November 29, 2023

Rocket Attack In Israel (#168) ft @theSalukie - Title Changed to "I Went To Israel During The War"


Noor al Haqiqa said...

I lasted 15 minutes of this. Blah. Seriously. BLAH.

Sean said...

He’s “not a Jew”, but he looks like one and speaks Hebrew, ok, sure, jewboy. Looks like nothing is happening there, just as I suspected. I like the nonsense “hostage” posters everywhere, as if someone will find these fake victims under their beds. Nothing but psy-ops as usual. I just watched a vid on Lincoln karim’s YouTube channel, of a “father”, of a released crises actor hostage, and the father was non other than a slimmed down “gene rosen” from the sandy hoax- the world is a stage

Scorpio said...

No sign of damage anywhere other than an empty lot that had already been cleared where a damaged building supposedly stood. As usual, no proof - just take our word for it.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz said...

it was boring and stupid

but if Zap didn't tell us jewwood


Adanac said...
