June 30, 2014

The Spingola Zone at AFP 6/30/2014

Deanna's guest is Werner Bock, a farmer in Canada who has endured some interesting experiences at the hands of those who wish to destroy independent farming.

American Free Press
The Barnes Review
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?   


Spingola Speaks 2014.06.29

Guest:Mary Tocco, Director of Vaccine Research, Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines; 4-5: Bruce Wiseman; CCHR, CCHR International; The Hidden Enemy 

NB: This is only hour one. A special post will be made if Deanna ever gets the rest of the show from the IT guy at RBN

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.30

Ancient Egypt part 1.

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

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Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.30

Dr. David Duke discusses his earthshaking public demand that Obama and much of Congress be prosecuted for Treason because of the Zionist directed support of ant-American terrorist al Qaeda groups in Syria that now endanger Americans at home and all over the world. He also points out that supporting the State of Israel, a nation that has made terrorist attacks against America, also constitutes Treason. Dr. Slattery also joins the discussion with prescient commentary! Share and spread to all your family and friends!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Corporate Media Complicity in State Crime

In a country with advanced technology for news distribution, the removal of a nation’s leader by a coup d’etat will never be attempted unless those sponsoring the murder feel assured that they will have an effective degree of control over the dissemination of the news.  Government control must be at a high enough level to guarantee the subsequent distribution of official news releases encouraging the belief that, however tragic the incident, it was essentially meaningless and all is well.
The high speed of news dissemination is used to great advantage in contemporary intelligence assassinations.  The official fiction can be spread to every corner of the world and obtain acceptance as reality long before any separate inquiry, if one ever occurs, has begun.  The sheerest illusion is spun into the only reality the public will ever know.
***Read full article here***

NoAgenda Episode 630 - "Double Twister" - 2014.06.29

IRS; The Fix Is In; Police State; Iraq; F-Russia / Ukraine / Syria; Polish BJ's; Deutschland Blitzkrieg; Shut Up Slave!; SnowJob; War on Ca$h; NA-Tech; Hillary 2016; Haiti; EUROLand; CYBER!!!; Follow the Pipes; Trains Good, Planes Bad (whoo hoo!); MH370; Bank$ters; Space War$, and all your usual hanging wallpaper whilst listening Goodies.
Bet the rabid WN's,Aryan fantasists and Hitler lovers will *hate* this pic!


The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2014.06.29

Legal Opposition to an Illegal Regime

Kyle speaks with Attorney Don Advo, co-host of Stormfront Radio. Topics include: the basis of the Western legal system, anti-White bias, the illegal invasion of America, legally reclaiming our country, freedom of association, the proposed Advo Amendment, and much more.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


Monsanto Tries to Patent & Control Natural, Non-GMO Tomatoes

In an appalling attempt to patent yet another seed, Monsanto has resorted to fraud to try to gain rights to a tomato which contains a naturally occurring resistance to a fungal disease called botrytis. The tomato is not genetically modified, but Monsanto manipulated documents to make the plant look ‘invented’ by biotech when the plant’s true maker is Mother Nature, herself.
Representatives of No Patents on Seeds! have called attention to this shady play of the biotech industry to try to outrun their failing genetic experiments. The original tomatoes used for this patent came from the international gene bank in Gatersleben, Germany, and they have shown this resistance for ages, well before biotech started monkeying with our food supply.     ***Read full article here***

Monsanto Security Tries to Shut Down Reporters at World Headquarters

Monsanto -- often dubbed "The World's Most Evil Corporation" is a $15 billion U.S.-based multinational agrochemical and genetically modified seed company. Despite the fact that millions all over the world consume Monsanto's GM seeds hidden in unlabeled food products every day -- primarily in the form of GMO corn, soy, oil and beet sugar -- the people of the United States and other parts of the globe are not allowed to know what they are eating. This is to the outrageous point that the company's lobbying firm is suing the State of Vermont for trying to mandate GMO labeling (after voters demanded it).
Yet, one of Monsanto's own official tenets in its company "pledge" is transparency.
THIS VIDEO shows what happens when you try to film on a public sidewalk outside Monsanto's world headquarters in Creve Couer, Missouri (a suburb of St. Louis) -- where no parking signs and restrictive city ordinances have already attempted to intimidate and shutter public demonstrations and news reporters.

10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.
***Read full article here***

Taste of Freedom

The story of Palestinian prisoners currently held in Israeli jails and those who are learning to cope with life outside the Israeli prisons.

June 28, 2014

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.06.28

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Hour 1 - News and commentary
Hour 2 - Guest The Octave from Romania talks about Ukraine, Hungary and the breakup of Yugoslavia etc.
Hour 3 - Dennis and The Octave continue their discussion on Central Europe. Alex the Serb calls in.

32k CF Download

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org

Why the USA and England Had to Start World War Two

Why? Basically because their gangster overlords, the sleazy criminals that slither around the banks in Wall Street and the City of London financial district told them to get the war on.
The banksters were deathly afraid that Hitler's resuscitation of Germany's economy, which had been on life support and falling fast, but got turned around in a matter of years into what got called an economic miracle would start spreading to other nations, many of whom were being destroyed from within by the perverted banksters choke-hold on those nations.
They knew that if Hitler's plan started catching on elsewhere, their centuries old con of debt based currency would no longer be needed or used and that would put the fiat banks out of business, not only seriously impacting their very lucrative incomes, but worse, strip away all their power.
That could not be allowed to happen.          ***Read full article here***
*Judea Declares War On Germany 
*Rothschilds Criminal jew Control 0f World Banks and War-´Making 
*Usury: Weapon of the International JEWISH Banking Cartel Families against the world 
*Who are you not allowed to criticize? 
*More information here 

Rethinking the Khazar Theory!

 The “Khazar theory” falls down when it is understood that it only attempts to explain the origin of the “European” or Ashkenazim Jews—and completely ignores the Sephardic element of Jewry, which compromises nearly 40% of all Jews today and about 50 percent of Jews in Zionist State of Israel.
By focusing on the bogus “Khazar” theory, its proponents deflect attention away from the proven historical record that Jewish Supremacist behavior is common to both Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewish extremists.
This is proven by the fact that Israel uses DNA tests to check if potential immigrants to that country are Jewish or not.
If there was a wide divergence between Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewry, as the “Khazar theory” would maintain, then it would not be possible for Israel to genetically distinguish who is a Jew and who is not.           ***Read full article here***

June 27, 2014


Guest: An Observer

Nick and "an observer" discuss:
  • Race
  • Fascism
  • Immigration
Alex the Serb, Scorpio, VT Saxon and Delcroix eventually join the show which creates a roundtable.
Outside Radio Archive
Circus Maximus Archive


Western terror’s flags of convenience

From Palestine to Syria, Nigeria to Iraq and to Ukraine, a veritable armada of false flags are at full mast. The Western mainstream media, of course, “report” each case separately and at superficial face value, according to the desired pretext and purpose of their governments.
But taken together and properly understood, there can be no doubt that the flags represent one banner: Western state terrorism.             ***Read full article here***
*Next terrorist attack will be ‘far deadlier’ than 9/11, Dick Cheney says
*Speaking of Homegrown Terrorists: Tricky Dick Cheney Predicts a “massive attack on the homeland”
*Kuwaiti baby incubator lies
*Who Controls America? 

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.27

Guest: Whitewraithe discusses multiple topics with Charles. (4 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.27

Dr. David Duke exposes the latest treason by Barack Hussein Obama and by the Zio-Controlled Congress of the United States in agreeing to send a half a billion dollars of your money to al Qaeda terrorists in Syria, the same terrorists who are now overthrowing Iraq. Dr. Duke asks, "If the United States is prosecuting American citizens who have sent money and supported al Qaeda terrorists than why isn't the President of the United States, Vice-President and most of the Congress under indictment for treason to America, for ISIS is unquestionably an al Qaeda organization that openly says they want to make terrorist attacks against America. It is admitted that al Qaeda jihadists are streaming into Syria, and our government is supporting with money and weapons the terrorist side of the conflict. An amazing show today showing how this treason is proof that this action is treason against America and simply borne out of Israeli warmongering interests. A fantastic, passionate, amazing show to share among friends and family! Incredible!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

NoAgenda Episode 629 - "Passport Terrorists!" - 2014.06.26

PR; TODAY; Drone Nation; IRS; Shut Up Slave!; Iraq; F-Russia / Ukraine / Syria; Egypt; Follow the Pipes; LGGBTTQIAAP; NA-Tech; Squirrel!; EUROLand; SCIENCE!; Agenda 21; Chiner$; Ottomania; The Fix is In!; SDR, and all your usual Listening whilst Lawn-Mowing favourites.
Who uses Floppy Disks any more?!


Doomcast 47 - 2014.06.26

The late late  Doomcast!

In this 47th episode of Doomcast Doug and Charlie talk ISIS, Dick Cheney, and the Neocon Terror Factory. Charlie takes a few minutes initially to rail against Youtube and we use that as a topic to launch into a multitude of topics.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.26

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - Illegal Hordes Rush America

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

Insights from an Observer 2014.06.26

On Fascism and Why it is The Answer

Tonight, join an Observer as we discuss the political movement of fascism. We will also discuss relevant current news.
As always, your calls are welcomed and encouraged.
Also of note: Friday, I will be a guest on Circus Maximus @ 7PM EST

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


June 26, 2014

Zi veynt mit krokodil-trern

What a cruel world: Three yeshiva students were kidnapped, and the world isn’t interested; three mothers are crying out, and the world doesn’t answer. It’s all because the entire world is against us; it’s anti-Semitic and hates Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League is already preparing a report. But the truth is, that’s just the way things are: When you openly thumb your nose at the world for years on end, eventually, it thumbs its nose back.

The three mothers went all the way to Geneva. One of them went abroad for the first time in her life to go to the United Nations Human Rights Council. But the world, and the council, went on their merry ways.

It’s the irony of fate: About two years ago, Israel officially suspended cooperation with that council, saying it was opposed to the council’s very establishment.

Read more here

Palestinian kids, interrogated and used as spies by Israel

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.26

The show starts with a caller describing her experiences with Hasidic Jews. Charles then goes on to talk about Anne Frank's diary.

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.26

Dr. David Duke has a powerful show to day about the divide and conquer methods of the Jewish supremacists who control both sides of every debate making sure that Jewish fundamental interests are always paramount. He enters a discussion of so-called anti- Zionist Jews who are in fact extremely supportive the criminal Zionist State of Israel while cloaking their manipulation in the rhetoric of human rights. Also in the show Dr. Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery go into the fact that many of the most radical Jewish supremacists also support a two state solution as a means to achieve the far greater prize of Jewish globalist domination. A great show and one worthy to link and share with your family, friends and the entire world!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2014.06.25

Paul interviews ‘Banjo’ from the band Redneck 28.

Redneck 28 are a band from Swansea South Wales. They are signed by Stahlhelm Records.
Songs from the Album ‘Spirit of the South’ 2013, and a few tracks from Redneck 28′s new album featured.

Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting


June 25, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.06.25

Nothing New Under the Sun, But the Monetary History You Don’t Know

-Why was inflation so high in the 70s; how does it differ from today?
-Henry Kissinger and his protection racket
-What came out of Bretton Woods?
-Janet Yellen, Inflation and gold
-What is a repo and how it masks inflation
-Do the math – Fed has not slowed money printing as the MSM says
-The big Dow crash in 1987 and today’s similarities
-Fun history on the dollar, oil and Henry Kissinger view
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
-Central Banks own 1/2 of the 60 Trillion in World Equities
-Are you a gold bug? Marc Faber (audio) says you are not an insect
-Home schooling children in the real world of money
-What the heck is FACTA that starts July 1st?
-Cool history of JFK and printing his own U.S. Notes
-What did General Patton do with the Hitler’s Gold?
-Interesting email and discussion on the destruction of money
-The dog ate my tax records
-The relationship between the Fed Board and The Fed Bank

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.25

Charles starts the show by answering bible related questions from a caller and then concludes the topic on the 1998 documentary film: The last days. (3 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download

LoL clip Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.25

Dr. David Duke does a fantastic overview of the Iraq and Syria conflagration and the role ethnicity and societal divisions as exploitable methods that the Jewish supremacists can use to achieve their often horribly destructive agendas, then ne goes into an indepth look into the Jewish control over Hollywood and the latest quotes from actor Gary Oldman who is deep doo doo because he dared to make some offhand comments speaking about Jewish control of Hollywood. Of course the Jewish outcry was predictable and as did Marlon Brando before him, Oldman prostrated himself before the Jewish Gods of Hollywood and America, begging for forgiveness. A great discussion ensued then with Dr. Slattery on Jewish racism and why the control of Hollywood and American culture is critical to Zionist realities in the Mideast and elsewhere! Great show again!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.24

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - The World Heading To War

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - Vivid New UFO Sighting Eyewitnesses

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge - The Illegal Alien Crisis

56k CF
Rense' site

Where's The Fed Documentary?

In this edition of the Questions For Corbett series, James tackles the burning question that everyone is asking: "Where is the Fed documentary?." He also answers questions on WWI parallels, recommended podcasts, central bank ownership and much more.
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF

June 24, 2014

The Return of Tyr with Drew 2014.06.24

On tonight's show I will discuss the nonsensical immigration policy imposed upon the United States citizenry and if that all fails, I will bash the French Canadians just for fun. LOL

Video: Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

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Renegade Broadcasting


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.24

Charles talks about archeological finds like the Kensington Runestone but goes off topic multiple times. Just Charlie being Charlie.lol. He then exposes the lies being told in the 1998 documentary: The last days. (2 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

P.S. Tell Ben to get a better cell phone. Adding 4.5 db to everything he says ain't my idea of fun. LOL  

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.24

Dr. David Duke has a special foundational show today on the "Insanity of Christian Zionism." It is an incredible program that gives you all the information you need to talk to Christian friends and family and show them why opposing Jewish extremism and the Jewish establishment is absolutely a Christian thing to do, and that it is totally consistent with the clear and powerful teachings of the New Testament. He shows how the Christian Zionist ideology is against every principle of the New Testament and the entire history of Christianity and has only occurred in the last few decades and coincides with the Jewish takeover of the political and media establishment at large. A powerful show you should save and share with all your friends and family!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.23

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Preston James - Alien Agenda IV - Alien Ultimatum Or Final Warning?

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Nick Redfern - Close Encounters Of The Deadly Kind

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Getting Worse

56k CF
Rense' site

United Nations Security Council turns blind eye on Israeli atrocities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In a closed-door council meeting, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin proposed a press statement after listening to a Palestinian appeal. But, the US envoy rejected any reference to Israel. According to a diplomatic source, US Ambassador Samantha Power said that any language directly criticizing Israel would be a red line for Washington. However, another council member, Jordan, wanted a stronger language, saying that “deploring” is simply not enough. 
***See video and read article here***
*More information here

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.23

Charles discusses ancient civilizations that turn out to be founded by Aryans. Specifically the Guanches of the Canary Islands, "the long ears" people of Easter Island, some people in South America etc. (Alex the Serb and Brian call in)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download