Those Who Control the Dollar and Euro Worldwide Retain Power By Getting Along with One Another
-The Boys are meeting in Davos comparing notes on inflating their currencies together
-Again Andy makes his arguments of why “They” will not allow a crash of any sort..where’s the profit in a crash?
-The austerity and stealing in Southern Europe will continue
-Understanding pushing on a string will make you eligible for Federal Reserve Chairman.
-Understanding the velocity of money is critical and fun to know about
-A listener asks, “What would happen if some politicians get their way and the government truly cuts spending?”
-Physical gold is physical and paper gold and silver are paper
-Russia just purchased 600,000 ounces of gold for a rainy day
-Germany dramatically softens their position on repatriating their gold from the NY Fed
-A little history lesson on the financial woes of Japan, the war, the bomb and control of money
-The dollars the NY Fed gives back to Treasury is after expenses and their are creative ways to spend indeed.
-The Greenspan Commission and Social Security
-Controlling the world’s currency, the dollar, is the deal
-Andy looks back at the inflation, timelines with gold and silver prices
-The IRS’s rule on fair exchange
-Their are many, many creative ways we will get additional taxes in the future.
-Local Exchange Trading explained
The Real World of Money Archive
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