August 23, 2024

RFK Jr. suspends his presidential bid (FULL SPEECH)


Grokkk said...

Thanks. I can see why he has been blackballed and censored. I don’t entirely trust him but it’s amazing the topics he talked about and to think the last remaining old guard of the Kennedys has been ignored.

zapoper said...

Since 2020 I feel like I've stepped into the twilight zone.

Amanda said...

Dr. Jane Ruby on target here:
So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind" Now do you see that it's all theater?
The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era's most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.

Perhaps the worst part is that the people who cared about accountability for what came downstream of Op Warp Speed as well as the mass theft of American wealth from Covid fiscal policy (i.e. "going direct) and govt policy from Birx, Fauci, etc. no longer care nor maybe never did

Trump still stands by his admin's Covid-era decisions incl Warp Speed, + also includes the Covid era QE (going direct) and putting Larry Fink in charge of the US' fiscal response to lockdowns that resulted in the greatest wealth transfer in US history.

If you think Trump "learned his lesson" about Covid (when he still declares Warp Speed a triumph) and it will be different next time because RFK JR endorsed him, you may be high as a kite on conservative-flavored hopium. Policy records matter and so does accountability

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Excellent Amanda! As is steadily the case with you, your comments are fertile, augmentative, or educational. Thanks again!🫵

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Well, it's kind of like a Hobson's Choice I guess Zap? Because, if you ever somehow "wake-up" from your dystopian trance in the TZ, you'll have to come back and rejoin the rest of us indoctrinated and comfort-seeking clones here on Maple Street👹...(enter TZ theme music) v=1214318911920543&vanity=100063589059248

Panzerfaust said...

Everything fake shit in the well religious nuts

Grokkk said...

So it’s a bad thing RFK wrote a book exposing Fauci because it sold over a million copies? Lol flat earf conspirotard thinking..

Never mind the information making its way into Normieland. It’s all fake lifetime actors muh dikkk.

Grokkk said...

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