Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct:
The world is a rigged game.
We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world’s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.
- Hungary Orders Rothschild’s IMF To Vacate The Country: Now Issuing Debt-Free Money!
- “I Killed The Bank” President Andrew Jackson: ~ The Private Greedy Federal Reserve!
- Colorado Has Fun With Biden & Barry: Colorado To Pay $25-$100 Bounty On Shot Down Obama Drones ~ Citizens Receive License To Protect State’s Sovereign Airspace!