September 23, 2022

Beyond the Official Narrative with Richard Kary 2022.09.23

Richard hosts the Friday BTON roundtable, along with Rosemairi MacLeod, Jeremy from Kentucky and Paul in California.

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1 comment:

  1. Words ....

    Firstly: When WE say-something ... and an Indian-"guru" SAYS: "Words, words, words ..." -- HE is "just" being-an-arse-hole !!! ;-)

    --> The POINT that Great Paul-in-California was TRYING-to-Make:

    Is that REALITY IS-what-it-IS !!! :-o .......

    -- There can be sooooooo Many: "ideas" stated:

    "I 'THINK' that Giraffes are-GREEN-in-color ... and are 'EQUAL' if-not-BETTER at-'Being'-Lions, than Lions are!" ;-)


    (((liars))) / Shabbos-LIARS,

    (((FAKE)))-"HOPES" ...

    OR non-Productive: DE-Moralization !!! :-o

    Just-Like: In LIFE: We need: Short-Term, as well as Long-Term GOALS !!!

    So: NO-One: Can even JUMP: ONE-Storey .... but, by using-Our-WILL: We can Quite-Reasonably: Divide THAT-Distance: INTO Easily-Managed-STEPS !!! ;-)

    -- And so Also, in LIFE: As just Looking-into-the-FAR-Future is Daunting ..... DAILY: "Small"-HUMAN-Victories are-ESSENTIAL: For Maintaining: The Ability: To WANT to INFLUENCE a Longer-Term FUTURE !!! :-o

    HERE is a SIMPLE Example !!!

    --> IF throughout-the-Week etc. we can HAVE: SOME UPLIFTING-Interactions: With-Fellow-WHITES .....

    -- THEN: WE can HAVE the Very-GOOD-DESIRE: To Struggle to Achieve: the Long-Term Survival and Happy-TRIUMPH-as-WHITE-Folks !!! :-)

    YOUNG-Women are "bubbly"-and-"Fun" ..... OLD-Women are More-"Grizzled" !!! ;-)

    ( "Maiden" : MOTHER : Krone )

    WOMEN, though very-Powerful: In EMOTIONALLY-MOTIVATING Others ... are none-the-Less WEAK-("Passive") !!!

    MEN (Often somewhat-DELUSIONALLY!) have-the-POWER-to-DO ......

    -- Thus, Women IMPLORE ("Nagging" etc!): MEN to GET-Something-DONE !!! ;-)

    What Paul was TRYING to SAY was: IF You WANT something to be DONE:

    --> Get-OFF-YOUR-arse ......... and, Step-by-Step: DO it (MAKE it so) !!!

    (Certainly DON'T be a "SLAVE"-in-Your-OWN-MIND! :-o )

    -- Thus, LARGER-NUMBERS of: GOOD-WHITE-Folks, Happily-Working / Co-operating: TOGETHER: ARE WHAT: WE NOW (as Always) Vitally-NEED ......

    -- To: Even "just" SURVIVE !!! :-o

    Things ARE What-they-ARE .......... and, DEPENDING on whether WE GET-Things-DONE ... or Tragically-NOT .... they Will-BE in-a-FUTURE-Reality too !!!

    Words are TOOLS to:

    Reciprocally: Emotionally-and-Intellectually-BOND-with-Others;
    Co-ordinate; and Thus: To Step-by-Step: Practically-Work-Together-with-Others ......

    --> To (Step-by-Step!) GET Things DONE .... in-REALITY !!! :-o ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)


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