August 13, 2024

The Hollow-Cost-Hoax is Exposed - Kenan Son Of Enos ~ The Holocaust Myth - Dr. Nick Kollerstrom ~ jews' Plan to Kill Everyone in Their Own Words ~ Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That Is Israel - Unsafe Space ~ Memories of Dresden

Their mask has fallen, and people around the world are awakening to the Jewish Question, because we are finally seeing Jewish Supremacy for what it truly is.


The Jew - Blink 1488

 Dresden Before The REAL Holocaust
The old saying that the Jew cries out in pain as they attack has proven itself to be true, but how could they play the role of the eternal victim once the truth about the greatest historical hoax of all time gets exposed for the fraud that it was?

The Jew - Blink 1488

Scott Ritter lays out in clear and truthful terms that the Israeli crimes against humanity are a shame on this earth and a shame on the American people who ignorantly support it either enthusiastically for political and financial gain as in the case of scum like Nikki Haily or they acquiesce to it (out of the same brainless thoughtless mindlessness that so many Americans are cowed and manipulated into "believing in" and supporting because they are brainwashed to do so by the Jewish controlled machinery of lies called the mainstream media). "israel must be annihilated. " - Scott Ritter


 Dresden After The Holocaust

Dresden Holocaust

 Dresden Before The Holocaust
 Dresden Before The Holocaust
 Dresden Before The Holocaust
 Dresden Before The Holocaust
 Dresden Before The Holocaust


  1. i can recommend James Bacque "other losses" and "crimes and mercies" these 2 books show you who had the real sacrifice, germany after ww2 they were starved on purpose by Roosevelt, even there was no global food shortage, in the Rheinwiesenlager near 800K died alot to starvation while they piled the food rations the red cross and quakers and others donated for germany, not to talk about the 5 million germans who died to starvation in the Hunger Winter 1945/46, again the food could be delivered but Roosevelt did Morgenthaus plans, even Morgenthau himself wrote in 1948 they did the plans partially, no food allowed for germans. At the Rheinwiesenlager wifes got show who tried to give food to the PoW. And i dont even want to start with how the US rigged the numbers on the camps so they could hide the death rate, all camps had 30-45% yearly death rates. And one story stick in my head from yday, im jsut reading the book, in the Remagen camp the PoW dug earth holes to live in, like in the other Rheinwiesencamps it was outdoor exposed to the elements with no tents, one good day the US came with bulldozers and flatten them PoW alive in their holes. Now talk about warcrimes. 800K PoW died in that hell. Read James Bacque, most americans dont know about what happened because the US army never talked they were up to today silent on this topic, imho because they still occupy germany.

    1. Sorry too many typos, "whifes got shot" it should sure say, there are even 2 memorials for wifes being shot while trying to give food.

  2. At 6:30 Ritter talks about Nikki Haley calling on Israel to finish the job in Gaza then compares it to telling Hitler to make the holocaust trains run faster. What a buffoon.

    1. I can't understand why Harry would play him... sounds like a string of lies to me.

  3. Kenan is absolutely on fire... terrific presentation!


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