October 20, 2019

Over a Barrel Documentary (2019)


zapoper said...

Where do they get that $16 million over ten years figure? @ 29m21s, I only see $16 089 not 16 million.

zapoper said...

Thanks Chain. I did not notice it. Thanks also for alerting me to that doc.

Liam said...

Do we still believe oil is a fossil fuel?
Do Canadians really believe it is their oil?

Liam said...

"Alberta grants oil and gas leases and receives oil and gas royalties.No?"
OK, thanks for telling me, to who does Alberta grants oil and gas leases?

Tero said...

WHAT - Oil is not made from dead dinosaurs?

Liam said...
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Liam said...

@ Tero Did you miss the memo? It comes from live dinosaur's farts.

Liam said...
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Liam said...

"the income tax act in 1963 makes you a government employee" Please provide evidence that I am a government employee and the terms of the agreement and the subsequent remuneration agreed upon to be paid to my bank account.

"subject to the income tax act by contract". Please provide evidence that I agreed, in writing, to all terms of the contract, after being provided full disclosure, that has my wet ink signature making it binding.

I agree to being subject to these conditions. Is not the contract, under contract law, required to be entered into with my consent, without duress to be binding?

"segment of taxpayers in the population appeased LOL" again, by consent.

Liam said...

Of course, I am a slave, by my consent, to be in this great northern land.

Liam said...

I do not and will not perceive your posts to sound like we are in a pissing match and same said for you, I trust. I am not arguing or competing in anyway. Learning to ensure self-protection is all. I comprehend tacit agreement.
"Liam i see you are deleting comments. That is not acting in honor." That is your opinion and always welcomed. I reserve the right to delete or add to my comments, if this site provides such facility. This is a private site and terms and conditions do apply.
I will watch the utubes you have provided and am aware of a 50+ woman serving 4.5 years for teaching people about tax in Canada. Apparently, the judge described her as belligerent to the end. Corporate courts are no place to enter into willingly.
Do you know of Cal Washington and the NOL processes he and his group are perusing here, US, Australia, NZ and some of Europe?

Liam said...

^^Cal Washington and the NOL processes he and his group are pursuing here.