November 24, 2019

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage | 60 Minutes Australia


KnownUnknown said...

Wake me up when Assange isn't in solitary confinement...

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

I haven't watched yet but be careful trusting anything from these kind of bigshots in mainstream media. I am seeing BBC, Sky News, and 60 Minutes all do pieces now on Epstein, but obviously they are not to be trusted.

Liam said...

Was Assange in solitary confinement......????

Scorpio said...

The Chinese are only a threat because they've been given/sold military and technological secrets beginning in earnest under the Clintoons. The world gubmint system will be something similar to China's. The Chinese are busy buying up land and governments all over South America and Africa as well as the west. The 'elite' have decided that their system is the most efficient and desirable for their purposes.

Assange got himself in trouble when he embarrassed the Clinoon-Bush mafia family. Ecuador handed him over after the new president signed a $4.3 billion loan with the IMF. Handing over Assange was part of the preconditions to the loan.

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

ChainsawShoah I have also come to realize that Edward Snowden is an actor, and Assange probably is too, and Chelsea Manning. Don't get me wrong, they did expose some truly horrific war crimes. But the playbook is to give some truth to establish credibility.

Edward Snowden's girlfriend is an obvious tranny. Him given asylum in Russia is a bad omen for any of us believing that Putin might be the real deal. Take a look at this picture of Snowden's girlfriend:

It is discouraging to realize that there are no real heroes in the mainstream.

Scorpio said...

Chainsaw- A lot of the unrest in South America, Africa, Lebanon and Haiti are the direct result of recent IMF loans with attached stipulations of 'austerity'. Also, any country that subsidizes its gas prices are told to remove the subsidies as part of the deal. Little facts like those are usually ignored by the three ringed circus clown show MSM.

KnownUnknown said...

Well said scorpio.

As for WikiLeaks being a pile of crap why don't you go through the archive yourself - there are plenty of cables etc that show the whorporate nature of our Western "democracies", anyone who can see the interaction between CIA/state dept and major corporations and still needs to see a "smoking gun confession that our banking system is a fraud" can't be helped.

As for Snowden we all use HTTPS now because of Snowden. That alone is worth the price of admission.

I refuse to go down the Alan Butle route of deciding everyone and everything is fake - I'll take my wins where I can and try to capitalise on them...

Henry said...

Chainsawmillerman said to KnownUnkown...

"All this other noise is designed to keep that simple fact buried and keep their usury system going"

Usury?...We should be so lucky. They lend NOTHING because they give up NOTHING! Their parasitic life destroying scam went beyond usury decades ago.

Henry said...

Well when you have a group of legalised parasites sucking the world dry, as they are. Then it helps to impose regulations on said parasites; else the Host may start to awaken once they feel they are bleeding time and money at a rate beyond which they can support.

KnownUnknown said...

It's not because of the legal fictions, those are just administrative sugar, it's because we're ignorant and want to believe that we need powerful people to control us. Otherwise we have more than enough technology to make direct individual participation in Parliament possible.

WikiLeaks among many of the cyber hackers of the 00s showed us why we need direct participation.

I think we need to take control of our politics back from whoreporates, if you believe the only thing that would work is a complete overhaul of systems going back to Babylon then good luck to you. As I said before I'll take my wins where I can...

Henry said...

I often say that if I set out on a 100 mile walk choosing any point on the compass for direction, and spoke about these things to every person I met on that route, then I very much doubt they would have a fucking clue what I was talking about. FFS. Mami's Shit is bad enough and I haven't even left my chair.

Henry said...

Basel 3 took the place of the 'fractional reserve' conditions that formerly applied but were widely varied in regulation from nation to nation. Contrary to the crap on the net, fractional reserve banking is a necessary function of the gold standard. Bring that standard back and fractional reserve must return because a gold standard cannot function for even a day without it.

KnownUnknown said...

It's administrative sugar in that the system is the problem not the legal fiction. There are lots of times that you can use the fiction to protect yourself.

I have notarised Hold Harmless agreements with my legal fiction etc which I do use to varying degrees of efficacy, but what works much better is knowing how to play the game when you need to.

I don't disagree about the position you guys are describing we're in, I just think there ways to improve that position - and no I don't mean Christ.

Henry said...

Chainsawmillerman, Sorry, but no. There is no fractional reserve system anywhere. You cannot store a fraction of nothing. For instance in Britain 98% of what is considered money is a debt to a bank. but it does not exist in any tangible form. No bank that created it can make it tangible without breaking the law by counterfeiting. Todays money exists solely as a string of binary code laughing back at us from cyberspace. Numbers are infinite. And there is no need for a fractional reserve of what is infinite.

Liam said...