March 25, 2019

Vice President Pence speaks at the AIPAC 2019 policy conference


The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Wait. Israel is under attack? By whom? The Palestinians? No really. Who?

Maasanova said...

He looks like he is just dying to drone strike some anti-semitic Americans

zapoper said...

When I listen to Pence, I get the feeling that he actually believes the bullshit that he says.

WWS said...

The Mythtardation is strong in this one.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

"Mythtardation" OK I am officially adding that to my thesaurus. And it's accurate too. Like how does he do that with a straight face? Easy. Electric-shock mythtardation drug therapy. After years of it they get so goofy they only need a touch-up once a month like Nancy Palosi.