October 03, 2020

"Q drop" :)

Brace yourself, Q is dropping some intel !!


John Miller said...

Fuck you !!

The Grateful Gardener said...

When pigs fly

Kossoff said...

Wow!!!! My god get ready!!!

Kossoff said...

PS Trust the (((plan))).

Og said...

jQ nonsense

Harry McFudd said...

Cough-drops and Q-drops. This is completely baseless. World-wide martial law? From our goober president? It might happen but he won't be doing it.

Yeah that fucker has the COVIDs! What bullshit! My dog's asshole has the covids if you PCR test it 2^50th power. This goddamn world has lost its mind and most humans are a waste of air.

Seriously there is no hope for mankind. We are doomed. I told a medical tech 2 days ago that 1100 doctors from 2 countries in a unified coalition were against dah covids and she just snickered. Like all German medical doctors are idiots. She just fucking snickered! And this bitch jabs people with needles. What a moron!

Og said...

Stop calling them Q, it's jQ
like it's always has been

Amanda said...

@Harry- Yes, I agree-humanity is doomed. people are too dumbed down and brainwashed to figure this out. The bankers are moving forward with their digital system and getting rid of cash and there doesn't appear to be any opposition.

Harry McFudd said...

Chainsaw you have to put up the latest from SPIRO. He nails it. Kary Mullis was one of us. He used to call Fauci an asshole! OMG ROTFLMAO!!! HE IS! HE IS! A FLAMING RED RECTUM! LOL

Mullis the Nobel prize winner inventor of the PCR test was a straight up vocal disbeliever and activist against the HIV AIDS connection! And was Fauci's nemesis! At a conference Mullis confronted Luc Montagnie who supposedly discovered their fake-ass hiv virus and Montagnie (Mon-tin-yay) couldn't offer any scientific proof. NONE! Holy shit! Just like this stupid Covid the Hiv virus was never isolated. It's the same fucking scam on us. They always use the same bag of tricks.

If Mullis was still with us, they probably killed him, all of this would never have even gotten started. He would have shut this COVID horseshit down. The timing on this death was just odd. He was old but... we should be smelling murder plot.

Best Spiro Video ever!!!! He doesn't put out a lot of vids but when he does he slams it.

Amanda said...

@Harry- Yes, I agree, Spiro did a great job with his last one here:


I totally agree--this is the HIV/AIDS scam all over again, same tricks, as Rappoport has proven. I'm also highly suspicious of the timing of his death, just a month or so before this corona hoax hell show got going. If he was alive, he certainly would have spoken out immediately and they wouldn't have been able to pull it off IMO.

Tim Osman said...

Enough proof that Q is fake/psy-op for future reference:

Q-Anon = 74 (reverse ordinal)
Masonic = 74 (english ordinal)
Q-Anon = 666 (fibonacci)
Q-Anon = 666 (reverse trigonal)
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 2666 (jewish)

---------> 'The Grand Lodge of Texas is one of the largest in the world, reporting *69,099 members in 2019 (6666)'* <----------
The Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas, A.F. & A.M. = 1666 (satanic)

Tim Osman said...


He was indeed murdered, which I've detailed below simply by exposing TPTB's own code, a system of selecting targets they call 'the Loom.'

Kary was born --------> 1188 < -------- weeks before the governor

Kary Banks Mullis = 188 (english ordinal)
Bavarian Illuminati = 188 (english ordinal)
Murder by numbers = 1188 (english sumerian)
The Scottish Rite = 1188 (english sumerian)
The Illuminati = 1188 (reverse english sumerian)
Bavarian Illuminati = 1188 (fibonacci)
Numerical killing = 1188 (trigonal)
The Cabal = 188 (fibonacci)

Recall the Telegate commercial that aired right before 9/11 showing an airliner crashing through a skyscraper?
'Telegate was founded in August 1996 and began offering services in Germany in December of the same year, initially through the number 01199, and later through the number --------> 11880 <--------

Murder by numbers = 854 (fibonacci)
854th prime = 6607
Masonry = 667 (fibonacci)
He died 667 weeks after the date of his Wikipedia photo

He died 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days after the anniversary of California's grand lodge
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 325 (english ordinal)

Kary = 330 (english sumerian)
Kary Mullis = 141 (english ordinal)
Thirty-three (33) = 141 (reverse ordinal)

Kary was 895 months old when he died
Thirty-three (33) = 895 (jewish)
Ritual human sacrifice = 895 (jewish)

He was 888 months old when the governor took office
Thirty-three (33) in Hebrew soffits = 1888

He died 30 weeks, 3 days after the governor took office
His birthday is 3 months, 3 weeks before the anniversary of California's grand lodge
He was 71 years, 333 days old when California's grand lodge Wikipedia seal page was edited

He died exactly 10 years, 33 weeks after his Wikipedia photo was originally uploaded

He was exactly 693 months, 3 weeks (6933) old when Newport Beach's Wikipedia profile was created
933/3 = 311
Thirty-three (33) = 311 (franc baconis)

Kill = 33 (fibonacci full reduction)

He died 5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days after his Wikipedia photo was last uploaded
He died 5 years, 2 weeks, 2 days after Newport Beach's main Wikipedia photo was uploaded
Wikipedia = 522 (english sumerian)
Six six six (666) = 522 (reverse english sumerian)

Tim Osman said...

The governor was 2704 weeks, 1 day (2741) old when he died
Kary was 741 months old on the date of his Wikipedia photo
He was 74 years, 1 month old when his Wikipedia photo was last uploaded
Saturn = 741 (english extended)

Kary died 7 months, 1 week, 3 days after his birthday
Kary Banks Mullis = 713 (satanic)
Saturn in Hebrew gematria = 713
Masonic ritual = 902 (fibonacci)
902nd prime = 7013

He died 301 days after the governor's birthday
Saturn = 310 (fibonacci)
Saturnine in Hebrew gematria = 310
Bavarian (Illuminati) = 310 (fibonacci)

He was 24119 days old on the date of the governor's main Wikipedia photo
He was 59 years, 6 days (566) old when the governor's Wikipedia profile was created
He died 5695 days (5665) after the governor's Wikipedia profile was created
566th prime = 4111
Kill = 411 (fibonacci)
Assassin = 411 (jewish)
Freemason = 411 (satanic)
Mactation (sacrifice) = 411 (satanic)
411th triangular = 84666

He was 3338 weeks old when his Wikipedia photo was originally uploaded
3338 is the duo of 5660

He died 8 years, 210 days after the date of the governor's main Wikipedia photo
821 sum of divisors = 822
822/2 = 411

He was 3682 weeks, 2 days (36822) old when California's grand lodge Wikipedia profile was created
822/2 = 411

He died 201 months, 2 weeks, 6 days after Newport Beach's Wikipedia profile was created
2126 in octal = 4116

He was 69 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 3 days old when Newport Beach's main Wikipedia photo was uploaded
Radius of Saturn at 100mbar = 60,330km
Masonic ritual = 633 (jewish)
411 in octal = 633

Kary died exactly 6 years, 44 weeks after the governor's main Wikipedia photo was last uploaded
He was exactly 56 years, 44 weeks (5644) old when his Wikipedia profile was created or exactly 2966 weeks (2666)
Scottish Rite = 644 (jewish)

He died 1474 days after California's grand lodge Wikipedia profile was created
He died 7 years, 4 months after the date of California's grand lodge Wikipedia logo
He was 74 years old when California's grand lodge Wikipedia logo was reuploaded
He was 74 years old when he died and 74 years old when the governor took office
He died exactly 17 years, 40 weeks (174) after his Wikipedia profile was created
His Wikipedia photo page was edited 1 year, 7 weeks, 4 days after he died
Masonic = 74 (english ordinal)
Killing = 74 (english ordinal)

He was 24542 days old on the date of California's grand lodge Wikipedia logo
Freemasonry = 454 (primes)

He would have been 27669 days (27666) old when his Wikipedia photo page was edited

He was exactly 67 years, 40 weeks (reverse 476) old when the governor's main Wikipedia photo was last uploaded
Homicide = 476 (fibonacci)
Scottish Rite killing = 476 (franc baconis)
Ritual murder (caps) = 476 (reverse francis bacon)
476 is the duo of 666

He was 69 years, 6 months (666) old on the date of Newport Beach's main Wikipedia photo
His last full day alive was 60 months, 2 weeks, 5 days after the date of Newport Beach's main Wikipedia photo
Human sacrifice = 625 (english extended)
Parricidium (murder) = 625 (english extended)

He was born 13999 days (13666) after Newport Beach's incorporation or 1999 weeks (1666)
He died exactly 236 months, 3 weeks (2363) after the ASN of Newport Beach's government domain was registered
He died 2 years, 36 weeks, 3 days after California's grand lodge Wikipedia seal page was edited
363rd triangular = 66066

Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 2666 (jewish)

inthemix16 said...

Sorry. Im sure maybe ill be proved to be wrong but stick your joomatria crap right up your giggy. So if events can be tied to numbers why is it always after the fact.?? Why isnt that dude that told us joomatria predicted the Stanley Cup Finals sitting on a beach right now with a fufu drink and 5 bikini models? Anyone gonna take the Trifecta at Arlington tomorrow. ? Tell me who the World Series winner will be and what the score of the final game will be and then maybe you will have some footin.. What a complete waste of time Tim though i admire your detail and persistence .Great. So? Its after the fact. Why didnt you tap him on the shoulder that day , and like ,dude, like might want to get the butler to taste the soup

BillyBob said...

When is Reyvolt going to feature this Qidiot on his show? She's making the same claims that Jeff from Idaho made week after week!

Tim Osman said...


Ah look, a braindead normie who believes billion-to-one odds are coincidence every time. The guy you're talking about is Zach Hubbard? His track record isn't great with sports, but now you're changing the subject. If you were knowledgeable on him and others, you'd know that several significant predictions came true, such as the August 11, 2019 Temple Mount chaos or Las Vegas shooting (not a detailed prediction, which is impossible, but fairly impressive.) Another YouTuber predicted a Texas false flag over a year in advance, down to the town it occurred in if I recall.

You're bashing something you don't understand and have no experience with. That makes you look dumb, not the original poster.