Kyle speaks about Hillary’s body count, Donald Trump, ties to Russia, Alexander Dugin, Russia Today, the Alt Right, Milo, Alex Jones, and the general shilliness of it all.
Jeff Brown, reporting from France, breaks down the Nice "truck driver" false flag
Is it time to declare a War on Truck Drivers? Should the US Congress, and the French parliament, consider enacting some emergency truck control legislation? Will country music singers soon be singing about how if trucks are outlawed, only outlaws will have trucks?
"iPhonitis" and the possibility of a "self-preservationist Jew coup" discussed as Aryan Goddess reports in. Tactical listening and lone wolf anonymity are promoted. Sources: Melissa Dykes: People Are Merging with Their Smartphones(YT) - Bob comments late in Dennis Fetcho's "Inside The Eye Live". - Stephen Cohen on Trump and Putin YT (Jew self-preservationist?) - . Other links: - AryanGoddess. HRC - Hitler-1 - Hitler-2 . Music: Jerry Lee Lewis (Dennis Quaid), Great Balls of Fire; Dietrich Fischer Dieskau, Franz Schubert's Der Erl Koenig. -- Chaos is the Jew Seed - War is the Jew Harvest - Slavery is the Jew Goal: