December 07, 2022

The True Dope on Trudope The Psychopath, The E-meme-gency Act, Anti-Christya Freakland, Human Trafficking, Canadian History Unfiltered - Viva Frei, Jeremy McKenzie, Mouthy Buddha, Matt Ehret, Hammer Head Garage, Mr. Sunshine Baby, Druthers, The Statler Brothers


Jewstein Trudope speaks with forked tongue.

The E-meme-gency Act
From Edibles to Martial Law - A Diagolon Story
As a Canadian citizen, proud veteran and man who stands on his own two feet and had to work and suffer tremendously for everything I am blessed to have, under absolutely no circumstances was I going to entertain the notion of kneeling before some wannabe white-knight crybabies on the Internet.
I was angry on behalf of many others who, despite whatever unsavory views or feelings or opinions they may hold, have the right in this country I fought for and dozens of my friends died and continue to die for, to express how they feel. 
Remember how everyone memorized the first few levels of Super Mario in the early 90’s? Yes, like that. I knew what I could say and how to say it to make them dance, write more garbage and force them to expose their petty selves.
The notion that a cabal of scared little boys who didn't get a date to the prom are entitled to slander and defame whoever they disagree with is heinous and has no place in this country, or any free country. 
Even in the midst of all this; however, I wanted to give the people at CAHN the opportunity to turn this around. Over the course of the summer months I had ongoing, cordial relationships with both Peter Smith and Kurt Phillips via text and video chat, under the guise that they were trying to understand the truth. Morgan and I even assisted them, willingly, with an investigation into an incident involving one of their directors that had nothing to do with us.
I should have known CAHN’s loathing and fear-driven, boy-crying-wolf psychosis was far too entrenched. They’ve never publicly acknowledged our conversations, and the moment I was conveniently put away, they doubled-down on their lies.
They were so obviously captivated by their hatred of me and my refusal to capitulate to their demands that all logic and reason went out the window. Any commitment to honest investigative journalism fled their cold, black hearts faster than the last dozen women who swiped right.
For context, I must mention American comedian Andy Kauffman, but to a more contemporary art form, Sam Hyde. Mr. Hyde is, in so-called "right wing" Internet circles, a famously successful troll. 
Having enjoyed success in television and his own websites and productions, what fascinated me about him, like Kauffman, was the ability to do some really outrageous inside jokes, while also making a point. Hyde had managed, with his supporters, to dupe CNN and other national level media into declaring him one of the latest mass shooters, even using Hyde's stock photos on air. 

Not stopping there, you may recall "the ghost of Kiev", hero pilot of Ukraine. Looking more closely, "Sameniov Hydenski" is just a picture of Hyde Photoshopped convincingly into an F-18 cockpit.

Gut-bursting to those of us in the know, but also powerfully relevant to the times. The media, as Denzel Washington said in 2016, is all about, “the need to be first, not even to be true anymore."

"So what a responsibility you all have — to tell the truth. In our society, now it's just first — who cares, get it out there. We don't care who it hurts. We don't care who we destroy. We don't care if it's true," Washington exclaimed to the pack of reporters gathered on the red carpet before him that night.

Peddling incorrect information, framed as "the truth" by authoritative sources is extremely harmful. People can and do base their life decisions around what they trust to be "true" from authorities. 

I did. I went to fight a war I didn't understand.

Hyde had cleverly pioneered for contemporary times a new art form. He could make us laugh while simultaneously embarrassing corporate media giants, and they deserved it. 

Light bulb💡!

I had a similar idea in store for CAHN. Bafflingly, I would even openly mock them about this concept in real time, but perhaps out of hubris, they neglected to take stock of what was happening. Or maybe they just realized they could use it to their advantage.

CAHN and other pearl-clutching media outlets were demonstrably obsessed with the boogeyman under the bed scenario of a "white supremacist militia movement". Going back to at least the late 80’s in America, this trope is a favourite of far-left alarmists particularly.

I've certainly had my fair share of weapons training and recreational firearms, hunting, etc. remains very popular in conservative circles. I know this is a scary prospect, Toronto, but you're going to be OK.

It became clear that the existence of firearms in Canada was extremely terrifying to CAHN and affiliates, so I leaned into it even more. Derek Harrison did too - we all did, on purpose. Cue more articles about, "scary Internet man with guns who wears plaid." Then of course, the obvious dog whistle of "Nazi symbolism" was too easy. 

Even I fell out of my skeptical chair after using innocent imagery like Nordic rune signs and valknut crosses, compasses, etc. discretely placed around were seized upon as "proof" of my extremism. 

I'm Danish. My grandmother, Dorte, immigrated to Canada with her mother from Denmark after Nazi occupation and the end of the war. My great-grandmother famously shoved a German officer’s own gun into his chest and told him to beat it. 

Poking danger in the eye runs in the family.

So, being one-quarter Danish, I have a cultural and family attachment to their history. CAHN knows this very well, but decided screw it anyway, just make him a “Nazi”. 

Another wild card feature of my broadcasts has been the consumption of cannabis from time to time. Like many creatives, I find it helps put me in a more fluid state of mind for added sillyness. I strongly suspect the Rick and Morty writers attend the same THC centered dimension. A long list of wild movie trailers, unsolved mysteries, game shows, character and celebrity impressions and yes - the parallel 'Tim Burton' meets 'Family Guy'  world of Diagolon. 

I will address the scourge and menace of our arch nemesis nation 'Circulon' another time. Damn 'Circs'...

The E-meme-gency Act
From Edibles to Martial Law - A Diagolon Story

Published December 6, 2022

Here's Another REAL Emergency:
Canada, circa 2022 Currently passing bills to - take your guns (c21) - censor the internet (c11) - forcibly vaccinate (c36) - censor anyone for anything (c36) - seize property (c36) - fine and jail dissent (c36) - label unvaxxed as mentally insane and lock them up (c36)

His Phoniness is unbearable, even for other politicians...
Jarl of Swot
How utterly ironic. His boss Xi will be extra angry with the little hairball now.

Nelio Anderson
He also supported farmers protests in India even when they employed violence.

The Cat Came Back
Trudeau joins Canada-wide protests against Iranian regime. Oct 31, 2022. Trudeau led hundreds of protesters in a march between Ottawa and Gatineau, Que. Trudy joined in chanting "justice in Iran" and "stop killing in Iran... Does Trudy think we won't see this??!!

Jim Dent
Does he support their use of weapons too?

Mowgli Baloo
Is it still the government he most admires? 
keh depermit203477
When asked which country he most admires, President Xi stated: "Trudeau's Canada, for their basic dictatorship." 

chet lilley
Yup! China's check must have bounced!
Published October 29, 2022

The question of Pierre Trudeau's role as a leading Fabian Society operative is explored at length with a deep dive into Pierre from a fascist-loving Jesuit trained high school student in Quebec to a protege of Harvard's William Yandall Elliot and Harold Laski tool at the London School of Economics. We trace his role within Canada's Privy Council Office during the 1950s and his role leading a de-Christianization program of the once anti-Malthusian Quebec.

The October Crisis and Pierre's role in that false flag, the creation of the Club of Rome in Canada and and CSIS are also evaluated. More importantly we explore the Rhodes Scholar take down of John Diefenbaker and the Bank of Canada during the 1960s. Not to look only upon modern history, we also plunge into the deeper reasons for the British North America Act fraud of 1867, and the fraud of a fraud known as the Charter of Rights of Freedoms of 1982. We also explore the anti-imperial faction of Canadian nationalist that emerged into power around the figure of Wilfrid Laurier who was also ousted in a Roundtable-directed coup in 1911.

US wants official of Ukrainian descent at helm of NATO – NYT – Nov 5, 2022

The grotesque wallet grabbing Bernie Madoff look-a-like Chrystia Freeland is of course a crypto Jewess.

Calling her the offspring of “Nazi collaborators” is misdirection, there isn’t anything about her mother and sisters that isn’t Jewish. That’s why she has had such an easy path right to the front of the line. From the mayors to premiers to the Prime Minister’s Office, Canada’s government is Jewish. Take one look at he and her family:×0-c-default.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f430b19e2a11b64d23411ef7a5344a0ecf7dbfd0c9d5ba13f8aa6bcd182f5791&ipo=images

Naturally she goes to Israel and gives a speech about how Canadians are anti-Semites:

She loves to go to Israel and tell them they have a totally pro-Israel government in Ottawa even though Canadians ‘hate the Jews’. She says that Jews are the number one target of hate in Canada:

Remember this white man, any time someone uses the term “Nazi”, that person despises you and wants you dead. They are the ones turning your countries into dirty ugly multicultural toilet bowls. They are often the ones with hideous faces and they resent being put on this earth as mongrels. There are ten times the number of them, they grab all those cushy government jobs, deny being Jewish and like being surrounded with “diversity”, which is another method of distraction. “Don’t look at me, look at that one in a turban, that one just off the plane from Africa, that one in a burka! If you dare call me a Jew, I will call you an anti-Semite and cry about Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust. So cut your nuts off, smoke your crack and die already white man while we do whatever we want to your children. Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust.”

 The Wicked Witch of The West: Auntie Christya Freakland

The country formerly known as Canada is now Sector 15 of the NWO. No more country. There never was. Canada never had a ratified constitution. Truedough Sr. fucked us over with his commie lovin' antics, so now it's natural that his illegitimate son, born of Castro and his freewheelin ' mother Margaret, is the natural selection to be "HEAD BOY" of the country once known as Kanada."

Amazing Nuremberg vibe in Canada - Chrystia Freeland in hearing


"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right..."
Here I am...stuck in the middle with jou..."



 !!! WARNING !!!
The only thing to ever come out of this asshole is bullshit.


1 comment:

  1. Companion to the video above, I made these short clips on Canada a few months ago from a different interview.

    Matthew Ehret on the Rise of the Trudeaus & bad guys in Canada pt1 — Intro 🍁 Tim Kelly Feb 18 22

    Matthew Ehret on the Rise of the Trudeaus & bad guys in Canada pt2 — Backstory🍁 Tim Kelly Feb 18 22

    Matthew Ehret on the Rise of the Trudeaus & bad guys in Canada pt3 🍁 Tim Kelly Feb 18 22

    Matthew Ehret on the Rise of the Trudeaus & bad guys in Canada pt4 🍁 Tim Kelly Feb 18 22

    Matthew Ehret on the Rise of the Trudeaus & bad guys in Canada pt5 — Conclusion🍁 Tim Kelly Feb 18


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