April 18, 2015

Bad Start With Hillary and jews Rise To The Top



El Buggo said...

By far the most significant influence the tribe of jews have on the election process is their total control on the MSM. With their control on the MSM they can pull to the top their own controllable puppet and hand him the keys to the White House. Then they can place their agents wherever they want or need in the Gov.

As we often have seen, the News networks air a Big Lie, all at ones, and repeat it so many times that people starts to spread the lie themselves. Also their top Gov agents can back up these lies. So in short, the hang or tribe who control the media, also control the gang on Capitol Hill. The US is a media occupied territory.

Thugnacious said...

The jewish control of the media started in 19th century Europe, control of the Banks and Media goes together.