June 30, 2024

The Pete Quinones Show 2024.06.30

The Baader–Meinhof Gang (Rote Armee Fraktion) - Part 2 with Thomas777


decree said...

RAF was pretty much like in the US this weather underground, left side and remote controlled by the government (sure not officially), the father of Ursula von der Leyen was Ministerpräsident in my Bundesstaat here(dont know all the english terms, its like the leader of your states in the US) Ernst Albrecht, and when the RAF was in the Celler prison the government helped them escape and ALbrecht was in, hence the name of the scandal was "Celler Loch" (loch like hole, in the prison walls whatever)


massmedia was rather silent, you can guess why, this whole leftist red terror was not only supported by the government but by the same "tribe" who owns and controls massmedia.

Im born 1972 so i was rather a child when the RAF happened, but sure i read quite a bit, the RAF was very comparable to the "NSU" we had a decade ago NSU being National Socialist Underground which was again terror from the right and remotecontrolled by the forces in the government, even when the wiki does not say so, the case is still hot and alot lies around it, they shredded piles of files right before the court cases of the NSU so noone can read, it is def. like the RAF government controlled terror to engineer the populus.


decree said...

My point was i forgot, these groups the RAF and the NSU were no natural "terror extremists" no it was groomed, sponsored and remote controlled from inside the government, or even from our occupier the US, it is so blurred in the NSU scandal even the turk secret service, the US secret service sure the german too, and even some Russians took part...so i dont know the whole truth about the NSU.

But do not trust the wiki on the NSU its complete bullshit, the murders the NSU maybe done was all done rather by turkish serive or the turkish extremists grey wolfs, but they blame the germans for it.

Here is maybe the best written piece about NSU, but sure its in german
But it has everything, in case anyone every needs info about the NSU case you can auto translate the pdf