This is the premier broadcast of Truth Militia Radio hosted by John Friend.
For tonight’s broadcast, we will be joined by author, historian, and
radio host Deanna Spingola to discuss the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” and
other aspects of WWII. Be sure to check out Deanna’s website for more information on her books and radio program, Spingola Speaks, on Republic Broadcasting Network. Tune in Live and remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.
Truth Militia Radio
Good Job John.
Thanks zapoper, I appreciate it. I think the show went pretty well for the most part. I kinda messed up the ending with the music, but eh, not too big of a deal. I think I'll get better at this the more I do it.
Not too shabby. It didn't hurt the overall flow of the show to have that woman guest on too. What's her name again? LOL
Deanna Spingola Rocks!
This was a great show. Two hours of non-stop, well-researched information from multiple sources. I especially like how relaxed and friendly both Deanna Spingola and John Friend always sound. They just sound like good people, people you can trust. Not a second wasted.
Great Listen. Thanks John, Deanna, and zapoper.
I was expecting a little more anger and fire from you John. We barely heard you talk on this show.
We have more than enough of these boring, Limp wristed, effeminate talk show hosts on here. Thats why I like TMR. Because its different from all these other shows.
This show sounded too much like a book reading club. Next show will be better... looking forward to it John.
I haven't heard it yet, but in general I like it when a host has the patience and self confidence to keep quiet, especially when the guest is motoring along...
Good information.John is a young guy,intelligent,and keeps his composure.We don't need anymore of these raging bull hotheads.Keep it up John.
Just make sure the sound is a little better next time. It was listenable but Rich & Keith usually get a better sound amongst the two of them. John might need to check with Keith to make sure he has all the right equipment or at least do the same things Keith's doing because he always sounds loud & clear on air.
Both John & Keith live in San Diego by the way and have met each other over lunch.
A great guest for John would be Daryl Bradford Smith.
DBS with Rich & Keith would be battle of the hotheads ! LOL
I respectfully disagree Bill, John's 1st show was pretty dam good and his guest was rather informative. Did you listen to John on our show??? We had some pretty good banter back and forth. Give another listen man.
Rich (Truth Militia Radio)
Good job John. For a first show it was impressive. I felt sorry for Deanna because it seemed to be a bad time but she gave you two hours. She is amazing and it shows how much she thinks of you. If you want to crystallize a few points re WWII and leading up to it, maybe get ZCF !!! I think you are ready. Two young guns. Bring it on!!!
cont.....forgot to mention why I though your first show was impressive! Deanna was drifting into quite a bit of detail at times but you remained focus and summed up a few things very nicely and it seemed to actually help her a bit. As I mentioned, this just seemed like a bad time of day for Deanna to do several hours. I wish I was rich I would make you go on a vacation where ever she wanted for a week or two.
...."you".... = her
Thanks for the feedback everyone, much appreciated.
@ BillHyde, I hear you man, Rich and Keith definitely do their own thing, they have their own style, and they are the shit. I love their show, they are saying some things that all Americans need to hear.
This first show I wanted to expose all the fraudulent aspects of the Holohoax, and Deanna is a great person to discuss this with. She has a lot of important info to share with everyone, and I was letting her do that.
But obviously I have a different style than Rich and Keith.
Hey John, you should be more manly and not sound like a fag. LOL. That's what my brain translated. lol
Here is a novel idea. Let John be John and Keith and Ritch be themselves too.
You did great John especially for your first time. Fuck emmmm! And be who you are.
I think John Friend needs his own radio show, no offense to the original hosts but a much more interesting show.
For a first show I was impressed. You two were banging out the facts. The naysayers are always going to be around. What you and Deanna did was not conspiratard infotainment radio, but rahter raw, pure truth. In this game that's all that matters. You're very articulate and have the right voice for radio. Your shows are only going to get better so please keep pressing on.
On a side note, Keith and Rich are not for lightweights and have a very good show. I disagree with some of their positions but they are still my 'friends' so I won't be stabbing them in the back. As another aside, I think they should hear the Greg Johnson/Dennis Fetcho interview to get a more balanced view of white nationalism. And I also heard Gary Johnson say on Fetcho's show that he was trying to do more interviews. I think a lot of people confuse WNs with white supremacists but Greg Johnson does not come off that way. Here is his website:
Truth Militia Radio is definitely not for the faint of heart. I think a lot of these guys complaining and sending them hate mail are Christian purists, excuse makers, fat slobs, and guys who still watch ni99er ball. Grow a pair of balls you cry babies. Good Radio is supposed to have some life to it! Just my 2 cents.
Actually the Truth Militia guys are likely to get more and more popular because people who maybe formerly only listened to AJ or no conspiracy radio at all, they might stumble on the show and think they're listening to cast of 'The Sopranos." LOL !
I think Rich & Keith should try to get Joe Pesci on as a guest and ask him 'Who Really Runs Hollywood' ? LOL
Joe Pesci calls a Black Guy - BEST EVER PRANK CALL !
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