August 17, 2024

Too Normal To Be A Democrat (DC Dave and BuelahMan)


BuelahMan said...

Thanks, zap!

Voltman said...

Not dumb enough to be a dumocrat.
Not evil enough to be a demonrat.
Not gullible enough to be a repuglycan.
Not blind enough to be a repugnicon.
---------------------------------------------------------- on August 17, 2024 at 7:45 am


Chimpanzees are man's closest relative, but whereas one is highly evolved and intelligent, looks after its young and and lives peacefully in groups, human beings do not.

Chimpanzees don't have a pharmaceutical industry, taxation, wars to keep weapons industries and armies going, and don't have any twin towers nonsense.

But they are on the verge of changes, senior Chimpz are claiming that new York central park was promised to them by god, and they have been moving back to what they claim is the land of their forefathers and killing everything in their wake.

As this land is being claimed by senior Chimpz, the closest thing they have to royalty in monkeyland, its being called ” Isroyal ” and non Chimpanzees are not allowed there.

The chimpz claim that they are gods chosen monkeys and can do as they please, and it is causing concern that they have collared all the banana trees, and sell them to the hungry lesser monkeys at huge interest, but its ok because lesser monkeys have no souls and are just Gimoys, or rubbish.

The chimpz pray against a large brick wall by banging their heads on it, the prayers are always about how to kill more of the neighboring monkeys and steal their belongings, they connive and scheme to get the other monkeys to fight among themselves, while they sell them sticks and large stones to hurt their neighbors with, and they use their huge weapons stores called WMDs
to threaten neighboring monkey colonies.

They also say god wants them to cut off the ends of their willies which they do to baby chimpz with a sharp stone, they say god loves them and wants them to destroy the whole world and they have many ideas to achieve this, but strangely this god allowed 6 million of them with the ends cut from their willies to be put into death camps and be made into lampshades and bars of soap, but many say this is just monkeytalk.

The US “Special Relationship” with Israel: Abject Enslavement
Kevin Barrett – First published in the American Free Press Aug 2, 2024

Albert said...

No one was "Killed" at the drumpf "Shooting" !!! :-)

STOP beLIEving (((TV-BS))) !!! :-)

par said...

They say all hominids apart from homo sapiens sapiens have even numbered sum of cromosomesi in their genome but we have 23..

Seems we can be pretty "naturally close" with chimps as it were..

par said...

Nice song/video.. Catchy + high artistic/creative standars..

BuelahMan said...

Thank you.