August 19, 2019

The Realist Report with John Friend 2019.08.18

Jason Kessler

The Realist



Bartholomew Beauregard III said...

Listen to this one folks. John Friend swallows a whole ghjeauew schlong in one gulp. MCP was right about you johnny, you bait swallowing little bitch.

Bartholomew Beauregard III said...

Kessler plays johnny like a pro-jew kol nidre expert reeling in a stupid goy dumb shit hungry calf on the farm. You don't see through him johnny? If you're "looking at it objectively"? "Am I right Mr. Jew Kessler?" - Please help me because I haven't got a f'n clue. - So sad you truly are johnny.

Bartholomew Beauregard III said...

Funny johnny, your guest never mentions his deceitful tribe that keeps putting it up America's ass, and deep up yours. Funny! not - He's a gate keeper for the parasites you deceived fool. - Make good dude. Call this piece of ship back for another interview and talk about the Hollow-Hoax and 911. I DARE YOU johnny boy.