July 11, 2021

Operation Scorpio 2021.07.10


Scorpio Show # 71 on Revolution.radio

Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome Russ Winter

 Live from 1PM-4PM EDT

Audio: Revolution.Radio Studio A

Feel free to contact me: drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


inthemix16 said...

Hey Scorp,Zepp, All. I did give a heads up in older post i might double post the because thread wasnt related to your show and a bit aged. Apologize to all if you dont find relevant. Volt feel free to delete these posts, if you think its the thing to do . Im reposting the one from last night , largely because im hearing the desire for answers rather than the same regurgitation of what we know . Scrorp , gonna find you at that geeemale accnt and youll find an old platform that you can always use as a frisbee back in the day.
What i didnt get to last nights post was all the info if you dont already know comes originally from Stew Peters show, then further down the river. I like his show but ,,anyone, you have to be cautious IMHO. He came out of nowhere..now hes being propped! Where was Dr. Jane Ruby all this time but for now. ill run with it
PS Glad you all pointed the ownership of sports thing i put a list out while ago. As a hockey fan it took me 30 years to figure out why the MSM treated NHL like an ugly stepchild, while although Quebec City, who built a state of the art arena ,didnt get their team back ,but Seattle got a new one. ?! Whos the Commish? What is the demographic of hockey culture ? So did Winter actually coach a No Tippin Pippen ? thats a trip. If i were Russ..Id just scoot on to Minsk, even more out there, Mogalev, Moscow too expensive , women are hot but you all know problems with that.

inthemix16 said...

this is just post from last night. Im just trying to give yall some answers you can churn around. . Do need to make correction on second post below. . It wasnt the cure for CV19 but the treatment for v a double xx ..................Once again Volt. Delete this all if you see fit. No problemo

Heres the real question i wanted to pose to all here. I see this post is old and i cant get it on that exact shows post, maybe copy this tomorrow.
Im asking here because most here fucking THINK.
Allow me to 'circle back', not giving any credit to the female version of 'What da Zuck' have to go back to about 6 weeks ago on the Ted and Austin Broer show. I believe Austin was splainin how Scamazon was wanting any product of his that contained N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) off the site. From what i understand the subsequently either banned or was in the process of banning NAC. You all know this is a black is white, left is right scenario. Why NAC specifically ?
Well with this Spanish lab coming out with their findings regarding Graphene Oxide i read the entire document / Translation from La Quinta Columna. Below is a great link summarizing ..

Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers.. PS i am a little twitchy being la Quinta meaning 5th Column and new lab/link named Orwall City but thats for another time. lol


We now get AstraZeneca in the party ! Pay attention to paragraph below which is something i have personally subscribed to all along. I know Zeppie will disagree.

Graphene’s property of excitation in high oscillating EMF fields in its electronic absorption bands which correspond to 5G activation bands has also given rise to the speculation that COVID-19 was never about a virus but about chemical poisoning with nano-graphene via flu vaccines and other means in the presence of high frequencies, specifically 5G, further discussed here and in Orwell City’s article on 5G and graphene: La Quinta Columna: ‘Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G’/Orwell City.

In other words, COVID-19 (or symptomatized as such) was caused by Nano-Graphene (from flu vaccines), just as much as the COVID-Vaccinated suffering blood clots , death and “breakthrough” COVID-19 owe all to Nano-Graphene in the COVID vaccines.

Translation. Be careful of docs that push the "its really a virus narrative "! ??Listening Dr. Judy ?

"Further he says (in the video posted below):

inthemix16 said...

“When we studied the electromagnetic phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band‘. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic."

But here is where i find the most significant part...

"We’ve also seen scientific studies from February to September 2020 of a treatment for COVID-19 with N-Acetylcysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. And on the one hand we know that precisely N-acetylcysteine or glutathione itself degrades graphene oxide. That is why we think that we probably hit directly on the causative or etiological agent of the disease. “

"Curiously, the FDA moved to ban n-acetylcysteine last August:

Use N-acetylcysteine? The FDA is trying to make it illegal because it could help treat COVID-19"

Well well, Could THAT be the reason why the FDA is hot and bothered about NAC ? Why the push boosters narrative ? You guys tell me. I dont know im just sayin . I have checked at the local Vitamin Shoppe.Still available. And at Healthmasters to

Now bring in another Lab/Link Orwell City. Cough cough

Dr. José Luis Sevillano talks about how he realized the relationship between 5G and COVID waves, and calls on people to save lives


Keep in mind. And i hate to beat a horse again....

" wanted to tell you that in general, the way I see this whole crisis, this problem, is from a therapeutic point of view. Above all, we are looking for ways of combating what we are experiencing: whether it is chlorine dioxide, whether it is ivermectin, etc. "

Ahha. CLO2 again Andreas Kalker said way back last year, confidently ,," i have a cure for Convid19"

Is there really a treatment for the V A double X ???? I just could never understand why Dr. Judy pushes Saramin (spelling) of which you cannot get yet, ,i think only once i heard her mention CLO2.? I know, way out there. I feel guilty for thinking it!! Was she a person given a deal? As long as you sell a virus rather than a toxic chem? Blah blah..I dont know. Its why im putting it out there and if the show link gets there from Volt excuse me if i repost. All I know is , id be stockin up on the NAC and Liposomal Glutothione .CLo2 costs ya 30$ on Ebay and Glut is easily available.
Just putting it out for you guys there ...

Kossoff said...

In the meantime we are still (((FUCKED))) !!!

Sean said...

Intodix69- you can’t trust the agents of your enemy to provide you with your saviors. You don’t need anything to cure you from a plague that doesn’t exist. Stop being a sucker.

AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

The plague is real and it's call International jew and they spiting loudly what they want to kill us all White Adamic Race;
Just look here on this jew devil; https://rense.com/general96/digital-money.php

Albert said...

--> The Pivotal-QUESTION:

Our "Thinking Processes" are LIKE the website-Thing: Where WHAT you click-on: becomes the Centre-Focus, and other Related items radiate around it ...

Some Folks SEE that: the Hollow-Hoax is the Linch-pin of (((their))) Stranglehold ...

Other "Focus" on Other Pivotal-Points / Angles of "Approach"/"Attack" ...

This "EQUALITY" INSANITY is sooooooooo Bizarre to ME !!! :-o

EVERYTHING* and especially: EVERYONE is DIFFERENT! -- Even Throughout-Our-Lifetimes: we (even the "same" person!) are DIFFERENT!

(*I guess that: Factory produced items, and even Fields-of-Grains etc. ARE virtually-IDENTICAL!)

A NEW "RELIGION" of "Equality", where beLIEving in "EQUALITY" is the "HIGHEST-Virtue", and the: "ENEMY" / OPPOSITION-which-"Must" be DESTROYED are Now ALL:

"Racists" / "Haters" / "Anti-Semitic" / "White-Supremacist-neon-Naaatseee-Extremists" etc....

Has BECOME the PERVASIVE: NOT-to-BE: Questioned, Opposed, Exposed-with-the-TRUTH, Ridiculed-for-its-OBVIOUS-"Contradictions" ...


Yes! -- The (((instigators))) and MANY of (((their))) "useful-Idiots" are NOT even "Interested" in: Logical Refutations, or the MANY Hypocritical-"inconsistencies" ...

-------> But HOW: In MANY Ways / Angles: can the "FALSE-GOD" of the-"Equality"-(((DEATH-CULT))) be UTTERLY-DESTROYED !!!!!!!!!!!!!? :-o

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

(Nicer-spelling) *Lynch-pin

Sean said...

No, it’s not.

Albert said...

The "idea" of "EQUALITY" ... is Utterly-INSANE !!! ... and will DESTROY the WORLD !!! 😮

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

The bizarre "idea" of "Equality" IS a Pivotal-QUESTION:

Because: the "Christians" and WHITES who are "virtue-(signalling)-ously" ACTUALLY doing-the-dirty-work of: DESTROYING Our Societies and the FUTURE of the WHITE-Race ...

--> Are "Suicidally"-DRIVEN BY this: "EQUALITY"-(((CULT))) !!! :-o

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

Wow !!! Yes!

the Asha Logos IS indeed a MUST Watch !!! :-)




🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

THIS is GREAT picture Quality !!! :-o


inthemix16 said...

First... Sean/Uknown/ Miller. Huh?? WTF are you talkin? This is an English forum , not Hebrew.Another frustrating night you couldnt score at the gay brothels in Tel Aviv..? Yes i told you get it right . Its, intoblkdix16.. Kisses lover boy ..Lets round up some gerbils someday and have a paaatey! I know you want me and are so obsessed ..smooch smooch

As usual great show. but some of these peeps that call in. ..They mean well. But will you all please stop thinking you live under rule of law already ? Study your enemy..Your Constitution doesnt mean jack shit to these reptiles. " Oh Trump just did a lawsuit against "big tech"...Big fucking deal. The trajectory is youll be dead before that sniffs the courtroom ..One more reason to keep you sitting on your ass instead of going to Target and picking up a few cases of canning jars and quarts of super glue,,like that one Chap from England speaks of. .....lol

In a way it was encouraging that the newbies are tuning in. Dont stop calling , its the best show, and blog, if you cant get past "Sean" chasing / stalking your tail , and knowing "IT" wants to have its way wit you... but , ,like Zeppie always alludes to, until you get a more militant mentality , your fucked. Go watch "Red Dawn' for cryin out loud at least for entertainment. Its pretty good ,but stop thinking "Judge Mother Fucker " from Presumed Innocent, is going to come to your rescue !! It was very painful to listen to these pussified people calling in and thinking their Constitution gonna save them , but then again, give them credit. .. You didnt hear my pussified ass calling in did ya ?

From what i understood the show was about solutions ..Look above .. Scorp , Zepp, Russ..Fetz, Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my, i dont know how you still keep going. Much much respect !! I am truly worried about Fetzer. ..Health. Seems the last year is getting to him. But unlike "Sean" who sees your booty as a nice target, Fetzer is a true warrior.I dont agree with all he says, but he IMHO , he is the what we all should admire as someone that will be fighting till the day he goes for his country and people!!! Well ill leave with what i think would be another great idea as a guest, along with Adreas Kalker,Brother Nat, and many more. (go to Bro Nat's board. He will engage you for sure)..Anyway...Scott Bennet. Dont trust him 100%, but he has the benefit in my world ...Oh to hear Zeppie and Bro Nat chit chat would be pay per view !

Panzerfaust said...

What's the story on Ladyhorse? I heard, er read, she's a Jew that took some ownership of RR after Nighthawk's death. Dispell or confirm.

Linda said...

Have a listen and check out the lyrics to the 30+ year old song 'Coded Languages' by a UK band called Hawkwind.

Albert said...


Albert said...

WHY are Most CATS Licking-Themselves all of the Time?....... Because ONLY Millionaire-Mansion Cats HAVE: (rattle-rattle-rattle-----bu-dump-bump!) "Cata-combs"! 😉

Albert said...

What do Kittens Say: When They HURT-Themselves?

"Me---OW"! :-o


Panzerfaust said...


Albert said...

Mittens-Romney TOLD of How:

His BIG-Family would Go on Trips in Their Station-wagon with Their Pet-dog ...

Each Time they would ASK Him:

"Do YOU want to Go-in-the-back with the Children, or on-the-Roof by-Yourself? ..."

--> The Dog would ALWAYS "Choose" the: "Roooof"


Albert said...

WHY are DOGS Always Licking-Themselves?

--> Because their women are ALL: BITCHES !!! ;-)

Albert said...

WHY are CAMELS called: The "Ships of the Desert"?

Because they are Full of Arab-Sea-men! :-o

Albert said...

WHY do jews BITE-the-End-Of Babies'-Penises OFF!?

It is the WAY (((they))) Go-on-'Dates'! :-o

Because WHEN (((they))) ASK Girls ...

THEY Always SAY: "Fuck-OFF, CREEP!"

... Unless (((they))) PAY Them LOTS of Money!

Little-boys are a CHEAP-'Date' and (((they))) even Get PAID: To Suck-(((Their)))-BLOOD!

Albert said...

Two ANTS on a Palm-Tree ... in the Desert ...

It is Friday ...

The One Asks the Other:

"Want to GO on a DATE?"


Albert said...

Two ANTS on a Palm-Tree ... in the Desert ...

It is Friday ...

The One Asks the Other:

"Want to GO-OUT: on a DATE?"


Albert said...

What is the DIFFERENCE between jews, and arabs?

--> At "Least" the Muslims "Marry"* THEIR Little-Girls! :-o

*"Following" the "example" of THEIR "prophet" ...

(As they GET a "Dowry" 'thrown-in' ... maybe it SHOULD BE: "Profit"! ;-) )

Albert said...

What is the DIFFERENCE Between a: Blushing-Filipina-"Bride" ..... and a Soul-Sucking-Harpie-WITCH!?

... TEN-YEARS ....

......... Unless the "Citizenship, and Divorce-Laws have-CHANGED! ;-)

Albert said...

A muslim, a jew, and a "christian" ... "walk-into-a-bar" ...

and the "bar-tender" ASKS:

Will it BE: a $64,000: "Pizza", or "Hot-Dog" for YOU: Barry?

Albert said...

A muslim ASKS a Goat: "Can I have-sex with You?"

The Goat SAYS: "Naaaaah!!!!!" ....

So he RAPES the Goat...

A jew ASKS a Bird: "How much for 'Sex"?"

The Bird SAYS: "Cheap Cheap!"

So He tosses the Bird some Chicken-Feed.

Has "Sex" with it, CUTS-its-Throat, and Swings its-Bloody-Corpse around his-Head!

A black ASKS a Cow: "Can I Lick the SHIT off Your-"Arse"?"

The Cow SAYS: "Mooo!" -- Which in ni88er-speak "means": "Yes!" :-o

A "street-shitter" ASKS a Prostitute for Sex: "Buba-Dooba... how much Ru-pees* for sex?"

She says: "I 'only' have THREE venereal-diseases, so-far!"

("Ru" means "RED", "Pee" means: "PeePee"/"Penis"!)

A chinese-'man' ASKS a Prostitute for Sex: "I give You Good-DOG, for Sex!"

"She" says: "Maaaa Maaaaaa Maaaa Ma!"

A Western-Tourist ASKS a "Tai-Girl", in a Bar for Sex:

HE says: "I show You 'GOOD-TIME' .... Joe!"


Albert said...


Albert said...

Yes! -- When it Comes to: "NON-Whites" ...

--> It is ALL "Beastiality" !!! :-o ;-)

Panzerfaust said...

Do you have schizophrenia? Serious question.

Albert said...

As Giuseppe would Say:

"The 'Theme' Today was:

Jokes on Animal-Sound WORDS, and Other Word-Jokes, and "Ethnic-Slurs"! ;-)

Cats go: Me-ow

Dogs: Rufff, Ruff!

Birds: Cheep, Cheap!

Cows: Moooo!

Goats: Naaah!

chinese: "Maaaa Maaaaaa Maaaa Ma!"

blacks: Oooga Booga! Gibbs ME DATT!

indians: "Buba-Dooba... how much Ru-pees..."

scardy-"cat" Goes: On and onnn, and on, and ON, and ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o


Panzerfaust said...

Sliding the questions I see. Your hatred of Scardy Cat goes beyond just annoyance. It seems in fact ethnic.

Albert said...

A Crazy-Annoying-brown-Indian-Bengali-Muslim-bitch:

Calls into a: MALE "White-Supremacist" Political Talk Show ....

SOUNDS like a "JOKE" ....

But, it IS: NO JOKE indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-(

Jim is a real "sap" ...... when it comes to: "bitches" ...

But, He's Quite a "Strong-Manly-Military-Man" .... When it come-to (USING/ABUSING His 'POWER': to "SILENCE":

GREAT-Caller: Honest Insightful Straight-Talking Actually-Street-WISE: Caller-Paul! :-(

As they say: "There's NO Fool .... like an OLD-Fool!" ;-)

Albert said...

A Crazy-Annoying-brown-Indian-Bengali-Muslim-bitch:

Calls into a: MALE "White-Supremacist" Political Talk Show ....

SOUNDS like a "JOKE" ....

But, it IS: NO JOKE indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-(

Indeed ....... a NEVER-ENDING: HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Her Muslim "Husband" probably "just" Slaps-Her, or is / goes into: Another-ROOM [with another "wife"!?] ...
WHEN She Begins ..................... but Jim, is HER "Bitch" ............ and Thus: OUR:

"BAIN ....... capital*" !!! :-o

(A PAIN in OUR HEAD, Neck, etc!)

Albert said...

I "Spent" 3+ YEARS in Indian over 4-Trips .......

Yes! "Street-Shitters"!

My Indian "Joke":

WHY do they HAVE: Pee-Walls* in India?

--> Because it is NOT "Nice" to SMELL: SHIT ..... EVERYWHERE !!!!!!!!!!!! :-o ;-)

*Sometimes a WHOLE Block-Long-Sidewalk WALL !!!!!!!!
-- It REALLY REEKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Albert said...


There is NO "Equality" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Especially between the Different-RACES !!!!!!!!!

"Freedom" MEANS: Freedom-of-ASSOCIATION !!!

"Enrichment", "Mixing-Up" ... is an un-ending "Living"-HELL !!! :-o

The "Point" of "Nations" ... WITH a COMMON:

Ancestry, Language, and Culture ...

--> Is so that EVERYTHING is a JOY (in WHITE Nations!) ...

And the many "tiny" "Differences" there-in ... ENHANCE: That un-ending JOY !!! :-)

Not "just" in the Language, but in Every Aspect:

We have EVERYTHING in Common ...

And THEN it is just a Matter of Finding Folks whom you Find MORE Fun to Spend Time WITH / Around / CARING-About More! :-)

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

Well ... BACK to the "Paranormies" !!! ;-)

Panzerfaust said...

I doubt Jim Fetzer would describe his program as a "white supremacist show".
Why don't YOU call in?

Albert said...

One: "Catches MORE 'Flies'" with "Honey" than "Vinegar" ...

Often the "cleverest" way to DESTROY Something / Someone ...

Is NOT by the Obvious (and thus far EASIER to Confront / Repel!): "Attack" / "Assault" ...

But by POSING: as a "Friend" (To GAIN "Confidence" hence: "CON-man"!) ... and "AGREEING" with Someone!

--> We ALL LIKE Someone who "Agrees" with us ... and are "offended" / "hurt" by someone who:

Dis-agrees with / "criticizes" us! ;-)

50 Years ago the "British" made a TV-Show called: "It ain't half Hot Mum" ...

It featured a slew of "Faggy" Brits (Literally a Stage-Troop of "entertainers"!) ...

and a (White-man with brown-face-makeup!) Kiss-Up-"Indian" who had the HILARIOUS "catch-phrase":

--> "We British" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

Scared-Shitless slyly "Filibusters", and USES her "Feminine"-Kiss-upiness ...

To Literally PUSH-OUT (By running-out-the-Clock! -- AND "Stroking"-Jim's-"Ego" and "White-Knight"-Programming-Evoking) ...

Actually-GREAT and Straight-Talking To-the-POINT Callers Like Paul !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

--> A FAR FAR more Effective "clever"-strategy ... than Confrontational Aggressive-jews: "Attacking" with: You're an "Anti-Semite" etc...

Once Jim was even Literally-DRIVEN to Blurt-Out:

To Paul's Statement: "Non-Whites SHOULDN'T be EMPLOYED in OUR Government-Positions ..."

Jim: "That's RAYYYCIST!"

Panzerfaust said...

Yeah, you and Paul both pushed viruses are fake and he also went on the record saying the Moon itself is fake, and then there's the shouting over the guest and your psychotic diatribes.

Real examples of white intelligence lmao

Albert said...

The Following is a Conversation between Emperor-Penguins (One of whom just-happens to be called: "Panzerfaust") ...

"Panzerfaust": Aren't YOUR: Feet COLD!? -- Why don't You WEAR some: Socks? Or Boots, or Clothes?!

"Huddled-Masses": Wait, are You trying to imply: that there is ANYTHING "weird" about a Mass of ("Naked")-Guys: Huddling-Together for WARMTH ... in-the-Middle-of-the-Night ... in-Snow ... Near the "Antarctic"?!

-- WE have EGGS on OUR-Feet! --- It's Perfectly-NATURAL Behaviour!

"Panzerfaust" (Distancing-HIMSELF still FURTHER AWAY!): It just Seems "psychotic" to me! ...
Why Don't YOU ever Call into Jim-Fetzer's Show?! -- And How come You Don't "Enjoy" a Crazy-Indian-Muslim-Bitch calling in? -- It seems like ethnic "hatred"!

"Huddled-Masses": DUDE! -- We're ALL Emperor-Penguins! -- WHY would WE even WANT to "Listen to" a Crazy-Bengali-Muzzy-SHIT?!
-- And, besides ...... "Panzer-Fist" ... or should we SAY: Panzy-FIST!? ---- SOUNDS a bit "Gay" Yourself Dude! -- Just Saying! ;-)


Kossoff said...

Wow how many disinfo retards can be on 1 blog? flat earth, moon is fake, planet x, some Jews are good, fake blood, laser beams, holographic planes, body doubles, simunition, Trump will save us, so much bullshit no one will ever do anything. Talk shit do nothing that's how it goes year after year. Maybe an asteroid will kill us all or the aliens from a far away galaxy. I hope it's just a dream I can't awaken from.

Albert said...

..... Some Months Later ....

ALL of the Happy Mother-Emperor-Penguins RETURN to Their Happy Healthy: Husbands and Chicks ...

and "Panzerfaust" is seen some ways off: FROZEN all by-Himself ... covered with snow ... since He FROZE-to-DEATH ... Quite some-Time ago! ...

--> It's CALLED: "BITTER-COLD" ...

But There's NO-"NEED" to Be "Bitter"-in-SPIRIT ... There ARE Still Plenty of Our OWN-Kind "Out-There" Still !!! :-)

-- IF you WANT to be HAPPY !!! -- That is ...

--- Just "Reach-Out" ... And DON'T Always be Such a "Winey-Bitter-'Bitch'!" ;-)

... ALL of the Time! ;-)

Albert said...

THESE Three Parts look FUN!:




The one on the bottom, with the droopy-tits looks like: "Scaredy-Cat" ! ;-)

Albert said...


Scott Roberts:


Kyle and Sinead:


Albert said...


Sean said...

Yeah man- when you (literally) have all the money in the world, you can stack the deck with mountains of bullshit, spewed by hundreds of false opposition shills, until nobody can uncover anything useful or real anymore. Notice how none of these shills speak of the root of all these problems anymore- the (((federal reserve)))? Give a (((man))) the legal right, backed by the full force of all governments, to counterfeit the worlds currencies, and (((he))) will rule the world. The rest is just Jew subversion of our “movement”.

Sean said...

Self indulgent prediction- This current (((space race))) by the actors that head the “private space programs” are positioning the next great grift upon the world’s people. These companies will retool for defense from the space invasion when project jewbeam goes live. Our new “space heroes” (Branson, musk, bezos) will be showered with trillions of global space force money to defend earth from hostile space forces, who hate us cuz our freedumbs, we eat the animals, and have done nothing to prevent (((globull warming))). I anyone is still in the (((stock market))), my tinfoil investment strategy would be to buy these companies and ride spaceforce to the moon!

Panzerfaust said...

I you were here 5 years or more ago you would know how this site used to be.

Panzerfaust said...

Even on RBN, last night "Robert Reyvolt" covered Hal Turner's advice on shooting vax feds. Hal Turner the FBI informant!!!

Sean said...

I remember when Reyvolt was still pretty hardcore- calling out hoaxes, instead of participating in them.

Sean said...

I was just listening to robert’s show. Haven’t listened in a while and like mainstream media, if you don’t listen for a while, it shocks you how much more ridiculous it has become. I don’t think Robert appreciates his handlers ordering him to turn shill since trump’s selection. Doesn’t sound like he wants to do it at all anymore, thinking they might soon retire his character.

Panzerfaust said...

Jimbo got roped in by the Stormfronters

inthemix16 said...

Think i overestimated this blog. Reminds me of the Old ZH days when the comment board was the total shit...Its what made ZH..Now. Embarrassment. None of the epic posters Like Longsoupline that would inform you and have you laughing your ass off at the same time. And so was Inthemix..Oh but tyler durdenstein banned all those people It blows me away how many see ZH as nothing other than CNN with pink lipstick..You would have loved ZH when it started. Oh what a coincidence. 2008 This place seamed lots like the old ZH ...Sometimes i wonder.."Sean" had the best thought process, comments!!That was some interesting insightful shit you had ,.. Maybe like what i mentioned of Stew Peters.. Like him,but where the fuck did he come out of knowhere? Jane Ruby to . RR controlled. ? I thought he was a loose canon I sure feel naive.And stupid which is nothing new in my world ,,Gonna listen for that.thx There are some ive wondered seem like they checked out and we dont notice. or seems like a tappin on the shoulder has happened ??? THE number one i never get is Dr Preston James.. Well i think i know why.. Might be about a piece he did in VT years back. Just a hunch. Georgia Peach?? John Friend? Richie from Boston seems like he said fuck it..Paul English and many others. I dont blame them seeing what i read here...not a day goes by where i think why waste one more second??

Panzerfaust said...


This too has really gone downhill over the past few years. Must be a coincidence.

AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

Here is "TheCrowhouse" link, GOOD update situation in jew Satan stronghold Australia. In 37 minute is clip of absolute proof that the building in Miami was controlled demolition...

Scorpio said...

That Igan vid is excellent - thanks for the link AR
No question now the building was demoed

Panzerfaust said...

Fetzer has COVID