December 06, 2013

Who is Destroying America?


foon1e said...

The Jews! Isn't it Obvious?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, blacks aren't the only people who are too lazy, ignorant, and cowardly, and don't see the jews.

Whites sit by with all the cowardice they can muster up while they observe an anti-White US Gov, an anti-White jewsmedia empower and fund all non-whites with money hard working Whites pay in taxes. Meanwhile, Whites have no problem with the NAACP, La Raza, CAIR, and jew organizations in the hundreds. We awakened Whites understand that these jew subversives conspire to eradicate the White Race from the face of the earth — all while our willfully unawakened White bretherin are deathly afraid they might be labelled racists if they get together 5 of their own to have a penochle game.

These gelded Whites are the epotome of naivete. The overriding belief they can’t shed is that they still believe in "the system" no matter how much they complain about it or their pied pipers in media leads them in complaints about it, and no matter how many rights "the system" takes away, for our own good, no matter how many jobs they have sent overseas, and no matter how much "the system" fucks them. They throw off this mountain of facts and truth and label it negativity. "Don't be negative".

Instead they leave it to FOXjews and the CommieNewsNetwork to figure it all out for them — to virtually think for them. They must reason in their pea brains that if there were anything at all wrong, the smiling bimbos wouldn’t be smiling, right? In the back of their little pea brain minds they know that – THIS IS AMERICA – WE ARE EXCEPTIONAL – and their fully corrupted elected officials who they have mindlessly empowered through the – SACRED VOTING PRIVILEGE – won’t let the boogie man get them.

Unfortunately, the niggers don't have anything on rank and file Whites as far as ignorance, stupidity, and cowardice is concerned.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Regarding the stupidity issue... ever since the inception of dear Bart Simpson white males have been on a race to the bottom of the smart list. Then along came rap.

There are no winners with this culture. I remember dealing with early rap cultcha in a playground in a white rural town among little kids. Once I asked them, kids who had never seen coloured skin in their lives, how they related to black kids raised in poverty and anger when they were all in a seaside town. The slang stopped but that was back in 1990 or so.

Anyhow... that man lays it out straight. Thank you for posting.

This Minister is someone to watch ~ I have seen other presentations by him and he is quite exceptional.

I have not checked into his swej awareness but I imagine it is there.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Dude!

If I ever said anything like that, I'd be target of anyone looking to label me a racist (Noor might know a few that have accused me of such).

Now, I bet this guy is gonna be labeled a "self-hating black man" for speaking the truth that seriously needs to be said.

BTW: one of my best friends is a black dude who is about 6'4" and 300 #.

He says the same kinda shit but no one will argue with him. Its one reason why I like him so much (not to mention that he is truly a good person).

And damn, he can cook some ribs. Just sayin'.

jankyj said...

this guys has a good channel.
watch the one white people need to slap the chip on black peoples houlder