January 25, 2021

Live: President Xi delivers special address at virtual Davos Agenda 2021

As Niki Raapana said on The Brizer Show... this is Communitarianism on viagra lol. 


AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

And all of you you can go and fuck your self, specially you Jews and chinese peace of shit !!

inthemix16 said...

Just think and ponder. Just one squadron of Vlads TU-160s can get some well placed Kalibers in the right spot , and the world's problems would be done in an instant . Heck you can even practice with those TU-22M3M and their Kinzals and show our boyz some mercy, and do a bullseye in the right spot which is not a carrier. They really mean no harm. Come on Vlad. That or some long range SU-35s flying at tree top with xtra fuel tanks, and POOF , evil gets its spot in hell . One can dream right ? LOL

Harry McFudd said...

Ahhhhh this is bad right? The fucking chicom commies are taking over the goddamn world. It's baaaaaaaad... but with such an upbeat presentation. It's like a dinner, a show and a guillotine falling on your head.

Zeebra said...

Dr Carrie Madej to be on ur show next Fri right Guiseppe?

pub'd today, 75m:

Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #34 (Guest Dr. Carrie Madej - Part 2)