLE-CON-sequences ............

    --> Now be POSSIBLY AVOIDED !!!? :-o

    --> It would TAKE a Fraudulently-(((propped-up))) jewish-woman-posing-as-a-man Physics-Thesis-Theory-Patent-STEALING-(((Act-Whore)))-((("Genius")))-"Einstein" ....... to "Get-us-OUT-of-this-(((mess)))" Now !!! :-o

    Adolf-Hitler somehow MANAGED to SHOW His GREAT-German-Folk:

    The WAY OUT of: ((("Banker")))-FAKE-"Money"-Driven-"chosen"-HELL ........

    --> ONLY to HAVE the FULL-"MIGHT" of ((("Propaganda")))-Con-scripted-Dummies-and-DUPES:
    Come SMASHING-DOWN UPON Them !!!!! ... Every single: INNOCENT and Virtuous-Noble One of Them:

    Men, Women, Children, Old-Folks, Invalids, POWs, and their Little-dogs too !!! :-o

    But, indeed HOW could ANYONE: Now "WAKE-UP":

    A mongrelized "Addicted-to-Their-Own-DESTRUCTION": Amerimutt-Sheeple ................

    --> Who are to-this-very-Day: Soooooo very: "PROUD" of the Terrible(((DESTRUCTION"))):

    ----> Which THEY sooo Foolishly-LABORED: Night-and-Day ... to Enable: (((stalin))) (((church-ill))) and (((rosenfeld))) to Wreak-Upon:

    --> The very-HEART: Of "Christian"-Europe ... and indeed most-likely: The DEATH-Knell:

    Of the ENTIRE WHITE-Race itself !!! :-o

  9. The "American" Rainbow-Flag-of-"FREEDOM" .......

    NOW: Looks Set: To Reign it's "Glory": upon the Entire WHITE-World !!! :-o

    ALL that will be LEFT: Will be "Teaming": "Ignorant"-"Brown"-Masses ...

    Who themselves are in NO-"DOUBT" .... Whatsoever:

    That Penises Go-INTO: Vaginas ... by "choice",... or FORCE ....

    and that "MEAT" ... from WHEREVER it May be "FOUND" ... (Other "People" even!) ... Goes-INTO: Their Mouths ....

    Oh, and yes! .... POOP comes naturally OUT-of-their-arses ........ and "MUST" be "Deposited" .... most-EVERYWHERE !!! :-o

    --> Who "NEEDS": "BANKS" ... or "Toilets" ....... Let "FREEDOM" Reign .... over the ENTIRE (now "Brown"!) WORLD !!! :-o

    DOWN (and "OUT" / DESTRUCTION!) with "WHITEY" !!!

    And "UP" with "Browns" and ((("fags"))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A new 'colorful' "Rainbow"-World: of "FREEDOMS" to DO:

    "What comes 'NATURALLY' to "non-WHITES" ... of EVERY-Ilk !!! :-o ;-)

    Scummm of the World .... "UNITE" !!! :-o

    Sadly Beautiful-WHITE-Folks: Were too 'Kind' / Free with Their Women, .....

    Were too 'Kind' to the vicious-Hateful-Deranged-with-'vengeance'-jews, ....

    Were too "Kind to the "ungrateful" "gibbs-ME-Datt--crackka!" "non-Whites" ....

    Were too, "Tolerant" ..... and "Individualistic" ............ to actually:
    Reproduce-Themselves Sufficiently, ....
    Actually-LOVE-Themselves ... as WHITE-Brothers SHOULD ..... HAVE !!! :-o

    Due, to "Mind-Viruses" ........ Viciously-"INJECTED" through-(((Media))) ... BY: Bent-on-"Revenge"-Hell-Bent-Deranged-'sick'-jews !!! :-o

  10. @ Voltman

    :-) :-) :-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  11. "What would you think of someone who keeps going back to the same library over and over again to borrow books ...

    I've heard a lot of people say " You can't fix stupid." Looks like they were right..."

    The Food HERE is TERRIBLE!
    Yes! -- And the Portion-Sizes are soo SMALL! ;-)

    Mami's Posts are "Racist" and the Show-Hosts are "Shills" !!!
    Yes! -- And the Posts are soo Few, and Infrequent too !!! ;-)

    WHITES have pretty-much ONLY ever WANTED: to be 'Left-ALONE' / By-Themselves WITH-Their-OWN-People!

    (Many British People DIED in India; and Many Missionaries after Decades of 'FRUSTRATION' DIED in Africa too!)

    WHITES have ALWAYS just SEEN and FOCUSED upon: Their OWN: Happy: Friends, and Family !!! :-)

    (WHITES Don't really even-WANT: To have to BOSS-anyone-Else Around! -- ie: "Master--Slave")

    (Yes! "Missionaries" etc. HAD Long-ago: Gone to: Far-Away Foreign-Lands to GIVE Them:
    OUR massively-co-operative Step-by-Step Building-UP: Civilizations .... )

    (There is the WHOLE: "Tartaria": "Official-History"-REVISIONISM too!)

    --> But damned-jews / ((("merchants"))) / ((("tax-collectors"))) / ((("Adminis-trators"))) ...

    INSISTED upon (((THEIR))) HAVING: "Access" (And DOMINANCE!) .... to EVERY Aspect, and Institution of WHITE-Nations ...

    --> And, NOW Have "Successfully" Brought-IN: Wave-after-Wave of: "Gibbs-ME-Datt-Cracckka!" "non-WHITES" ...

    Months ago: A guy was calling-ME: A 'Ray-cist' !!!
    I Pointed-Out: How ALL 50 Countries in the HUGE and FERTLE African-Continent:
    Had KICKED-OUT: ALL WHITE-Folks .... So that They THEY could be: "LEFT ALONE ...."

    And I 'Simply'-ASKED: "WHY do They 'NEED' "ACCESS" to ALL of: OUR Nations!?"

    His answer of-course ... was 'simply' that: I was a "Ray-cist"! ;-)

    And that, "OBVIOUSLY": "non-WHITES" must 'simply'-HAVE "Access" to ALL: ("Ray-cist"!)-WHITE-Nations !!! :-o

    -----> Yes! -- One 'simply' CAN'T "Fix" "STUPID" !!! :-o ;-)

    These, .... These "People" ..... they 'simply' WON'T, ... CAN'T: Just LEAVE: US "Alone" ...

    For US to be LEFT: simply content and HAPPY by-Ourselves, With: Our OWN: Families and Friends of-LIKE-MINDS:

    WITH Our-OWN: People / OLKS !!!

    (A-La: "Birds of a FEATHER .... Flock Together!")

    IN Our OWN: Small-COLD-Climates-Nations !!!

    IT WAS indeed somewhat-PRUDENT and Correct:

    For WHITES to SEEK to Occupy: The ENTIRE-WORLD ..... to the EXCLUSION-of-ALL-Others !!!

    As Multiple Peoples in an Area ... will quite-Soon: RESULT in: ONE of These Peoples: Becoming-At-a-DISADVANTAGE / Destroyed !!!

    AFTER the "INSANE" Brother-((("WAR"))) of: ((("WWII"))): We FOOLISHLY 'conceded' the (((POINT))) that THIS was "Un-FAIR" !!!

    And Africa was Considered to 'Belong' to the .... to the .... "cute" wild "natural"-creatures ... ("child-like"-[Rape-Murder-Steal!]) "monkeys" ...

    But, Of course ... EXACTLY like with the 1965 American-Immigration-(((Laws))) ......

    (((they))) KNEW, and Fully-INTENDED: That: Africa for the "Africans"; India for the Indians; China for the Chinese; .... etc ...

    Would 'simply' be "RAY-CIST" "WHITE-Supremacy" ...... "NECESSITATING": An UN-LIMITED FLOW: of "non-WHITES" ... into EVERY:

    (Now FORMERLY!) WHITE-Nation !!! :-o

  12. WHY .... won't These "Book-Borrowers" 'simply' LEAVE us 'ALONE' by-OURSELVES,... in OUR Quite-Small-COLD-WHITE-Nations!!!?

    --> Because THEY simply Cannot !!! :-o

    Because for: "non-WHITES" to be 'simply' Left-'Alone', in Their OWN Countries ... surrounded-BY: Others Exactly-LIKE-Themselves .... is to be in a "Living-Hell, 'shit-hole'-country"!!!

    "Parasites" simply CANNOT: FEED "Live" OFF: Their-OWN-Kind / Other-'Parasites' !!! :-o

    --> Unless we can MAKE Them: Leave us 'ALONE' ..... as-Long as there are the Obvious-"Bennies" of Being-IN: OUR WHITE-Nations ....
    -- THEY will simply NEVER STOP COMING ....... until there ARE NO MORE: WHITE-Nations ... LEFT at-All !!! :-o

    "Locusts" ... do-NOT: Ever "Ask": WHO-Planted Fields FULL of FOOD !!!? ;-)

    (THAT would be: "RAY-CISS"!!!)

  13. Libraries ...

    For more than 2-Centuries ... Most ALL Publishers and Publications HAVE been: jew-Controlled ...

    And, as we have SEEN even-within-OUR-Lifetimes ... even Real-Time "events" are simply "Written-Down ... According to the "Official-Narrative" ...

    --> So WE 'simply' do-NOT have access to the TRUE Histories .......

    BUT, "carved-in-Stone" so-to-Speak (MANY "Stone"-"carvings" -- "SCULPTURES" !!! seem to have been MOULDED with Polymer-'Stone'-'clay'-like-consistency: "Stone"-mixtures!):

    ALL of People in the "Tartarian"-Sculptures, many MANY of Which are HUGE !!!

    --> Are of "European"-Features !!! -- Especially Their-NOSES !!! :-)

    In Gardening: We SEE that seeds and small-plants: Planted even in IDENTICAL-soil and conditions ... Grow VARIOUSLY !!!

    In Forestry: MANY small Treelings are PLANTED close-together ... and then, after some-time the Taller-STRONGER Trees are Selected ... and the other-ones "Weeded-OUT" !!! :-o

    It is Entirely-Possible: That 200+ Years ago: World-WIDE: There WERE: Very VERY TALL "GIANT" "WHITE"-"Patriarchs": We NOW Call them: "Kings" ... but THEY were NOT at-all Like: The Puny "Gay"-(((IMPOSTERS))) of Our Recent-Times !!! :-o

    Obviously: These "Giants" / "Gods and Goddesses" ... ATE: "The FOOD of the GODS" / "Food-of-IMMORTALITY" / "Ambrosia" / "Amrita"-(Sanskrit) ...
    Thus, simply put: THEY CONTINUED to GROW: Taller and Taller and STRONGER too! :-)

    A 1,000 year-old KING would LITERALLY-BE: "Head-and-Shoulders" Taller than the 500-600 year-old "Courtiers" !!! ;-)

    And indeed ("Nature" / "Nurture" / "Epigenetics") IF: YOUR Mother and Father WERE THESE Extremely-"TALL" People .... eating the "Food-of-the-Gods" ..... Then, indeed, even WITHIN-the-Womb: YOU too would be GROWING: Bigger and Bigger ... and be BORN: As a much BIGGER-SIZE-"Baby" as-well !!! :-o

    (Polar-Bear-Mothers, because of the COLD: Give-Birth to very-SMALL cubs ... and Then: Nurse and Snuggle them for Months, until they are much much BIGGER cubs !!! -- So ALL of these GROWING-Bigger Particular-Details are certainly nowhere-near: "Impossible" or even "Un-Usual" !!! ;-) )

    LIKE the Forestry example: Very Brave, obedient, selfless, CIVILIZED: Tiny-Humans COULD indeed: Have been SEEN to be somewhat-WORTHY: Of ALSO Eating: Some of the: "Food-of-the-Gods" ... and Subsequently thus: CONTINUING to GROW: Taller and STRONGER! :-)

    The "Brown-People" ... who NOW: So abundantly cover the Earth: Billions of which occupy: a "smallish"-Circle: Drawn-Around: Thailand (formerly the Unconquered-Kingdom of Siam) ... MAY to some-extent have been: Far Smaller-Numbered: "Monkey-Like" servant-creatures ....
    -- and, even IN THESE Regions ... the Fewer-numbered WHITE-tiny-Humans: Because of THEIR: INNATE-Aptitudes
    (Being: Very VERY Much LIKE: Smaller versions of the Gigantic "Kings" etc Rulers), would STILL have HAD:
    A very Happy IDENTITY, and have been Considered in ALL Aspects to BE: Separate from the (so-called-'Native'!) local-"Monkey"-populations! :-)

    It seems almost 100%-CERTAIN: That in the Scandinavian-Regions: EVERYONE was indeed what we call "WHITE" today ...
    -- ALL of the WAY: To Southern-Mediterranean Regions of: Italy, Greece etc. ...
    And, indeed Even IN the NORTH-African-Regions: The "WHITE"-Berbers etc. and "Egyptians" etc.

  14. We have Heard of the "British-Empire" and the "British-East-India-Company", ...
    -- BUT there was ALSO the "Dutch-East-India-Company":
    "Indonesia"; New-Zealand was, well "NEW Zeeland" Australia was "New-Holland"; "New York" was "New Amsterdam" ....
    And the "Boer" People of South-Africa: Were Inhabiting THERE: Long-BEFORE: ANY "Bantus" were even "Down" that-Far!
    -- And the "Boer" People are very-Much: "GERMAN" Stock Ancestry !!!

    The "English" Language is very VERY Recent !!! -- mere Hundreds of years!

    And "Latin" MAY have just been a Universal: Sea-Faring / TRADING Language; and "Italian" a world-wide: OPERA-Language! :-o

    Anyway: jews have RECENTLY: "Subsitized" / "Sponsored": The FEEDING and Massive Multiplication of the "Black Peoples in Africa (And so too in America!)

    And, although the 1-Billion+ Numbers of INDIANS would SEEM to "Pan-out" ...
    The CHINESE numbers, BEYOND: The HUGE Cities Along the Chinese-COAST ... might indeed NOT at-all "pan-out" turn-out to be actually-TRUE! (800,000,000 in the country-side!)

    Anyway ... the "Carved-in-Stone": "Tartarian" Sculptures / Monuments: AROUND the Entire-World: Are ALL:

    Of (Many Times HUGE!) "WHITE"-Featured Peoples !!!

    --> SHOWING that even BEYOND the very-Dubious "Official-Histories" ... until the Last 100-200 Years ... "Civilization" ... WORLDWIDE was indeed "WHITE" !!! :-)

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