July 09, 2020

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2020.07.08

Michael Hoffman on Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People

Michael Hoffman joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People.

Michael is an independent scholar and the author of many books including The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, Judaism's Strange Gods, and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. He is the editor of the Revisionist History newsletter and his primary website is www.revisionisthistory.org.

Timothy's Podcasts



zapoper said...

Well that one is still on Amazon.

Albert said...

The mouth is way-smaller than the Nose-width ... did This-Arsehole (butt-hole?) "photoshop"-(((his)))-cover-"photo"?!

I will WAIT a few-days and SEE if anyone can talk-me-into Listening! ;-)

Albert said...

Archduke Ferdinand FAKED His-Own-DEATH ...

--The Car-License-plate "Proves" it!

-- Joe Atwill

Brizer said...

Somehow I can see a 100+ comments on this thread in the coming days :)

Nona said...

And the Black Psyops against Hitler, continues on. But Kelley is still a practicing xtian and MUST toe the line eh? 70+ years later.

He was greatly loved by his people, and did much to benefit them.
I would have voted for him.

But the ending to this was tragic and there are a lot of questions as to what happened to him. Did he really abandon Germans, at the end? Did he really escape to Argentina?

I have a lot of questions there. Recent pathology tests of the remnants - the skull
indicate that it was that of a woman. So, what really happened?

Harry McFudd said...

Everyone wants to hang to Hitler. Great... another fuckfest at Mami's.

Whether Hitler was working for the enemy or not is immaterial. It matters not... because the method that was used to rise up against the (((bastards))) is burned. If we have a chance we will have to find some other route. Getting off the grid in cave might work.

Actually I see Hitler and Trump a bit alike, maybe. Trump tries to do something useful (maybe... that could be argued) but gets screwed over by all the deep state controls. Hitler was surrounded by Jews sabotaging everything and financed by powerful international interests. We can't even agree if Trump is on our side or not. How the fuck are we going to figure out what the hell Hitler was doing?

Fighting over the details of Hitler is a massive waste of time! I refused to tote a swastika, not literally fuck that, if there was the slightest chance he was working for the other side.

larry said...

Hoffman thinks Judaism was fine until Jesus was crucified. That is insane.

Panzerfaust said...

I challenge Timothy Kelly to have Mike King on to hear a different perspective. Kelly's co-host on Power & Principalities is a stalwart Hitler hating old hippie so I doubt this would happen.

Captain Ahab said...

There are not many who understand Hitler as well as Mike King over at The Real History Channel. King calls him 'the Great One,' and he was just that! Here is his excellent piece on Hoffman and others who try to frame Hitler in a negative fashion. I included another piece that deals with Hoffman's refutation of King's initial article. I've also included an excellent podcast by Carolyn Yeager from a few months back that goes into what Hitler the man was all about in her book 'The Artist as Warlord.'




Captain Ahab said...


Your spot on! Tim does some good work, but he wouldn't dare have Mike on. There are countless people out there who do not want to be seen as advocating anything Hitler did or said because of how others might view or judge them and I'm sure that is the case with Tim as well.

I've corresponded with Mike by email a handful of times over the years and have sent him some money on a few occasions. There is nobody who does a better job at simplifying New World Order history better than Mike. His books are superb as a starter for normies. Also, Mike is a great guy! Humble, down to earth, and a good natured person!

Panzerfaust said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall Tim ever addressing the JQ in his shows. In fact I hope I'm wrong and just missed the times he has.

zapoper said...

Overt lie.

zapoper said...



Prussian Revivalist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Prussian Revivalist said...


If indeed the Fuhrer did leave Germany, it would not be in abandonment of the Germans but for a plan that continued after the fall of the Third Reich. It is interesting to note that many National Socialist projects, including in Antarctica had continued even after the war and fall of Germany.

I am not fully decided on the truth because their is compelling evidence in either direction of what really happened to AH that would leave controversial evidence being an obscurity.

If Hitler did escape to Argentina, we would have to take into account that Hitler's Last Will and Testament was a forgery or otherwise given with intention if he were to die or commit suicide.

But anyone who has proper understanding of the Fuhrer's mind and his word usage and writing styles would not deny its authenticity.

The woman who claims to have the Fuhrer's skull is "part of the tribe" and a liar. It is not his skull.

Albert said...

(((they))) Make: Very BOLD BIG-Lies (And SOME of it Inevitably-"Sticks"! :-( ) ...

To "Wash your Consciousness Out" from SOME of this ... PLEASE Listen-to:

This Man's HONEST 15-minute Description (It is very En-Couraging and Uplifting):



WWS said...

Too much mythtardation all around.

Hi Hitler !!

Albert said...

(((they))) are "cleverly" TRYING to: "Root-Out":

-- Even the DREAM of Becoming-Truly-FREE from:

(((their))) DISGUSTING-"Power": Over US !!!

Question: "What KIND of 'People' are sooo Disgusting ...
That (((they))) Have-to: Pass 'Laws' Against HATING-(((them)))?!"
-- A "Pointed" and Very VERY Crucial Question to: ASK, and UNDERSTAND the Answer!)

The American-People ESPECIALLY MUST-Now: FACE the FACT:

That Americans have Been sooooo Terribly-DUPED by:
(((their))) Terrible DISGUSTING (Incessant! --(((TV))) etc) Filthy-LIES ...

--> That: UNLESS Americans NOW: "Wake-Up" ...
-- And Finally: ADMIT and Energetically-REVERSE such ...

They Really Have become soooo Despicable (a cruel "Parody"-of-themselves!) ... as to WARRANT:
"Putting themselves OUT of Their: RETARDED self-Delusional: 'Living-DEATH': MISERY!"

TWO Minutes: "Adolf Hitler: You Said I Was A Dreamer" by The Impartial Truth!


Prussian Revivalist said...


Have you noticed in the last few years how much of the great historical speeches of Hitler, Goring and Goebbels have been completely deleted from YouTube, never to be found? Including many countless hours of Reichstag sessions.

The most important speeches were removed, so that people can never put together the truth and story about the Fuhrer, for they would absolutely change their perspective on him and begin to admire him and learn everything and how the Jews created their lies.

Albert said...

Even to This-Day: The (((BIG-LIES))) Con-tinue !!! ...........

9-minutes (with Video and music :-)



--> WHY is Adolf-Hitler the MOST (((vilified))) Person in "His-Story" !!!!!!!!!!!?

What do YOU THINK the Answer IS ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Hint: Dhuuh !!! ;-)

Albert said...


Adolf Hitler and the GREAT-and-NOBLE-German-People ...

--> ARE indeed Inextricably-LINKED !!!

Of ALL of the White-Peoples ... the GERMANS were No FOOLS !!! :-)

German-"Propaganda" ... was "simply" the-TRUTH: Conveyed-for-ALL-of-the-People to UNDERSTAND! :-)

(((they))) needed to "Deploy"-DELUSION-ALLY: The Entire-World to "Silence" the GOOD-German-Folk's HEARTS / TRUTH! :-(
(Or ELSE the Entire-WORLD would have: FOREVER SEEN the TRUTH ...
and REVELLED-in-Growing-Prosperity! ... Finally-FREE from (((them))) and (((their))) LIFE-Sapping: DEADLY-POISONOUS-"ideas" !!!)

This "clever" [throwing-muck!] (((trick))) to TRY to SEPARATE :
Adolf Hitler, and the GREAT-German-People's-GREAT-STRUGGLE ...
-- Is Yet ANOTHER of (((their))): DEATH-by-a-THOUSAND-Cuts:
"Divide-and-RULE" "clever"-(((ploys))) !!!
-- Yes! -- the (((salesman))) "foot-in-the-door" ... "wedge-of-Doubt"!
--> "BOLDLY-STATE it, REPEAT it throughout the (((media))) ... in a Myriad of (((ways))) ...
... and LET the (((POISON))) seep-IN ... and DO its-((("work"))) !!! :-o

-- We have ALL (Hopefully Certainly ALL HERE!) SEEN in / within-OurSelves:

--> How INTENSELY the Desire for (without-Contradictions)-TRUTH has BURNED !!!

----> And that: NOW that the TRUTH has been Partially-Revealed TO us ...

Till Our Terrible-DEATHS ... we "simply" Will-NOT: NOW ... "Let go of it!" :-)

(((their))) ONLY recourse is to Desperately-TRY: To "ERASE" the TRUTH ...

By "God's"-GRACE ... and OUR "from Our Cold-Dead-Hands": STEEL-RESOLVE ...

--> The Without-Contradictions-TRUTH ...
--> Will-NOT be: "Removed" / "ERASED" !!!

NO !!! NO !!! NO !!! ...

(((they))) will BE "Removed" ... ONCE and For ALL !!! :-)

Albert said...

This Well-Made: 22 minutes Vertigo-Politix video, in a very clear-way:

Summarises WHAT (((they))) really really Really: DON'T want YOU to:

SEE ...


and KNOW !!!


Albert said...

What a Nice Man! ...

What a Nice People! ...

DON'T Listen to the EVIL (((worm-tongues))) !!!

9 minutes:


Feelstupidyet said...

Hoffman is a washed up has been. Haven't heard this guy for 10 years and he clearly has gone backwards. He seems to think Germany was fighting a one front war and he gives a rape pass to Russia blaming some absurd propaganda instead. He wants to save jews yet he is peddling the same caliber of lies as they are.

Asskickfilms said...

The Hoffman, Buttle and Berkness trilogy of assholes. What bloody garbage.

Liam said...

Thank you Albert.

Also, for this comment;
"(WE are ALL soooo "sensitive" nowadays that Practically ANYTHING:
Which Others SAY: which we "disagree"-with ... "offends"-us ... or "hurts"-our-Feelings, somehow! ;-)"

One of the best comments here at MS.
Let the de-programming begin, is it even possible?

Holly Woodrow said...

Uncle Joe was the enemy of the White Russians Winston was the enemy of the English the Fuhrer remains the Fuhrer

Holly Woodrow said...

Thanks Capt