February 21, 2024

Coca-Cola, 1971 - 'Hilltop' | "I'd like to buy the world a Coke"


zapoper said...

That's what I've been saying all along. For decades now White people have been brainwashed into not being racist.

zapoper said...

Slowly getting us ready for the invasion.

Sketchy 1 said...

I'd like to buy the world a coke and get a dental bill,

for rotting teeth and dia be tees, and more disease

and furnish it with blood, That's the lie I sing

What the world wants today, it's the con I sing.


Jumbo Patterson said...

The story of Coca Cola's beginnings is quite a story in itself.

Injured confederate war hero, strung out on opiates, tries to develop a tonic drink using cocaine and alcohol in order to wean himself off of opiates and earn a living for his family.

After a bit of hit and miss, he comes up with a saleable commodity.

Sadly, he ends up selling his company to a jewish gentleman for relative peanuts, in order to continue to fund his pain killing drug habit, and perishes shortly thereafter.

Jewish gentleman takes the brand global, extracts the cocaine, which he sells seperately to a pharma company,and there you have it.