November 11, 2023

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2023.11.11

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events

Hour 2 - News And Current Events

Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


  1. No More PappaZioVaxx!

    Treason. Documented. – Dr Jan Halper-Hayes
    Really Sean!? Where do you find these people? More Q nonsense.
    Come on.
    Make America NOT Controlled By Jews Again.

    You Keep Me Hangin'on

    The Zombies - She's Not There


    Trump pushes for election interference trial to be televised
    The White Hats & their 60 year plan to save the world


    The Khazarian Plan for the Future (Part II)

    Jacques Attali believes that all opposition to the coming world
    order will be futile because it will not propose another system.


  2. MacGregor Organizing?:

    Douglas MacGregor: US diplomatic incompetence will nudge Israel toward catastrophic consequences

  3. In fond memory of the Boeing 727. A Mach .9 smoking loud throwback of a jet liner that would take off like a B-58 climbing for altitude.
    Takeoff and then landing from a short base to final with full flaps and thrust reversers.

    Fetch let me know if you read this.

  4. Dennis, you don’t have to apologise for talking about esoterics because you are a veritable fount of it all and it is both deeply educational and utterly fascinating! In the course of every day I say ‘thank you’ several times, and since an early show of yours way back I now do so every time in the knowledge that it is a small prayer of gratitude, a benediction. So, ‘than-Q’ Dennis!

    A correction from the show. John Dee was not 007, that was Lord William Cecil, the spymaster. Dee was a fascinating character nonetheless. Occasionally he is mentioned in the mainstream where he’s invariably described as Queen Elizabeth’s ‘Court Astrologer’ which is odd, and never expanded on. According to esoteric historian Vincent Bridges however, he was to Elizabeth what, mythically, Merlin was to King Arthur, head wizard, the Necromancer Royale. Dee was a genius, and as such he was able to conceptualise the fourth dimension. When I learned of this I spent quite a bit of time and brainpower trying to do the same but could not. I’m clearly not a genius!

    Using this knowledge Dee was able (according to Bridges at least) to open an inter-dimensional portal, where he directly convened with Enoch (Enoch was ‘raised up to heaven’ in the Old Testament). This meeting is where the Enochian alphabet comes from, and was the motivational foundation of the British Empire, to spread the word.

    Was Dee good or evil? I suspect the latter but could be wrong. Certainly in England during the period of the late sixteenth early seventeenth centuries there were a number of great minds: the aforementioned Dee and Cecil, but also Marlowe, Bacon and Shakespeare. It could be argued that the foundations of the modern world were laid at that time, and that is certainly true of the English language.

    Talking of which, inspired by some of your early shows I started looking at the language analytically. Here is a beautiful example of the mystical hinterland to a simple word, namely ‘spell’. My dictionary has four definitions: 1) the arrangement of letters to create a word 2) a magical charm or incantation 3) a period of time 4) a splinter (usually of metal) embedded in flesh. So, ’spell’ is the formulation of a word to do some magic which gets under your skin for a while! It’s magic!

    Here’s a link to a lecture by Bridges. It’s contentious certainly but also fascinating.


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