September 23, 2022

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #113 2022.09.23

Giuseppe welcomes Greg Felton.

80k CF Download

1 comment:

  1. Interesting show to say the least.
    Best part was when Felton said Spanish flu was a virus. Giuseppe politely said he can forward info on the contrary, then Felton said, "Oh i didnt do any research on that " ...Ooops

    So does anyone have input. Who is the Bryan guy?Hes either a genius or a loon
    Who is this other guy "MarK"?? bring him on more often

    I really hate to beat this deadhorse for like the 6th time but since Mark made a point of it.. Who is this Dutchsince guy? Giuseppe hope you read these things because it may help and no, im not channeling my inner Paul From California , who btw, some may consider getting on for more of a guest host. I know ill get beat up about this,but the guy is quite a polarizing dude but as Richie From Boston says, a million times ,,but i digress

    Dutch is one you want to at least check out. Some things to know he has not or doesnt last i checked do regular YT posts. has one about a week ago but these are few and far between. Currently somethng has gotten into him and posts consecutive days. Hmmm Here is the post from 2 years ago

    9/08/2020 -- Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) beam shooting from California to MALHEUR NATIONAL REFUGE

    Malheur...hmmm. isnt that where gold and uranium are mined ? And one certain incident ?
    Last time i checked he rarely doest regular podcast. Basically you have to have his Twitch channel on all the since he just will jump on at any time. Its not a big deal to have the channel on all the time because you will know when he jumps on! it is worth it since he has a genius type mind.
    A great example ..and im paraphrasing a lot ..You know his tool is goog earth .He jumped on randomly one night and was telling this story of being at some satanic restaurant in England. Then he gets to the weird part. He tells a very detailed about the "Dorothy from Wizard of Oz " museum. Its in Liberal Kansas i believe. Being it has a 9/24 twist its a good time to tell. There is an airport there which unusually can take jet traffic. Out in the middle of nowhere ? He thinks there may be some entrance to deep tunnels that lead to... Denver Airport. I did follow it up for shits and laughs usin goog satellite . I found one thing i think he missed or decided it be best to shut up. I found a 727 parked there. All i can say is go ask Field McConnel what significance that may have.

    If you can catch him and just brain dumping its well worth it to keep his twitch on and wait . You just have to deal with his little bell


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