November 11, 2023

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett 2023.11.11

#World4Palestine! (With J. Michael Springmann)

False Flag Weekly News is a weekly investigative news program that covers extremely controversial subjects. We want to remind our viewers that “Questioning” of Official Government or Mainstream Media Stories Is Not Hate Speech, nor is it Fake News, it is Free Speech that is protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

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  1. Yeah Jobe posted that link on the Rense thread.

    Give me a few hours and I'll post all of the links and shit.

  2. Wow !!! :-o -- Astounding !!! :-o -- Soo MANY Timeless and Timely TRUTHS !!! :-o

    THIS Particular WL Pierce is VERY VERY Crucial + TIMELY to Totally "GET" ... and even TRY to MEMORIZE !!! :-o


  3. WHO ... but a "jew" ... could even THINK about LYING ... about even the (((BIG-LIE))) !!!? :-o

    ..... But, of course the "jews" are the MASTERS of the (((BIG-LIE))) itself ... which Like HE mentioned: (((they))) Proudly-call: Chooootzphaaah !!! :-o


  4. And, as "INVERSION" of the TRUTH (Just like the School-Yard "Bully" "cleverly"-ACCUSES: The Little-Child-VICTIM: Of HIS-"Fun" ... of "Starting it!" ...) is ONE of (((their))) MAIN: LYING Methods ... actually (((their))) MAIN "Satanic"-"RELIGION" !!!!!!!!!!! ...

    (((they))) indeed WOULD, to-(((them)))-OBVIOUSLY: LIE: About the (((BIG-LIE))) "clever"-(((technique))) !!! :-o

  5. THIS 3-minute Video was "Suggested" after THAT one !!! :-o

    Perhaps EVERYTHING in this 3-minutes is a MULTILAYERED "Revelation-of-the-Method" "psyop" !!!? :-o

    Maybe I DON'T KNOW "Accents" that-Well .... --> But "Manson" .... at-the-very-Least: SOUNDS Like: "W" .......

    And "W" was DEFINITELY-"ACTING" really really "DUMB" ... "Fool me... Fool me ... twice ...... you know ...." ;-)

    (HIS Yale-Test-Scores: Were Actually FAR-HIGHER than: Canoe-Head-Kerry's !!! ;-) )

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What happened to Mike sledge where is he? (preferably without his fat prepped buddy)

  8. So at this point, I'm thinking that Albert is a some sort of Trans Woman dude.


  9. J. Michael Springman said he was booted or some such from RT. Anyone here remember watching RT in the early years? 9/11 was a major subject on such shows as The Truthseeker right up until the founder Mikail Lesin was murdered in a DC hotel room in 2015. DC police etc attempted a covered by stating it was a suicide but the blunt force trauma to the head was too obvious so the death cause was revised to murder by "Russian Oligarch" hit men. I think we can translate Russian Oligarch to Jews. Note Wikipedia skims right over Lesin's murder.

  10. Lol. We still haven't heard Clint's side of the story. I keep seeing 3 links, but the links only give errors, don't play. I doubt it was as simple as 'your dad's in big tech, screw you'.

    Fetzer is controlled opposition. This program's host is a jew. Listen to how he says 11/11 is an occult number, doesn't say it's the jew new year. Listen to how giddy he is to talk about 'numbers'. The entire alt media is controlled opposition.

    Nobody owes Fetz an apology. He's ex-military. All his co-hosts are either ex-military or ex-police. Some of Fetzer's co-hosts are crypto-jews (Brian). Fetzer is a psy-op propagandist, not an actual 'reporter of news'. Same with Scorpio, same with Mike, same with every single plant in the alt media, and they're all plants.

    They gain the positions of popularity and influence they have because they are backed by the system, they are promoted by the system itself, and they have no more moral or intellectual legitimacy than the mainstream media.

    You dumb nigger.

    1. Who cares about ALEX COHEN'S side. You're defending Jews now while calling me a nigger? LOL

  11. Let me try to explain this the best I can. The alt media is known as the 'mockingbird' media, not some of them, all of them. Mike even talks about how he was involved with freemasonry 'when he was younger'. Nobody 'quits' the freemasons, they're like the Hell's Angels. It's something a person is born into, and never leaves, just gets shuffled to a different spot.

    Mike has admitted, live on air, that he's part of the secret societies and thus is not a real reporter of news, trying to get to the bottom of the truth, he's a propagandist, part of the controlled opposition of the mockingbird alt media.

    I actually respect Mike more than these other hosts, who keep their background and their motives entirely secret.

    Most of the shows uploaded here are jew hosts. This guy, who says he's muslim, is most likely jewish. His guest is 100% jewish. The 'inside the eye' guy is a jew. Scorpio is likely a jew, he's said that he's dated a jew woman, and jews only date their own kind. So there you go, use some basic inference and some basic logic, and it's pretty easy to see the alt media for what it really is.

    Anybody whose collected enough information to do one of these podcasts, knows damn full well that modern religions are all freemason creations. Yet, they all either support organized religion, professing actual belief in their own make-believe creations, or at the very least, do not ever venture into territory where they are deconstructing organized religion or pointing out how malicious it is and how negative the repercussions of it's implementation are.

    Every single person in the alt media is secret society, jew, controlled opposition. Every single one of them. Open your eyes, look up to the skies, and see.

  12. I can boil it down even simpler for you. All media has become a platform for jews arguing with each other.

    Anything you can see on your glowy screen; every t.v. show, movie, podcast, youtube channel, popular music, any form of media you can find anywhere is jewish. Either openly jews, or people sponsored to have the opinions they do by jew money.

    That's it. This is all your witnessing on every single channel of media that exists on the entire planet, anywhere. Jews arguing with each other, using every public channel that is available to them, which is all.

    Got it? That simple enough for ya?

  13. Power Blow - At first I just thought you were some kind of narcissistic retard but now you are revealing you are actually a malicious troll of some kind. Let me correct you on some claims you have made.'

    Mike never said he joined Freemasonry - he was asked to join by a friend and went to a meeting and something told him not to do it. BTW, lots of people quit Freemasonry. You just stop paying your dues and stop showing up to meetings. Most Freemasons don't know shit anyway, it's only the people who reach 32nd degree and above. You are showing you really don't know very much about the subject.

    I never said I dated a Jewish girl. I banged a couple of them back when I was in a band in college before I was Jew wise. So what? I was being honest about my past and I've actually revealed a lot of things about myself over the years. I've done countless hours of video and a picture of my face is posted over at RBN. You claiming I am Jewish is absurd and it shows your malicious intent. People know what Sledge looks like too.

    Let's see a picture of your face, Shlomo. We both know you won't do that so STFU.

  14. Gotta respond as if I didn't just read that, first.

    Only topics that are part of the 'jewish argument' are permitted. If I point out how christianity is flawed, how it's followers are like Heimsker, that insane NPC in Skyrim, or that it's like the Wizard of Oz, with the curtain falling away from the menacing presence of organized religion to reveal a tiny, shrieking jew, then I am banned. Trying to reason with people, that whites should have an alternative besides extinction or christianity, is not part of 'the jewish argument', and is grounds for censorship. Pointing out that christianity is the primary force responsible for the manipulation of whites into extinction, not a topic allowed in the 'jew argument'.

    I am actively banned and censored by Fetzer, Igan, Ragecast, everywhere, even here. Meanwhile, the 'jew argument' rages on full force and every jew and their proxies are ready to defend to the death the justification for their unrelenting trollmanship, and all the sound and fury they make that signifies nothing.

    It's easy to make assumptions that are most likely correct. Look at the recent corona epidemic, where every single business owner everywhere went right along with the plan, locking their doors early, putting up signs. Think for a minute, that if the organization has that much control over every business in the country, almost the world, how easy it would be for them to have the same level of control over the entire media, including the alt right media. Think of all the Fetzers and Scorpio's running their gigs across all the civilized countries in the world, because that's what is 'the program'.

    In fact, most people are thoughtless morons, that exist only as jew proxies, helplessly regurgitating jew propaganda as the only things they know. A prison of mindlessness and thought control.

    I'll have a webcam here by next week, for my guitar stream. I've got to wait for it to get here, from China. I've got so much stuff floating through the mail to me rn, it's silly.

  15. It is absurd. I'll try to stop using extraneous commas, but, A human feels a need to identify with themselves as belonging, a part of some greater thing.

    The situation is backwards enough to make a person have thoughts like, 'well, I guess I'm not retarded, so I have to convert to Joodieism'. 'Except I'm not a crap-head, so I won't fit in there, either'.

    So I just fade into the west, like one of Tolkien's elves. At least for me, it was a conscious choice, and I can mock the others who will be still caught in their own webs of deceit once I'm no longer earth-bound. It's offense to them, to suggest that perhaps humanity should be offered a better opportunity than what they've wrought to present. BANNED.

    1. Tolkein was a Christian, btw, as was C S Lewis and many other great writers of the time. I doubt you can honestly assert the notion of these great intellects being unable to critically evaluate their own beliefs.

      It's also very easy to deconstruct a belief or set of them, hence why Marxism is so endearing to the unthinking masses. You might find you get a warmer reception when commenting, should you try to construct your own belief system, rather than repeatedly calling everyone else retarded.

  16. Damn! PB comes across as rather cogent after all!

    Btw, I have calibrated, highly sensitive JEWDAR and it doesn't even 'chirp' on Scorp.

  17. Talking about Jews I'm going to drop this here and you NEED to watch or listen to Steve Malzberg, the jooest joo I have ever heard. Hamas are Nazis never forget the lampshades and soap.


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