March 31, 2018

George Gordon Law Hour - The protocols of the learned elders of zion


Voltman said...

This guy says the following at 4:15 in this recording:

"but to take over the bible, which was written by the finger of God himself'....

How can anybody believe such nonsense?

This badly indoctrinated researcher clearly needs to go to the Charles Giuliani school of deprogramming!

If this bible is the "word of God", I am not impressed.

This "God" is capricious, inconsistent, immoral, evil, sadistic, disingenuous and clearly, doesn't know how to write!

With gods like that, who the hell needs devils!!

He might, nonetheless, have something of value to contribute; we shall see...

Voltman said...

Yes, he is nonetheless a good source of information about the Protocols of the perverted liars of Zion. Thank you.

KnownUnknown said...

Lol I was going to post something about that "finger of God" nonsense but then kept listening. Once I listened I didn't feel the need to mention it ..