October 31, 2022

The Scorpio Show 2022.10.21

Dave Scorpio and Daryl Wayne discuss usury and other topics from 1475 to 1560 and more...Time traveling. (Dr. Martin Luther PDF)

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


zapoper said...

How does it go again?

Socialism gorges itself on Capitalism and vomits Communism. lol

But wait a minute. The merger of private capital with taxes is Fascism?

Albert said...

SEEING is ..... well ......

The TRUE TRUTH ..... Literally CARVED-in-STONE !!! ........ is Still HERE ... for THOSE who-CARE to-SEE !!! :-o


2 Hours+

Sean said...

Kosher corpocapitocracy

spoonful said...

Great show - I have nothing the least bit funny to say about it

WWS said...

Implied at the open: It's not the Jews.

WWS said...

At 59:00 it is implied that in 1492 all Conversos had to be out of Spain. Is this true, or is it that Jews had to be out of Spain, and that Conversos were tested for their veracity?

Sean said...

Yeah WWS- I picked up on that too.

Sean said...

Scorpio was complaining after the SFR dust up about having the same old guests on, all the time and then he brings on DW? C’mon man?!

WWS said...

At 111:00 it is noted that Henry VIII confiscated England's Roman Catholic church property in a "smash & grab" (per E.Michael Jones). Could this method be used against the Jew today?

P.S. Christopher Bollyn claims relation to Anne Boleyn.

WWS said...

At 127:00 -- Martin Luther did it? ... lol

WWS said...

At 133:00 -- Lyndon Larouche acolyte Webster Tarpley is a source?

WWS said...

At 142:00 -- It's the Knights Templar?

WWS said...

At 153:00 -- It's da MASONS! ... LOLOL

WWS said...

158:00 -- No! It's Capitalism... OY!!!

WWS said...

208:45 -- Does Dave admit his thinking that Jews are just another problem?

WWS said...

Lyndon Larouche was a sycophant of Robert Rubin.

WWS said...

221:30 -- It's da Fascist Chinese !!! ... I didn't think it could go deeper...lol.

WWS said...

The Jew is Problem ONE for humanity, but far from the worst enemy. Whether by Marcus Tullius Cicero or not, this truth stands:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”


Erik Paul said...

Clearly it's the Irish... specifically, the Shanty-Irish!!! (My grandfather, b. 1870, told me so!)

Btw, please keep in mind that these shows are for entertainment purposes only!

decree said...

Perfect read on this topic
"A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind" - Stephen Mitford Goodson

Goes into alot things also mention in this podcast/show.

spoonful said...

Show was so good, I had to listen again . . . hey bartender

decree said...

In the book i linked it its written too, Jews always abused countries high high morals and ethics, while Jews themself have low morals and ethics, so its perfect for them to rob all populations blind with ursury and bring them very bad things like alcohol, in former Ukraine nearly all destilleries were owned by jews and taverns too, they made the natives drunk and robbed them blind into debt with giant ursury, until bit chains of pogroms happened end of 1800s (200 years together writes very good about it https://archive.org/details/200YearsTogether/ ), the same business model was always favoured by Jews like Bronfman and others who got real rich during prohibation cause they abused the higher ethics and morals of their host country, host country never did an expulsion so they are still today megarich and dealing alcohol. Always the same scheme of Jews with low ethics and morals.

ICONN3333 said...

Daryl Wayne is much appreciate but his rabbit trail of facts is like following bread crumbs through the forest. You know someone intelligent was marking a trail but you have no idea who did it. He even admits this is the old Lyndon Larouche blame it on the queen crap. Please understand that the British Bloodline was contaminated by Queen Victoria who gave away the breeding rights to the royal line to the Rothschilds. All documented by Gregg Hallett who Jim Fetzer has interviewed. The Black nobility comes from the days of Jullius Ceasaer and the contamination then. All these are Sons of Esau. http://esau.today/who-is-esau/

Maxximum Joy said...

What is the jew for $100, Alex

SARGE said...

I'll take famous serial killers and school shooters for everything, all jews

SARGE said...

Where Rick? Wanted to congratulate him on breaking Duke in 3 1 question episodes bahahahaha pussy Duke wants a handwritten apology from Rick, because Duke had to admit that his Aunt married a jew

Maxximum Joy said...

The Dave and Duke Show? Gahary uses a timer buzzer now LOL! What an idiot

GT1681 said...

Excellent discussion, I would like to know where does Scorpio broadcast from originally? I take it these are re-posts here at Mami’s shit? Can anyone provide the URL for the site of the live broadcasts? I like listening to the shows here at Miami’s shit, but would also like to listen live.

WWS said...

At 34:30 Michael Hoffman is mentioned as a source. He is of questionable ancestry on his mothers side. He claims that the gentile Fugger family were (are?) the richest in the world. This is misdirection at the very least.

First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence

Maxximum Joy said...

EVERYBODY is of questionable ancestry. I believe that most Europeans now have the jewish DNA taint. Hoffman is aGerman name. Kaminski is a Polish name. Both of which the Yiddish stole. While the white European men were out drinking and killing each other. The bloodlines were raping their way into the European women bloodlines.

SARGE said...

Holy shit, Darryl has got to be the slowest talker I've ever heard, I can play him at 2.0 and he's talking at a normal slow pace, wtf is he retarded or what