October 24, 2023

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations All Over The world + Propaganda And The Promised Land + Israeli Unit 8200 - Rense Video + Johnny WarPig Bolton on Iran + ((( GREMLINS ))) - TRUETUBE + Ain't No Rock and Roll - Five Times August And More

Manifestation Pro-Palestine à Paris

Massive protests in NYC

🇨🇦 Private Canadian News 🇨🇦

* Suggested by Les Visible *
That song is worth several periods of attentiveness. Meanwhile…. all around The World, those who have simply had enough of Israel running an open-air concentration camp and shooting range have taken to the streets. To counter this we have the usual bobble-headed flamingos on drinking glasses… jabbering… under extreme pressure to say what they are told to say.

The elite have risen to the occasion… like farts finding their way out of the darkness of The Earth; like germinating plants… from asses long buried and feeding on awful things; if the smells are any indication. What this has shown is that the oppressors of Gaza are in a tiny minority against the far greater masses awakened to react to them.

In all cases… those masses… were transported into the cities of The West by those very folk who are the oppressors of Gaza. Did they think they were clearing out The Middle East, and that those they had transplanted… would instead inflict their injuries on the residents of The Greater Gaza… that is the concentration camps of The World, ruled over by those who own everything they thought was worth having or… useful to their ends? - Les Visible

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Rense Video
This Is Worldwide Mind Control
CNN get their asses kicked out of Gaza
Unit 8200 DOES NOT decide What Palestinians Will Think About It


Targets of the "Brave" IDF soldiers
Israeli politician blows up after her colleague said All Children Are Equal. She responds: "There is no symmetry, and the children of Gaza brought it upon themselves."

Israeli politician goes insane when it’s suggest a Jewish child is just as valuable as a non-Jewish child.

Here's what a REAL headless baby looks like, Shapiro!


10-year-old Tala (👆) was mourned for 3 excruciating days by her mother after Israeli savage attacks flattened their house. Given human remains, the mom had bittersweet instinct that it was someone else's body parts.

Tala's own uncle confirmed mom's doubts, after hearing the girl groaning under weight of rubble she slept under for 3 whole days, and miraculously dug her out alive.

More than 12 thousand tons of explosives dropped on Gaza Strip by Israel in just 18 days - 5,791 KILLED, more than half are CHILDREN - AT LEAST 1,550 still trapped under the rubble. Sadly, very few, if any, will live to share their story like Tala.  

With the bombing of Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which killed over 500, and is being BLAMED on Israel and the U.S., the black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran, shown above.  This is in Islamic Scripture!

"When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa from Allah, the Mahdi"

- Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar

FLASH: Black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine - Islam is going to all-out war

🔫 HUMILIATING AMBUSH in Khan Yunis, Southern Gaza grips Israeli soldiers who cross border fence for several meters, only to be met with infiltrating Palestinian resistance fighters waiting for them on the other side who IMMEDIATELY destroy 2 Israeli bulldozers and tank, forcing Israeli forces to FLEE BY FOOT.

Above image shows badass poster by Palestinian resistance published shortly after the ambush inviting Israeli soldiers to fuck around and find out.

Fighting is not so easy when it's something other than bombing women and children from afar!


 * Suggested by Noor al Haqiqa *

Better wake the fuck up - Bill Cooper

If you say so, Sunak (see video of delusional UK PM☝️ ), if you consider de-securitizing Israel with a couple motorcycles and paragliders (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/28844?single) while Zelensky continues to beg for more money (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29525) after an actually failed inoffensive counteroffensive...

Western leaders say it, so they think it must be true.
 Putin discusses the escalation of US forces near Israel
Essentially stating at 2:00 that: "This is not a threat, but Americans have moved their carrier groups within range of our hypersonics."

((( GREMLINS )))
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 Umbra Bellator on October 22, 2023 at 4:38 pm:

“U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the European Union chief Ursula Von Der Leyen, are among the Western leaders who have blood dripping from their hands.” … All of the aforementioned are treasonous scum who fully deserve to suffer paralyzing fear and excruciating pain prior to their public executions, which can’t come soon enough.

None of them though are “Western leaders” as they are nothing but compromised to the core rape puppets of the satanic Jew World Order psychopaths, all of them all too willing to get on all fours and offer up both ends to be vigorously sodomized by Shlomo and the Kosher Nostra Boyz for 40 pieces of silver and fleeting occupancy of a fancy office from which they don’t actually do Jack-shit other than what they’re told to do and read the scripts presented to them by some hooked-nose degenerate. And that’s not “blood dripping from their hands”, it’s the semen and felch from being repeatedly and willingly gang-banged by the most evil, psychotic race to ever get squirted out of Satan’s asshole.

“Israeli supporters thirst for these lies. They do not want to know the truth. The truth would force them to examine their racism, self-delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide.” … Recognizing the truth about how dangerously stupid it is for supporting Israhell and not seeing the Jew for what they really are, would also force them to examine their “complicity in oppression, murder and genocide” of themselves, their cuntry, and their fellow citizens, and nobody likes to admit they could have been SO bloody wrong about things SO obviously fucking evil.

Since the actual law of Jewry commands them to subvert, degrade, and destroy everyone and everything not of their satanic tribe of homicidal maniacs, anything short of sealing them off on a remote island or chasing them through the streets and annihilating them only contributes to the abject enslavement and demise of everyone else.

THE most dangerously stupid dumb-fucks to ever get squeezed out of a vagina have to be Christian Zionists and Evangelicals. Their suicidal stupidity should have them classified as legit terrorists.

The author mentions lies, big and bigger, related to Israel and the Jew, but failed to mention the absolute whoppers of the holohoax, the holocaust that never was but sure should have been, and the Book of Bullshit proclaiming those depraved degenerates to be the “chosen people” of “God” but fail to mention THEIR “god” is Satan and they are dedicated to evil. Then there were all the atrocities, raping of nations, and mass murders they committed then covered with massive lies such as 9/11, the predatory banking system, the Jew bolsheviks murdering tens of millions of Christians, and so on and so on and so on….


Chunk The Groundhog uploaded: Shocking! Hot Air Ballon Passing Chunk Land!

From the moment you decide to ride roughshod over creation,
To dominate and conquer with unbridled ambition,
You set yourself on a path of cold isolation,
A journey that will lead to your own destruction.

You trample on the world with no thought for its beauty,
Wielding your power with cruel impunity,
Ravaging the land and razing the trees,
Ignoring the cries of nature, riding rough as you please.

But in the end, all your selfishness will catch up with you,
For the wrath of the earth is a force that’s true,
And it will rise up against your callous abuse,
Bringing you to your knees, no more to refuse.

You’ll feel the weight of your actions, heavy as lead,
As your arrogance gives way to fear and dread,
And you realize the true cost of your reckless tread,
Leaving you with nothing but regrets, and longings dead.

So if you wish to ride roughshod over creation,
Think twice before embracing destruction as your mission,
For the world is a fragile and precious creation,
Deserving of your reverence, and utmost attention.

 Kaftan 1776 on October 24, 2023

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